that at the very least if we tried to do some things differently that we might get a NC one day. We may not win one, the odds may very well be against it, but even if they are, I'd like to do the very best that we can. I really think that a change in coaching philosophies and recruiting philosophies would give us that "best chance".
The fact is we were never going to win one playing "that's baseball" with Polk's Upwards Baseball All-Star team. A big difference between Bertman and Polk is that Bertman was not afraid to take chances- that may mean changing pitchers every inning and it might mean pitching Ben McDonald every game of a Regional. You can be the most fundamentally sound team in the NCAA, but at some point to win a Championship, you need to take a chance here and there and try to make something happen.
The other big thing is CWS experience. I believe that the more you go within a two year period, the better your odds are of winning it. We've only done that one in the Polk/ McMahon era- 1997-98, despite averaging a CWS appearance about once every five years under Polk. We need someone to get us there more consistenly. Who knows? We may have won in 85 had we not blown the 84 Regional. We may have won in 90 had we not blown the Regional in 89. That's all hindsight, but our odds certainly would have been better.</p>