I really haven’t had time to reflect on Leach…


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
I cussed the guy the past 2 seasons but damn - I’m getting emotional just typing it. The thing about Leach - and I tweeted this today - he was genuine. He didn’t give a damn of who you were, if you were rich or poor, fat or skinny (thank goodness).

I had the luxury of eating dinner with him 3 times with a relatively small group so I got to be around him. The damn guy loved my cousin Brian. It was hilarious and awesome to watch them interact. What other coach in America comes to a Christmas party…besides Lemonis who also came.

They say you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. It’s the damn truth.


Active member
May 29, 2007
If you're the captain of the ship and your crew gets depleted, you go down to the wharf where the sailors' bars are located and you just shanghai the patrons and take them aboard...doesn't matter about their social status...they're just damn good sailors when they're sober.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I cussed the guy the past 2 seasons but damn - I’m getting emotional just typing it. The thing about Leach - and I tweeted this today - he was genuine. He didn’t give a damn of who you were, if you were rich or poor, fat or skinny (thank goodness).

I had the luxury of eating dinner with him 3 times with a relatively small group so I got to be around him. The damn guy loved my cousin Brian. It was hilarious and awesome to watch them interact. What other coach in America comes to a Christmas party…besides Lemonis who also came.

They say you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. It’s the damn truth.
It hit me harder than I would’ve thought. Nearly been in tears several times discussing it with others. I knew I liked him but I had no idea how much.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
I cussed the guy the past 2 seasons but damn - I’m getting emotional just typing it. The thing about Leach - and I tweeted this today - he was genuine. He didn’t give a damn of who you were, if you were rich or poor, fat or skinny (thank goodness).

I had the luxury of eating dinner with him 3 times with a relatively small group so I got to be around him. The damn guy loved my cousin Brian. It was hilarious and awesome to watch them interact. What other coach in America comes to a Christmas party…besides Lemonis who also came.

They say you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. It’s the damn truth.
I think you just summarized the feelings of a bunch of State people....myself included.

Lucifer Morningstar

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2022
I cussed the guy the past 2 seasons but damn - I’m getting emotional just typing it. The thing about Leach - and I tweeted this today - he was genuine. He didn’t give a damn of who you were, if you were rich or poor, fat or skinny (thank goodness).

I had the luxury of eating dinner with him 3 times with a relatively small group so I got to be around him. The damn guy loved my cousin Brian. It was hilarious and awesome to watch them interact. What other coach in America comes to a Christmas party…besides Lemonis who also came.

They say you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. It’s the damn truth.
It is ok to say this made me tear up?


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I cussed the guy the past 2 seasons but damn - I’m getting emotional just typing it. The thing about Leach - and I tweeted this today - he was genuine. He didn’t give a damn of who you were, if you were rich or poor, fat or skinny (thank goodness).

I had the luxury of eating dinner with him 3 times with a relatively small group so I got to be around him. The damn guy loved my cousin Brian. It was hilarious and awesome to watch them interact. What other coach in America comes to a Christmas party…besides Lemonis who also came.

They say you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. It’s the damn truth.
It’s still surreal to me that I’m thinking of him in the past tense. Just came off an egg bowl win a couple of weeks ago and seeing the pictures of him at Christmas parties and then bam, he’s gone and it hits so much different than if he left for another job or was fired. Just still trying to process what happened.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
I’ve been a huge Leach fan since TTech. I was pumped when we got him and have been more excited each year. I could see the foundation being built and the program progressing. I’m thankful he was one of us for three years. I feel selfish for being very disappointed that he’s gone. I’m sad for his family and players and those who were his close friends who are feeling this loss on a personal level. I’m also sad for our football program because I think he was on the verge of doing great things and winning big games for us. RIP Mike

Felonious Junk

Well-known member
Oct 23, 2008
It’s been maddening the last three years to see the lack of appreciation there has been for what we had. The guy was the best thing that’s ever happened to our university, team, culture, town, national image yet this board has been nothing but constant bitching and nit picking over how much we run the ball.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
I'm not crushed, ive lost a 21 year old son...but I'm melancholy and stunned. I feel dazed or punch drunk.

I had met 5 previous Foosball coaches, some more often and allowed fun interaction, but I never got to meet Leach. It's good you got some small group time with him.


Well-known member
May 2, 2006
I can't speak for the rest of you but it's really made me look hard at my own mortality and the multitude of goddamn health issues I've been ignoring. Or that I need to spend more time with my parents. You really never know when it's gonna come. That's selfish, but I think it's also human nature when something tragic happens to project it into your own life.

