I was talking with a juco player today about what four year schools he has talked with (he has another year in juco) so far. From what I have been told, the guy can hit and I do know that he hit third as a freshman on a good team. Anyway, he said he had heard from usm (which is no surprise b/c of the location) and that Lane from State had talked with his grandfather and indicated that they would be watching him. Anyway, the thing that stood out to me from the conversation was that he said that it was common knowledge among baseball players in this region that fall camp at olemiss under bianco is miserable. He didn't elaborate other than to say that they run alot. And by alot, he meant much more than the average program. Take that little bit of info and run with it. That is my contribution for the month. Oh, and yes, I think we have done a good thing in getting Cohen and his two assistants.