How many of you idiots rooted for LSU during the National Championship?


Goat Holder

And again, how many of you pull for the SEC in all sporting events in which MSU does not partake? Hope this Garrett situation clears that up for you.

I want the SEC to 17-ing suck every year.

Edit: Read/listen to the "Garrett on LSU radio" post, and you'll understand better.

Goat Holder

And again, how many of you pull for the SEC in all sporting events in which MSU does not partake? Hope this Garrett situation clears that up for you.

I want the SEC to 17-ing suck every year.

Edit: Read/listen to the "Garrett on LSU radio" post, and you'll understand better.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
Because who a Mississippi State fan roots for has that much effect on where a kid is going to sign.
Aug 30, 2006
like they were my own team. Certainly my support from the comfort of my living room is what pushed them over the top as well which is what resulted in them getting Garrett. I hold myself personally responsible for affecting our recruiting in such a negative manner.

Also, I'm one of the ones that always pulls for the SEC (even Ole Miss sometimes but not always) against OOC competition.

I want the SEC to 17-ing suck every year.
That is just stupid. If the conference sucks, then MSU is going to get even less respect than we get now. If the conference sucks, then we get less welfare money from the conference and our already tiny (by BCS conference standards) budget shrinks further and we struggle even more hiring competent coaches who can keep us respectful and/or competing on a national stage. Yeah, we really need the rest of the conference to suck.

Goat Holder

maybe I should move back to Mississippi so I can be around people who "don't care" as much so I wouldn't want to have a competitive program as much. Alabama/Auburn people wouldn't stand for this ****. People have more pride in their schools over here than the Miss. schools.

Even South Carolina can sell out their stadium every week.


Apr 24, 2006
Goat Holder said:
maybe I should move back to Mississippi so I can be around people who "don't care" as much so I wouldn't want to have a competitive program as much. Alabama/Auburn people wouldn't stand for this ****. People have more pride in their schools over here than the Miss. schools.

Even South Carolina can sell out their stadium every week.

And this relates to wanting LSU to beat Ohio State how?</p>


New member
May 1, 2006
that every time we do good in hoops or football people say the SEC is "down". So now we are supposed to root for that to be actual fact?

Let me also say that I rooted for LSU despite my complete disdain for that school.
Aug 30, 2006
you are in hunstville right? There have to be some reasonably high cliffs not too far away....find one and just end the misery of having a 17 year old change his mind about where he wants to play football.


New member
May 28, 2007
Absurd. The SEC is the premier conference in the nation, and I love watching our teams beat bitches like Ohio State.

Goat Holder

We compete with the SEC. Why would I want my competitors to have an edge? I don't care if the conference is up or down, I want to win it. The respect of the rest of the country? Who gives a ****. I want to win against my main competition.

We already get an automatic BCS berth. And if another SEC team is good enough to get a second, guess who they most likely had to beat to get it? That's right, other SEC teams. I'll take the path of least resistance. Michigan and Ohio State don't seem to mind. I'd rather have a good team that gets beat in the title game that a great team who plays in the Peach Bowl because they got roughed up by a brutal SEC schedule.

Money in the SEC is not going away.


New member
May 1, 2006
Would they threaten Garrett to make him go to school there? What tactic did they use to Jamarcus Russell to beat LSU off of him?

Also, I'm pretty darn sure that Bama/Auburn fans generally rooted for LSU in the National Title game. Most SEC fans don't like Ohio State and the Big 10 and thus didn't want them to win a national title.


New member
Feb 27, 2008
I really think Garrett switching to MSU has caused you to go manic. LSU over the last 5 years has been one of, if not the dominant college football program in the country. They have also cranked out numerous first round draft picks and won two national championships. It is unfortunate for both MSU and Ole Miss, but bitching and moaning is not going to change that. As for Garrett, I never understood the big deal about him considering Carroll is going to be MSU's QB for the next three years anyway. So are we pissed off because in 2011 MSU may have a bad QB?

I think you need to take recruiting a little less seriously.

Goat Holder

"immediate SEC recruiting threats" and not the SEC as a whole. I did pull for Florida two years ago, but it doesn't seem Meyer goes head to head with us for recruits very often.