Hug your loved ones, guys, and never forget how beautiful this awful, piece of **** world can be.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
I never got mad at Mike because I kinda felt like I understood some of the obstacles he faced being a coach in the SEC West. You added to that the fact that he had to build his kind of outfit from the ground up I knew it was even going to be tougher. So I never got angry, unless he made a game decision that I didn't like but I do that with every coach of a team that I am pulling for.

I think his death hit me hard because we're about the same age and I went through some pretty intense problems with my health over the past few years. It made me really examine that the last few days a little more closely that I had before.

The biggest reason this has hit me hard might sound strange but when I would listen to him talk about things (other than football) I felt like I kinda knew him. Maybe I spent time with him before somewhere along the way within one of our my old group of friends. I might have listened to him telling stories with my co-conspirators as we sat and bull ******* our way through another weekend accented with beers, drinks, and laughs together around in the old ring filled with some of the greatest people I have ever known.

ETA - using voice text really sucks. Sorry for the mistakes the first time around. Probably still has some.


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New member
Oct 12, 2019
Yeah, it’s been a tough day. I was pulling into work this morning when the news hit. Admittedly, I had to close the door to my office for most of the day. Tears were shed. I’ve been critical of some of Leach’s decision-making, but I loved the guy as a coach. Didn’t care what anyone thought, he did life his way, and that’s worth anybody’s respect.

We definitely had a good one. Glad he picked Starkville and allowed us to be a part of his story.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2004
RIP Coach, you'll be missed.



Active member
May 28, 2007
Mike Leach was probably the first person I ever followed on Twitter. As a person I loved him, loved his sense of humor and loved his rambling during interviews. I never thought his system would bring consistent success at State but then who's has? So what do I know. I do know that I will miss him almost as much as Jack. I'm glad he got to be a Bulldog and that makes him family.


Sep 14, 2008
I’m with you on this. I don’t know why I feel the way I do right now. I never met Mike Leach and my only connection with him was a common interest in MSU, but it’s hurting me more than I thought it would. It doesn’t hurt as bad as when I heard Kobe died in a helicopter crash, but it’s a similar feeling of someone great gone too soon when we thought they had so much left to give. RIP, Pirate. Thanks for being one of us.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
Never met the guy in person but always seemed like he would be a great guy to spend time with. I got to be around some of the previous coaches so I hate I didn't get the chance to be around him any. Been following him for years. I always loved his approach to the game overall. I didn't really care for all of his offense philosophy but didn't mean I didn't like him. Been a lot of coaches I didn't like any of their offensive philosophy. But as a man and guy Leach was great person by all accounts. As down to earth as a millionaire celebrity coach can be. I enjoyed his thirst for knowledge and his ability to qeustion things and not be satisfied with mediocre play. He will be missed by many. Been hard what to make of all of this and still processing it. I feel for his family, his friends, his coaches, and his players. I know this is very had. Tragic quick surprising death is tough to swallow. Seems like things were on the turn with the program. Although I felt he might retire soon with everything going on. I hate that he never got to. And I seriously hope if he was battling something this season as some had eluded to, that him coaching through didn't cause this. It's too late but I wish if that was the case he could have felt he could have taken time off for it. Never will know. Just hate that his life was cut short and a family lost a father, husband, dad, brother, uncle. Grandpa. Just sucks all around. I never knew him but it felt as though I did. Part of the Mississippi State family. Rest in Peace coach! You we're one of a kind and will live on forever as a Bulldog!

I hope they put a statue of you in the stadium some where and the Jolly Roger and pirate remains a permanent part of who we are.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
Leach inherited and battled a bad locker room and had to rebuild the whole program during a pandemic, NIL, transfer portal, just a whole bunch of garbage. The past three years the whole nation's been in a funk it seems.
But you felt like he was building a program and a culture the right way - his way.
He may have been stubborn and maybe he could be a jackass to some, but who isn't?
Really felt like next year was going to be special and that he was just hitting his stride in Starkville.
Wish we could have had him just one more year.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
It hit me harder than I would’ve thought. Nearly been in tears several times discussing it with others. I knew I liked him but I had no idea how much.
Whether I'm there in person or sitting at home watching the bowl game, I'm going to be a blubbering mess from start to finish.
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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
It’s been a hard couple of days. I never even met the guy but his personality was such that I felt like I lost a friend today. Obviously doesn’t at all compare to those who actually did know and love him.

