First time I've watched psu-osu since 94... my Dad passed that day so I was kinda numb and had only vague recollections of the plays. Watching tonite had me understanding why we dropped in some polls despite the big final score.
Until Eddie george went down, it was a game... yeah, you figured we'd wear them down and win it handily but it wasn't a foregone conclusion early into the 2nd qtr. And even at 28-0, that blown interception call led to 35-0 and the full rout was on. But osu was hitting us hard and playing tough (a harbinger of things to come in 95/96).
As the game wore on, the talent of the lions surged and the outcome was obvious. But voters elsewhere likely lumped penn state with michigan, and michigan with colorado... and colorado got smacked by kNU. That wisconsin put it to michigan at michigan did not help much.
So while we were dominant, we didn't dominate out the gate like we did vs usc. The halftime score might have been the same, but how we got there felt different. Play that game with a healthy Eddie George (and their FG kicker connects early to make it 7-3) and we still win, but it could have been interesting.
Sure, I still think we were the best team in the country, but I now understand why some in the midwest thought different. That said, how in F any voter in ohio voted for kNU is something else altogether... bunch of chickenshit sore losers.