Goat Holder

It's the principle. I want MSU to be the one that people want to jump out of state for. There is no pride for MS schools.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
do the MSU fanbase a favor and become an Alabama fan.. Because that is what you sound like a drunken retard.


Apr 24, 2006
Seems like you are really irked by this.

There is no pride for MS schools.
Once again. Because we are not furious that a 17 year old did not choose to play football at MSU? And because we pulled for LSU aGAINST OSU?

Wanting other teams to lose so it makes things easier for MSU is a pretty pussed out way of thinking.
Aug 30, 2006
You want MSU to basically have things handed to them without having to really earn them. You are the type of individual who would rather play on the JV team as an 11th or 12th grader so you could dominate vs. playing on a varsity team where you are required to bust your *** to prove yourself. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

The respect of the rest of the country? Who gives a ****. I want to win against my main competition.
I will give you a perfect example. In 99, the SEC west was in a down year. So, 9-2 MSU got basically no national respect and ended up in the Peach Bowl against 6-5 Clemson. Now, how many other SEC west teams in that same year would have ended up in the Peach Bowl (besides maybe Ole Miss)? We get very little respect as it is. When the SEC is truly down (it does happen from time to time), then we get even less respect when we win the division or conference. That is why you should give a ****.

We already get an automatic BCS berth.
True, however, if the conference as a whole sucks, we would be likely to be passed over for the NC game (BIG Assumption) if we had the record for it for a traditional power in a strong conference even if they had one loss.
I'll take the path of least resistance. Michigan and Ohio State don't seem to mind.
Apples & oranges. Michigan is the all time winningest program. Ohio State has a long history and several NCs and multiple Heisman winners. They earned respect long ago and will most likely always have it whether they deserve it or not. MSU has no such history.

Money in the SEC is not going away
It will decrease greatly if the conference as a whole starts sucking. To think otherwise is foolish.


New member
May 1, 2006
First of all, I highly doubt we will ever be the school players jump out of state for. That's reality. I would love it if top players spurned the school they grew up rooting for to come here, because obviously that means we are seeing major success. That being said, I can't see anyone coming in here and accomplishing that. At the same time, we should expect to keep a decent number of recruits in-state. The first step is to establish ourselves as winners. One good year and bowl game isn't enough, we need to get back to making bowl trips expected.

Secondly, fans do have pride in MS schools and want in-state players to stay here and go to our institutions. I guarantee the Garrett family will receive flack for this decision. However, there is really nothing more we can do besides supporting our programs and encouraging people to attend. We can't threaten Garrett, or any other recruit. This goes back to the first point, if we get back to winning 6-8 games on a regular basis (this is doable) then we give in-state recruits that much more incentive to stay home.

Goat Holder

Wanting other teams to lose so it makes things easier for MSU is a pretty pussed out way of thinking.
Other SEC West schools count on us and Ole Miss sucking and do their best to keep us in our place. Of course we don't help things either.

In order for us to be successful, we have to beat Alabama/Auburn/etc. And realistically, we cannot go head to head with them every year, right now, unless they have a run of bad luck/bad leadership/etc. We have to count on them to "be down" and us make a few good moves to ever get back on a level playing field.

That's just the way I see it.

Goat Holder

First of all, I highly doubt we will ever be the school players jump out of state for. That's reality.
That is the hurdle I would like to cross. And like I said, we need some help from our competition, ie for them to suck, to help make it happen.


New member
May 1, 2006
and still sign nearly all the top players from that state in addition to a few of ours. We will never be on a level playing field with them. Heck, even Auburn isn't. Shula, idiot that he was, still signed way more of the top players than Tubbs. Tubberville in that same time period won a buttload of games, including one SEC title. Yet Shula, who lasted a grand total of 4 years before getting the crimson axe, outrecruiting him in Alabama. Why? Bama has history, traditional, national titles, and is still very much respected today. They had a good start to the 2005 season and SI ran a cover story titled "Bama's Back." The media will fellate Bama's football program if given half a chance. We will never be able to beat that out.
Oct 17, 2007
I am always against teams that represent groups of people who stereotype the SEC and its people as a lower form of life. These are the teams like Ohio State, USC, Michigan, ESPN...etc. These type of people think they are so damn intelligent, for instance...

