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View profile</span> <div class="fontsize2 " id="body_sum" style="COLOR: #666666"> Better pray for RAIN !!!!! </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: white"><span class="fontsize0"> <span class="noscripthide scripthide script12inline lk hide" id="oh_l">More options</span></span> <span class="fontsize2">Mar 3 1996, 3:00 am</span></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="scripthide cb" id="oh"> <div class="exh"> <div class="fontsize2"> <div style="PADDING-LEFT: 20px; TEXT-INDENT: -16px"> Newsgroups: </div> <div style="PADDING-LEFT: 20px; TEXT-INDENT: -16px"> From:
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Gene <> </div> <div style="PADDING-LEFT: 20px; TEXT-INDENT: -16px"> Date:
1996/03/09 </div> <div style="PADDING-LEFT: 20px; TEXT-INDENT: -16px"> Subject:
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Find messages by this author </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb cb fontsize2 " id="body"> <div id="inbdy"> <a name="msg_bdda454c67e9e8ca"></a>Mississippi State has something better, Eric DuBose, Keith Dilgard, David
Hooten, Jeremy Jackson, Scot Polk, Van Johnson and Brett Wheeler. The best
pitching staff in the SEC, bar none.
Gene Swindoll
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View profile</span> <div class="fontsize2 hide" id="body_sum" style="COLOR: #666666"></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: white"><span class="fontsize0"> <span class="noscripthide scripthide script12inline lk " id="oh_l">More options</span></span> <span class="fontsize2">Mar 13 1996, 3:00 am</span></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="scripthide cb" id="oh"> <div class="exh"> <div class="fontsize2"> <div style="PADDING-LEFT: 20px; TEXT-INDENT: -16px"> Newsgroups: </div> <div style="PADDING-LEFT: 20px; TEXT-INDENT: -16px"> From: (JMACLSU) </div> <div style="PADDING-LEFT: 20px; TEXT-INDENT: -16px"> Date:
1996/03/13 </div> <div style="PADDING-LEFT: 20px; TEXT-INDENT: -16px"> Subject:
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Find messages by this author </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mb cb fontsize2 " id="body"> <div id="inbdy"> <a name="msg_2a5cf88481e4cd68"></a>Subject: Re: You Play L.S.U.???
Gene <swind>
Date: 9 Mar 1996 03:24:29 GMT
Message-ID: <
[email protected]>
<div class="qt" id="qhide_236702" style="DISPLAY: block"> >Mississippi State has something better, Eric DuBose, Keith Dilgard, David
>Hooten, Jeremy Jackson, Scot Polk, Van Johnson and Brett Wheeler. The
>pitching staff in the SEC, bar none.
Gene Swindoll
Gene I think State better stick to basketball when you mention LSU.
Football, Baseball, Track, Golf, Tennis, Swimming, Diving etc is best left
to the real tigers in the SEC.
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1996/03/14 </div> <div style="PADDING-LEFT: 20px; TEXT-INDENT: -16px"> Subject:
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> Hey
Gene I think State better stick to basketball when you mention LSU.
> Football, Baseball, Track, Golf, Tennis, Swimming, Diving etc is best left
> to the real tigers in the SEC.
</div> ^^^^^^
Spelling flame!! You misspelled 'Gators.'
-- Dr.D
(when -is- the last time LSU won anything in swimming?)
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