Interesting quote from Raffo


New member
Mar 3, 2008
from KV's article.

"You've got to respect the consistent message of a national search for the betterment of Mississippi State University," Raffo said.

So, maybe he either sees the writing on the wall, but at least he has enough sense to not rock the boat. It also said that he talked to Byrne about an interview, but one had not been scheduled.</p>


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I really feel bad for him. He made a bad decision when he stayed at MSU based on Polk promising him something he couldn't deliver on. He should have taken the Pat McMahon route if he wanted to be the head coach at MSU. And I don't doubt that he could have gotten a job at a Jacksonville State or Old Dominion if he had really wanted to. Unfortunately for him, we're not in a position to honor a promise that Polk should have never made to start with.
Jan 13, 2008
Well, I like Raffo, but not as head coach. If he is hired, I will have the same feeling in my stomach about baseball as I do right now. It's not a hire that gets everyone excited and season tickets sold in large numbers. It's a hire that gets MSU fans in a wait and see mentality and you'll see crowds like this past year if no excitement is gained in this hire. It's bad for Raffo, because he won't be here next year. I do wish that he could be given some type of coaching slot when the new hire is made. He's been too good to MSU and been here too long to just get let go. Im not being KB here.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
JacksonDevilDog said:
He's been too good to MSU and been here too long to just get let go.
I like Raffo too. But we can't keep a coach just because of past loyalties. If the new coach really believes that Raffo is the best hitting coach he can hire, then I'm all for him staying. But we've all seen where keeping a coach on just because "he's been good to MSU" gets us. That's one of the worst reasons to keep a coach I can think of.


New member
Jun 25, 2006
I say if Cohen gets the job, he would try to retain Raffo. Tommy might not stay but Cohen would try to keep him.
Jan 13, 2008
I agree with saddawg. If Cohen is hired, Raffo will be offered possibly the same position he has now. Raffo will probably decline the offer. I think that Cohen and Raffo played with each other. Usually that is a good thing, but this is a business and someone is gonna get pissed when this unfolds. Hopefully it isn't me.

Edited to say: If Raffo leaves, I won't be upset. Im just saying that he has done nothing to be let go as an assistant coach. If he leaves, it's on his terms.

Bulldog Bruce

Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
he is making the same mistake he already made.

He needs to go head coach somewhere if that is what he really wants to do. The only reason he should consider staying at MSU, is if all he wants to ever be is an assistant coach.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
Bruce, you may know more about this b/c I assume you know Tommy, but I just don't get the impression that he really cares about leaving the Starkville area b/c his wife and kids are so entrenched. I really don't blame him, but if that's the case, he's in the wrong profession.

So my question is, what happens if a John Cohen is hired? Does he keep Raffo? And if he doesn't, I could see Raffo coaching at a nearby juco or in high school. I could also see us creating a baseball admin position for him if we had the budget.

Its just an interesting situation b/c he obviously is not dead set on trying to do what needs to be done to become a head coach an elite program.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
who don't want to be head cheese.

Two football examples: Mickey Andrews, Homer Smith.

Maybe Raffo understands his limitations and is content to make decent coin in the first base box.
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