At the Crystal City Sports Pub in DC a couple years ago I had a bunch of guys tell me Stanford was going to beat us because the we were uneducated and couldn't hang with an intelligent team...needless to say I one a few pitchers of beer and they left in the 3rd quarter.

Pull for Ohio State...they think you are an idiot. This being said, I always pull against Bama because they feel they are some supreme being sent to grace the SEC with their presence...screw them. If they played Ohio State for the championship I would just have to ignore that it was going on.

When we are good I tend to pull against the SEC for obvious reasons so that we rise to the top. In football this hasn't been the case lately so what do you say to some jackass who wants to act like they are a big OSU fan in the South? Yeah? Well I'm a Mississippi State doesn't work, actually I could see YOU saying that. You have to throw out the,"You are so far below the SEC"....add in your one of 1000 SEC vs. Big Ten comparisons. You might not see this though since you suck at arguing.

There is my book on that.

Edited to add: Maybe I am uneducated because that was the second half, not the third quarter of a basketball game against Stanford.
Aug 30, 2006
We didn't have anything handed to us in 99. We won on the field and earned our 9-2 record. However, the SEC west was down. As a result, we got no respect and got sent to the Peach Bowl when we should have gotten the Outback bowl.

Do you have any comprehension skills? And lay off the "pal" routine. You are not Beanie Campbell in Old School.

Goat Holder

When we are good I tend to pull against the SEC for obvious reasons so that we rise to the top. In football this hasn't been the case lately so what do you say to some jackass who wants to act like they are a big OSU fan in the South? Yeah? Well I'm a Mississippi State doesn't work, actually I could see YOU saying that. You have to throw out the,"You are so far below the SEC"....add in your one of 1000 SEC vs. Big Ten comparisons. You might not see this though since you suck at arguing.
I agree with this paragraph completely.

Goat Holder

but you used 1999 as an example to disagree with in a previous post. Then you accuse me of not having comprehension skills. Nice, pal.
Aug 30, 2006
<span class="post-title"><span class="post-title">So you agree with me</span> but you used 1999 as an example to disagree with in a previous post. Then you accuse me of not having comprehension skills. Nice, pal.</span>

My point was we finished with a 9-2 record in 99 against a weak SEC west. As a result, we got a Peach Bowl berth when we should have & would have gotten a better bowl berth if the SEC west was not weak. My point in this was that a weak SEC hampers MSU on a national respect level. I used us getting a Peach Bowl berth against a 6-5 Clemson team instead of getting the Outback Bowl which we deserved as proof of the lack of national respect. </p>

The only point you have made in this thread that I have agreed with is that the 99 team earned their 9-2 record. The point, aGAIN, of using the 99 season is showing that we EARNED a better bowl than the Peach, but did not get it due to our name and the reputation of the SEC west that season.</p>
Feb 27, 2008
have never been exposed to Ohio State football fans. Their bitching and moaning makes Kentucky basketball fans a joy to be around. Getting worked up over someone pulling for a fellow conference team against OSU might be the dumbest thing I've seen in a while. Thanks for the laugh.


May 28, 2007
in bowl games. I rarely root for UM to win bowl games but my father-in-law is huge Bama fan that is for Auburn in their bowl games simply because it is the SEC.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
I pulled for LSU because I bet on them

And Goat Holder you are an idiot. Do you think that if LSU lost to OSU We would have Garrett right now?

Goat Holder

because winning the National Title doesn't carry all that much weight or anything. Dumbasses.
Aug 30, 2006
those two posts would suck you back into this thread.

because winning the National Title doesn't carry all that much weight or anything. Dumbasses.
No one said the NC didn't carry any weight. However, I seriously doubt that LSU winning the NC last season was the tipping point for Garrett. Do you seriously believe that if they had lost that game that Garrett would have said to himself "You know, LSU has great facilities, coaches I really like, a really good team right now that is in contention for the SECwest, the overall SEC title, & the NC every year, but those sorry bastards lost last year to Ohio State, so I'm going to stick with MSU. Now, if LSU had won, I would be there."?


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
to play QB in his offense if the kid had other options. What other teams have done can`t change that.</p>


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
Goat Holder said:
because winning the National Title doesn't carry all that much weight or anything. Dumbasses.

</p>DO you really think that if LSU would have lost that we would have Garrett right now?
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