Jamont Bashers


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Feb 9, 2005
I see a lot of guys getting their kicks off Jamont not getting drafted... just remember that the fact one of our best players in MSU history can't even get enough attention to get drafted is a reason that players like Scotty Hopson will continue to end up at other schools... Both Jamont and Hopson have basically said as much.


New member
Feb 9, 2005
I see a lot of guys getting their kicks off Jamont not getting drafted... just remember that the fact one of our best players in MSU history can't even get enough attention to get drafted is a reason that players like Scotty Hopson will continue to end up at other schools... Both Jamont and Hopson have basically said as much.


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Jun 2, 2008
well it's not our fault the rest of the country thinks we are all just stupid rednecks, and therefore give us no respect or attention.


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Jul 20, 2012
I just knew he didnt shoot the rock well enough to be a 1st Round pick...I mean think about it- who the hell wants an NBA guard with no shot?

As much **** as I give Ricky, its not his fault Jamont cant shoot consistently...you either can or you cant...I was fortunate- I always could...but there is no demand for a sniper thats 6'2 and played O-line and 1st base...Jamont has alot of other skills and is very gritty...but his shot has always been his shortcoming and that doesnt get you paid in the NBA


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I had some great days back in the Tin gym and McCarthy...when you are white, slow, and cant jump, you better do something well...</p>


New member
Aug 28, 2007
just remember that the fact one of our best players in MSU history can't even get enough attention to get drafted is a reason that players like Scotty Hopson will continue to end up at other schools...
I get so f'ng tired of hearing this ****. When you have guys from Rider and Western Kentucky getting drafted in the 1st round, but people want to ***** about Jamont or anyone else not getting drafted because they didn't get the "attention" is complete and utter ********. I know we were on T.V a hell of alot more than any of those schools, but I guess that doesn't count as "attention". Hell, 3 weeks of showcasing his skills for the scouts, but It's little ole Mississippi States fault that Jamont didn't get any "attention". Bull F'n ****. Plain and simple. Jamont's not tall enough to play as a forward and can't shoot or dribble good enough to play the point or sg. I guess Lofton didn't get enough "attention" at UT either. Everyone needs to get over this BS of players not getting "attention", because they don't play for Duke, UNC, or Kansas. If you have talent and can play in the NBA, then the scouts will find you and you will be drafted even if you play in bum *** egypt. Ask Walter, but I guess UAB is a top basketball school.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
i don't think i have ever heard someone refer to themselves as a sniper. interesting.

as for me...i guess i am a sniper of a less friendly kind.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
Ask Walter, but I guess UAB is a top basketball school.
makes the "no attention" argument way less valid. sure being at the top basketball schools like Duke is better but at the same time the NBA pays a lot of money to judge talent and they seem to find it rather consistently, no matter the school.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
was my first year at State and I started playing in the Tin Gym...you had the regulars that had been there a couple of year...after about a month, I noticed how they would stack teams with the same guys...we'd have the down and match-up...and then you would always hear-

"you guard him, you pick up him, you get him...oh yeah, and dont let HIM shoot"...that was my nickname my Junior year- "dont let him shoot"


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Coach34 wrote:
"you guard him, you pick up him, you get him...oh yeah, and dont let HIM shoot"...that was my nickname my Junior year- "dont let him shoot"

strong work there, 4 Touchdown Bundy.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Some games he would hit pretty good but others he was pretty bad. He also got some bad advice like not going to the camp. Maybe he could come back and work on it. Although sometimes your shot is just something you have or not. He might can't improve it. He did well in college simply because he could physically dominant almost anyone that was put on him. He was too strong for guards and too quick for forwards but in the NBA that is not the case.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Coach34 said:
was my first year at State and I started playing in the Tin Gym...you had the regulars that had been there a couple of year...after about a month, I noticed how they would stack teams with the same guys...we'd have the down and match-up...and then you would always hear-

"you guard him, you pick up him, you get him...oh yeah, and dont let HIM shoot"...that was my nickname my Junior year- "dont let him shoot"

</p>I nominate the "Intramural Sniper" for six pack remembers. Please get into more arguments with heydog, that was a bloodbath.


New member
Feb 9, 2005
I get so f'ng tired of hearing this ****. When you have guys from Rider and Western Kentucky getting drafted in the 1st round, but people want to ***** about Jamont or anyone else not getting drafted because they didn't get the "attention" is complete and utter ********. I know we were on T.V a hell of alot more than any of those schools, but I guess that doesn't count as "attention". Hell, 3 weeks of showcasing his skills for the scouts, but It's little ole Mississippi States fault that Jamont didn't get any "attention". Bull F'n ****. Plain and simple.
your not reading what I said.

