is this, after the explanation of why the course is called "Murder Rock":
Top 10 Rejected Names for John Daly's Murder Rock Golf Club
10. John Daly's Domestic Disturbance Golf Club
9. John Daly's I've Got the Shakes Golf Club
8. John Daly's Hootie and Hooters Golf Club
7. John Daly's There's a Horse at Hot Springs That Just Can't Lose Golf Club
6. John Daly's Hoochie Mama Golf Club
5. John Daly's My Wife is Back in the Slammer Golf Club
4. John Daly's I've Got My Divorce Attorney on Speed Dial Golf Club
3. John Daly's Mullets and Gullets Golf Club
2. John Daly's It's Not a Drinking Problem If You're Only Drinking Beer Golf Club
And the No. 1 rejected name for John Daly's Murder Rock Golf Club:
1. John Daly's The ***** Attacked Me With a Steak Knife Golf Club