Leach is kind of a hero of mine, even before he came here. I sometimes feel like a bit of an oddball myself and there are some personality traits and diverse interests that I’ve always felt like he and I had in common. And as someone who has always loved sports but didn’t play any after the age of 14, I really admired the unique route he took to get into coaching. As my wife got to know who he was over the last couple of years, she swore that I was going to be just like him in 30 years. In some ways I hope she’s right. There’s a lot I really admire about the man. It will always suck that I never got to shake his hand and have a conversation with him.

I was so pumped when we hired him and overall had a great time with his tenure here. Yeah we had some bad games but the highs were really enjoyable. Being in the stadium for the comeback at Auburn last year will always be near the top of my list for MSU memories.

I don’t hesitate to say that in the almost 30 years I’ve been on this earth, he’s my favorite MSU coach regardless of sport. And I will miss him so much.


Active member
Oct 16, 2014
I remember when JT announced that The Pirate was coming to State on the radio, had no idea who he was. I can’t believe I’ve shed this many tears, I’m sure there will be more. He was a great person. Thank you CML for all you did for us.

Perd Hapley

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Its been a very weird grieving process for me. Just felt down and sad to the point that I’d get withdrawn a bit from work / family, then feel stupid and guilty for feeling that way about someone I’ve never met, then see another Marshall Ramsey tribute or video montage and get down and sad again. Then maybe cheer up with some Leach stories or quotes.

The one thing that has absolutely hit me like a ton of bricks is how many people that he had maybe one or two interactions with who he made an everlasting impression on forever. It has to be damn near impossible to live a life in which you are the epicenter of all the praise and scrutiny in a Power 5 college town and state - the center of a small universe if you will - and yet still make so much time for others. But he did it. Did it for the media, the fledgling reporters out there, the fans, the players, the people in the parking lot at the grocery store, and even the people who dialed the wrong number.

He was so much more than the Air Raid, the pirate persona, and the quote machine at press conferences. Was he without flaws? Of course not….none of us are…but hopefully those good things above will be his true legacy. I’ll miss him, and I hope I can be more like him in some ways by taking a more active interest and curiosity in those around me.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Whether I'm there in person or sitting at home watching the bowl game, I'm going to be a blubbering mess from start to finish.
It’s hard to explain and I feel bad saying this, but I’m dreading our bowl game. I just feel like it’s going to be one of those deals where the flood gates open on some pent up emotion


Active member
Sep 24, 2012
I've always said -to win at State we have to be different--and Boy to my happiness we went full on DIFFERENT. Mike Leach has been my dream Coach for Years and Damn -we got Him. Let's be honest--His first year the damn covid year with an all SEc Schedule and a team with no rudder should not be held against Him.. Last year we should have won 10 game--****** blown Ref calls cost us the Memphis and Arkansas game. And our kicker surely didn't help. So this year they throw Georgia on Us. I still think we will win 9---go back and see how many times a Coach has won 9 games. (don't forget this was toughest schedule in the Nation). I will say -I have stayed pissed at all the mully grubbing fans continually bitching. We do have some stupid fans--they have failed to see the big picture . A sure sign that you might have a damn good Coach--is His asst Coaches and how they feel about Him. Not like ******* Dan-who lost Coaches right and left--Mike had a great staff. I hate we have lost Him-he was (as we are seeing) a national treasure and Next year he would have had our best year in many moons. RIP Mike--glad you were a Bulldog.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
It’s hard to explain and I feel bad saying this, but I’m dreading our bowl game. I just feel like it’s going to be one of those deals where the flood gates open on some pent up emotion
It's going to be hard on those players. Hope the staff can keep them focused throughout.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
I, too, have had a hard time dealing with this. I didn’t know how to react. The hospitalization didn’t bother me since I thought he’d be okay. Then yesterday hit and it was slightly anticlimactic since I had started to prepare for the worst. Then after work, I read all the message board stuff and watched the tv shows and it started hitting me in the feelz.
I also didn’t know how down-to-earth and personable he was. I wish I could’ve met him in person and I don’t say that about famous people at all.


Jul 1, 2012
I admit that I struggled to get on the Leach train because of the 0-2 start in the Egg Bowl. If he wins in 2020 or 2021 I think myself and a lot of others would have appreciated him a lot more. His 8-8 record against top 25 teams in 3 years may never be topped at MSU. Six of those losses were to UGA and Bama......
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