Here is why I think


New member
Jun 25, 2006
Croom is a +@%*++@ idiot.

Ellis just said the spring game was 6-0 in overtime.

Hey Croom, put your 1st team O against the walkon and Daddy boy defense and score about 40.(although I'm not sure you could even do that)
Put your 1st team D against the Daddy boy O and pitch a shut out.(Guaranteed if we run your so called WCO)
That will give the sheep and the don't know **** about football crowd something to be fired up about.
You wouldn't fool me, but you would most idiot fans.
Damn man, act like you have some smart.



New member
Jun 25, 2006
Croom is a +@%*++@ idiot.

Ellis just said the spring game was 6-0 in overtime.

Hey Croom, put your 1st team O against the walkon and Daddy boy defense and score about 40.(although I'm not sure you could even do that)
Put your 1st team D against the Daddy boy O and pitch a shut out.(Guaranteed if we run your so called WCO)
That will give the sheep and the don't know **** about football crowd something to be fired up about.
You wouldn't fool me, but you would most idiot fans.
Damn man, act like you have some smart.



New member
Jun 25, 2006
calling you a football idiot, but that what I'm talking about. Who wants to go watch that ****? No wonder I haven't been to SBW in 5 years.Look at us .No excitement. No Prez. 2 ADs and no baseball coach. We look like a monkey fuc king a football around there.

Aug 20, 2006
saddawg said:
We look like a monkey fuc king a football around there.

And that, my friend, is why I havent been in three years. Im sorry you put yourself through it.

/Nothing a few beers wont make you forget till the fall.</p>


BigMotherTucker said:
saddawg said:
We look like a monkey fuc king a football around there.

And that, my friend, is why I havent been in three years. Im sorry you put yourself through it.

/Nothing a few beers wont make you forget till the fall.</p>

granted i'm the first to talk bad about croom's offense, but we were 8-5 last year, beating alabama, auburn, and ole miss, not to mention we won a bowl, if we look just as crappy on offense this coming season and go 8-5 again, i have to admit that i'll be all on board......</p>


New member
Jan 10, 2007
but I don't think saddawg was necessarily talking x's and o's when complaining about the spring game. I think he was saying that it would be nice to have a fun spring game to generate some fan excitement instead of making it like a root canal to where nobody wants to go watch it. If we're going to play D and have lousy offense to win "real" games, we might as well let the guys have some fun in the spring game instead of grinding out a spring game victory.


New member
Oct 10, 2006
Bulldoghair said:
BigMotherTucker said:
saddawg said:
We look like a monkey fuc king a football around there.

And that, my friend, is why I havent been in three years. Im sorry you put yourself through it.

/Nothing a few beers wont make you forget till the fall.</p>

granted i'm the first to talk bad about croom's offense, but we were 8-5 last year, beating alabama, auburn, and ole miss, not to mention we won a bowl, if we look just as crappy on offense this coming season and go 8-5 again, i have to admit that i'll be all on board......</p>

I'd say there's VERY little chance of that happening. We deserved to be 8-5 last year, but I don't believe that our defense will be able to continue carrying us like that.</p>


New member
Jan 10, 2007
It's like a group of kindergarteners puts together this joke of an event. It could be so, so much more. Hopefully Byrne will recognize that and really emphasize the marketing and PR aspects of the job, because that is what has been lacking during the previous admin.


New member
Jun 25, 2006
to bash him, Croom sheep. Mr. satisfied with 3 wins next year.
Costanza got what I was saying.



Well-known member
Jun 1, 2004
hot dogs and peanuts. The spring game should be a showcase of offense for the sole purpose of getting the fans fired up about the coming fall. Unfortunately, I think the maroon squad was facing a mix of the 2nd & 3rd string defense and managed only 6 freakin points! Why is it so damn hard to move the football downfield on a consistent basis?

Thanks Croom & Woody.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
hell nobody has the time to type that much. Croom can <17>up faster than you can post.

Cains Major

No offense??? Sounds like offense to me, just no scoring.

You guys just now figuring it out, I haven't attended a spring game, in maybe 25 years, but all of you go, and please by plenty of peanuts, coke, etc. etc. You just aren't really see anything in a spring game.


New member
May 28, 2007
Croom loses in the fall? Jesus Christ, we won 8 games last year. I'll join the chorus if we suck in the fall, but the damn spring game was just as as vanilla last year, and we're 8-5 in the fall. You're either bitching for the sake of bitching, bitching out of boredom, or bitching because of some other reason that you just don't like Croom, because the last time we stepped off the field, we had just won our 8th game. Give it a freaking rest for the time being.


New member
Mar 22, 2008

Wouldn't you say that FOUR consecutive years of having one of the worst offenses in football is a trend? Again, that was not the point of the original post, but there is no reason that it can't morph into the same old argument because it IS a trend. If all things stay the same and the Crooms Crap Offense doesn't improve, you won't have your precious 8 wins next year guaranDAMNteed. I give Crooms all the credit in the world for winning a bowl game last year and having a great season, but the bastard better show something more on offense next year or he deserves all the criticism he gets.


New member
May 28, 2007
<span style="font-weight: bold;">"...bastard better show something more on offense next year or he deserves all the criticism he gets."</span>

but can we wait until "next year" to heap on the criticism? You know, when it's deserved?


New member
Jun 25, 2006
I'll try to do that. But first, I said last year and the year before and the year before that we would be one of the worst Offensive teams in the country. I'm gonna go wayyyy out on a limb and predict the same for this year. I'll try to say no more.
Ya know, I could stomach it more if Croom were a D coordinator at one time like Jackie. He was a defensive minded guy. Croom was a NFL O coordinator. That is what makes it worse. He's supposed to be an offensive guy.



