If the rule requires a "<span style="font-weight: bold;">distinct</span> kicking motion" there's no way in Hell that goal should be disallowed. "LOCK IT DOWN."
Isn't it illegal to contact the goalie in the crease? Surprised the commentators never mentioned it. Looked like obvious interference to me. But they've changed goalie rules the last couple years. Not sure what the current rule is.
And I guess they did rule a kick on the first disallow. Total ********. With a defender pinning his leg down there's no way he can make a kicking motion. Morrow was trying to put on the brakes. He couldn't even see where the puck was.
"DISTINCT" kicking motion? That's like "indisputable evidence" in the NFL. If you've gotta take a 3 minute look, there's nothing distinct about it. ****.