If Polk goes through on his threats......

Oct 14, 2007
Let me start by saying THANK YOU GREG BYRNE!!! He got it right, Polk's ego be damned. Now, back to the point. If Polk goes through on his threats to sabotage the program, especially in destroying the Dugout Club (not that it couldn't be resurrected 5 minutes after he left for AZ), the University should sue the hell out of him. There would be plenty of legal basis to do so. We might look like the bad guy for it, but enough is enough, dammit. Further, he should not be allowed to set foot on campus without security/police supervision. I wanted to remember Polk for the good things he did and not the bat-**** crazy antics of this season. But these rants have totally ruined any chance of me ever accepting him back aGAIN. He can go straight to Arizona, not pass go, and not collect his retirement gifts as far as I'm concerned. I'm really starting to believe he's snapped and gone completely, totally insane. No rational person reacts like this. I've never even heard of a fired coach on any level reacting like this, much less a retiree who voluntarily called it a career. Ridiculous.