New member
Jul 20, 2012
Its like talking to Crooms son or something. Anybody defending that monkey-<17> called the "CroomCoastOffense" is retarded. Oh, and the offense had nothing to do with Garrett switching his commitment either, even though he made mention of theirs.</p>


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
DowntownDawg said:
<span style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">"...bastard better show something more on offense next year or he deserves all the criticism he gets."</span>

but can we wait until "next year" to heap on the criticism? You know, when it's deserved?

</p>No, I won't wait until next year to criticize Croom. He had a breakthrough season last year, but he's done a lot of stupid **** since then. A big raise and a 2-year contract for possibly the worst OC in Div. I-A. Letting his DC get away. Not even trying to hire a proven DC to replace him (although I am cautiously optimistic about Harbison) . Not capitalizing on the 8-win season in recruiting. Not even attempting to build any fan enthusiam by having an exciting spring game. Having a team full of thugs and dumbasses who keep the Starkville and University police in business. Royally <17>ing up in recruiting QBs and WRs, especially by putting all of his eggs in one basket and then seeing that basket decide to commit to the first school besides us to offer him a scholarship. Not having a true QB coach on his staff after 5 years now. etc. etc. etc. I'm calling it now, last year was the best year Croom will ever have at MSU.


New member
May 28, 2007
<span style="font-weight: bold;">"A big raise and a 2-year contract for possibly the worst OC in Div. I-A."

</span>Agreed. Bad move.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">"Not even trying to hire a proven DC to replace him (although I am cautiously optimistic about Harbison) ."

</span>I basically feel the same way you do about this, but didn't he make a play for Brick? Anyway, I don't have a real big problem with the hire, we'll see how it works out.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">"Not capitalizing on the 8-win season in recruiting."

</span>We filled needs, except at qb and wr. Still I'd rather have a class of lineman, and hopefully we'll still salvage a decent qb this year, even though I am sure he was depending on CG, which, in retrospect, was not that bright.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Not even attempting to build any fan enthusiam by having an exciting spring game.</span>

Come on, man. Really? Who gives a **** about a spring game? Damn. I'm just glad we didn't get anybody hurt.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Having a team full of thugs and dumbasses who keep the Starkville and University police in business.
Again, what is Croom supposed to do about this? Every coach in America has this problem. Jackie had them too, were you griping then? That's a little bit of an unfair comment.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Royally <17>ing up in recruiting QBs and WRs, especially by putting all of his eggs in one basket and then seeing that basket decide to commit to the first school besides us to offer him a scholarship.
I agree, somewhat, but at some point, the kid and the family have to be held accountable. The timeline of events: Garrett commits to Croom and is all excited and is recruiting for State. Garrett asks permission to go to Alabama junior day. Croom says ok, but probably is concerned, and offers Tyler Russell to hedge his bet. Garrett goes to LSU and decommits. I'm like you: Croom should've closed the deal, whatever it took, but he probably thought he could rely on the Lee County Alumni Association's president to hang on to a recruit.<span style="font-weight: bold;"><br style="font-weight: bold;"></span> <br style="font-weight: bold;"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Not having a true QB coach on his staff after 5 years now. etc. etc. etc.

</span>Agree completely. And Jackie never had one either, which drove me nuts.

I don't really disagree with you that much, but we pay the man to win games, and win games he did last year, finally. None of your complaints have translated to losses on the field, yet. They very well might, but in my opinion, it's only fair to wait until they do again instead of having another agonizing summer of Croombashing. Harbison could be just as good/better than EJ. Maybe we won't have those "lay down" games like EJ had. Carroll could continue to get better and lead us for 3 more years, and we could get Russell, or Lawrence could develop. He might open things up offensively. I still say that playing great defense and field position football is the way you win games at Mississippi State. All of you that said Henig getting knocked out of the Auburn game was the best thing that could've happened because it forced us to run the ball and play conservative are griping because the rest of the year, we ran the ball, played conservative, and guess what, won games. It's unbelievable. If the last time we walked off the field, we had capped off another 3 win season, I'd be with you. And, this year, if we have a losing season, I'll be with you. But give it a %!%%@@@ rest.

<span style="font-weight: bold;">



Well-known member
May 28, 2007
One thing I know we can agree on is that we both hope I'll be eating crow come December.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
that exactly sums up what alot think and are upset about. Crooms was at a point where he really could have stepped up and solidified the program. Yet, all the things you mentioned have taken place. While we can be happy about winning 8 games, its obvious we arent going to win like that year in and year out. At some point, the offense is going to have to be productive.
Downtown wants to hold off on the complaining, but damn man, its like watching a guy thats knocked back a fifth of vodka, he can hardly talk, and then gets in his car to drive- its easy to see that he might get lucky, but chances are its going to end badly.


New member
Oct 8, 2006
I'm calling it now, last year was the best year Croom will ever have at MSU
At some point you have to have at least a mediocre offense, and we're going on what? year 5? One can't expect the defense to carry a team with a 113th ranked offense to 8 wins, year in and year out.

Other than a few times I can think of offhand (Florida '04, UK last year, the last drive in the Liberty Bowl) Croom has not shown that he will make the necessary changes on offense to make us better. He is more interested in winning his way than just winning period.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
We filled needs, except at qb and wr. Still I'd rather have a class of lineman, and hopefully we'll still salvage a decent qb this year, even though I am sure he was depending on CG, which, in retrospect, was not that bright.
Well gee, we filled all the needs EXCEPT the ones that are most important in modern day college football? I feel better then. We have 3 wide receivers for next year: Co-Headcase, Jamayel Smith, and Aubrey Bell. They are ALL seniors and between the 3, they had 1 good football game last season (Smith @ Ark). With Crooms stellar recruiting, I feel better already about 08 and beyond!!
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