There will ALWAYS be players that come out of nowhere, were not highly rated HS players, go to random schools have growth spurts and end up being top drafted...These players are NOT Scotty Hopson type players.. which is what my point was. I think Jarvis will end up being drafted pretty high after this coming season and he's a good example... not a top recruit.

The top 15 type players that normally would consider going to MSU are going to start thinking twice like Hopson did. In the past they committed out of respect and then went pro.. now they will keep us in their top 3 and go elsewhere.. Hopson probably got paid but I also think he talked to Gordon and Gordon's comments were that he thought had he been exposed more he would get drafted.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
Michael Beasley and OJ Mayo did just fine.

And look at JR Giddens..Im not sure he would've gotten drafted had he stayed at Kansas. And he's a first round pick at New Mexico.

There are really only 5 schools where your exposure is going to be greater than anywhere else: UCLA, UNC, Duke, Kansas and KY.


New member
Aug 28, 2007
I think Jarvis will end up being drafted pretty high after this coming season and he's a good example... not a top recruit
Not a top recruit huh? Only a 4 star and the # 14 nationally ranked PF. Maybe you and I have different opinions on what a top recruit is, but I consider Varnado one.

The top 15 type players that normally would consider going to MSU are going to start thinking twice like Hopson did. In the past they committed out of respect and then went pro.. now they will keep us in their top 3 and go elsewhere.. Hopson probably got paid but I also think he talked to Gordon and Gordon's comments were that he thought had he been exposed more he would get drafted
Why? If you are good enough to get in the NBA, you will make it no matter where you go. Again, Jamont hasn't shown he is good enough to be drafted no matter what any NBA draft "expert" tells you or any opinion we have. If he was, then he would have gone in the draft. It's not like they say "hey, don't pick that guy. He went to lil ole mississippi st." The last time I checked MSU plays in the SEC and we get plenty of exposure. The reason guys that come off the bench from schools such as UNC, Kansas, and Duke get drafted before players like Jamont and Hendrix are because their bench players are 4 and 5 star recruits with alot of upside. What upside does Jamont bring? He hasn't shown that he will get better dribbling or passing the ball. He sure as hell hasn't shown that he can better his shot. I don't think he's going to grow into a forward unless he hits a really late growth spurt. No upside, no draft. Like I said look at Walter Sharpe. It blows your theory away. Guy probably hasn't played in 20 games in college basketball, headcase to say the least, and gets drafted, because he has alot of potential.

Also another thing that blows your "Jamont told Hopson not to come to MSU, because he wouldn't get the exposure" is the fact that Jamont told Gallon (The # 6 nationally ranked center) to give MSU a look when they were working out with John Lucas. And guess what. Gallon has us as his leader. Now, I know his sister goes to MSU, but he said in an interview that he wasn't even giving us a look until he talked to Jamont.

From BDJ.
GOrdon and <span class="highlight"><font color="#FF0000">Gallon</font></span> both work out with John Lucas in Houston and Gordon raved about MSU and that got <span class="highlight"><font color="#FF0000">Gallon</font></span> to go and visit MSU.
So don't give me any BS that the reason guys don't get drafted is because of lack of exposure by going to a non-elite basketball school when they have 4 or 5 weeks to showcase their skills to NBA scouts. Like I said, I can guarantee that Mr. Sharpe hasn't had any exposure except for the showcases he went too. Unless you consider getting shot in the *** exposure, or the fact that he was basically kicked off two college teams.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
" Please get into more arguments with heydog, that was a bloodbath."

Walter Sharpe and Jamont Gordon beg to differ

Eureka Dog

New member
Feb 25, 2008
drafted. However, I think most of the folks submitting the "I told you so" posts are reveling in the fact that theier evaluations of JG were validated by the NBA teams in this draft.

JG thought he would be drafted. He found an agent that told him he would be drafted. Other people opined that he was a possible low, first round pick. Then again, who wasn't a POSSIBLE low, first round pick?

There were a lot of very good college basketball players who weren't drafted. In that aspect, this draft, overall, wasn't different than most. Players, who were all-world in HS and then garnered some awards in college, need to wake up and realize that all that plus the enablers they have around them is not a guarantee of a career in a professional league.

JG has chosen to whom he wanted to listen. Just after midnight, Friday morning, JG realized all of those people didn't know what they were talking about. If he had actually believed them, then JG also realized that he had be betrayed by his ego. Some lessons are learned the easy way. Then there are those that are learned the hard way.

JG may still stick with a NBA team through free-agency. Personally, I hope he can., but, obviously, it's not a given.