<div id="post_message_856"> <font size="2">
Are you a premium member of Genespage.com or Bulldogblitz.com?</font>
<font size="2">If so,
BulldogJunction.com will honor your subscription until your next renewal date for <font size="4">
<font color="red">FREE!</font></font></font>
<font size="2">If you are a monthly member… you will receive a free month. If you're an annual subscriber and your subscription doesn't end until December…then you'll have PREMIUM access to BulldawgJunction.com until December.</font>
<font size="2">We believe that if you get to know the staff at Bulldawg Junction, you'll hang around for the best Mississippi State information on the web.</font>
<font size="2">To sign up, simply become a registered user of BulldawgJunction.com by getting a username and password, then email
[email protected] to let me know the details of your current subscription with Rivals.com or Scout.com. I will need to know when your subscription runs out on their networks in order to give you complete access to BulldawgJunction.com.</font>
<font size="2">Thank you for your support!</font>
<font size="2">GO DAWGS!</font>
<font size="2">Michael Wardlaw</font> </div>