It was the worst experience of my baseball life. In Auburn we did not have a batting cage or pitching machine. I once went in early, with my roommate, to take extra hitting. We got the cage out and everything. We were throwing to each other. When my manager got to the park, he yelled at us to get off the field. He wanted to know who told us we could take extra hitting. He was actually pissed that we were trying to make him look bad. I could not believe I wasn't allowed to take extra hitting as a professional.
The head of the minor leagues comes by for a visit and tells me I need to squat more in my stance to generate more power. At the time I was leading the team in Avg, HRs, RBIs. The day before I hit a HR in Oneonta over the 460 mark (Yankees farm team and the field was same dimensions as Yankee Stadium). He demanded that I hit in this new stance that night and told the coaches. I went into a 1 for 32 slump. If I tried to go back to my old stance a coach would yell at me to squat more. It was un<rule #17>in' believable.