Lets break down Brown's "mistake"



1.Two football players were at the BP (neither one of them Brown) and were "stared down" by some townie.
2. Then according too the football players, the townie pulled out a gun and put a bullet in it.
3. Football players didnt call the police, because...well we dont know why.
4. THREE HOURS LATER, same townie drives on campus by dormitories where hundreds of students live
5. Brown being the nice guy that everyone says he is, worried that things will spiral out of control somehow. He has heard how his buddies have been scared by someone showing them a gun THREE HOURS AGO.
6. So instead of calling the campus police, he does what any reasonable person will do in similar circumstances...he goes to his car (cause he doesnt happen to be packing at that particular moment) comes back and fires off a round into the air..which by the way, gravity being the wierd thing it insists on being, means that round is going to come back down somewhere in the area where hundreds of students are living and walking.

Lets get some things straight here
1. NICE people call the police
2. A mistake would be NOT to call the police
3. Stopping whatever you are doing and going to your car, then getting a gun, comming back, then firing a round on campus isnt a MISTAKE that NICE people make. If that behavior means that Brown is one of the "nicests people on the team" Croom wont be around much longer.

If this guy isnt a football player, most people would be in favor of putting him UNDER the jail. I am not in favor of ruinig this guys life, putting him in jail for 3 years or NOT giving him a second chance. But this is serious stuff here.


1.Two football players were at the BP (neither one of them Brown) and were "stared down" by some townie.
2. Then according too the football players, the townie pulled out a gun and put a bullet in it.
3. Football players didnt call the police, because...well we dont know why.
4. THREE HOURS LATER, same townie drives on campus by dormitories where hundreds of students live
5. Brown being the nice guy that everyone says he is, worried that things will spiral out of control somehow. He has heard how his buddies have been scared by someone showing them a gun THREE HOURS AGO.
6. So instead of calling the campus police, he does what any reasonable person will do in similar circumstances...he goes to his car (cause he doesnt happen to be packing at that particular moment) comes back and fires off a round into the air..which by the way, gravity being the wierd thing it insists on being, means that round is going to come back down somewhere in the area where hundreds of students are living and walking.

Lets get some things straight here
1. NICE people call the police
2. A mistake would be NOT to call the police
3. Stopping whatever you are doing and going to your car, then getting a gun, comming back, then firing a round on campus isnt a MISTAKE that NICE people make. If that behavior means that Brown is one of the "nicests people on the team" Croom wont be around much longer.

If this guy isnt a football player, most people would be in favor of putting him UNDER the jail. I am not in favor of ruinig this guys life, putting him in jail for 3 years or NOT giving him a second chance. But this is serious stuff here.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
3 card monte analogy to really wrap my brain around this and be able to form an opinion.

Also, does anyone know why it always looks smoky at Celtics home games?


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005



New member
Jan 10, 2007
If you see JR starting a new thread with "Let's break down" or any other phrase indicating detailed analysis, do yourselves a favor and skip the thread, or you will become dumber.


we lack your clarity in these moral situations.
it appears as it's a simple situation of a good guy who made a bad mistake
I dont know how you and others come up with this moral clarity, but I suspect this second quote has something to do with it:
He's very talented, and I'd hate to see another tragic waste of talent in prison when he could be playing in the NFL next year.

What I particurarly like about this discussion is the nice symmetry with the discussions that often take place on this board about Jackson and Memphis. How its not safe to live in Jackson or Memphis because of all the "gats".

Sigh, how much better the world would be if all the criminals in big cities had NFL talent. People would be just as dead, I suppose, but at least it would be "nice"


New member
Oct 10, 2006
Well, I happen to distinguish the difference between a guy who shoots a gun in the air and a guy who shoots a person. It was stupid for him to even have a gun, and it was the absolute wrong thing to do, but I think this is one situation where someone certainly deserves a second chance. Sorry if that bothers you.


because if you havent it's really nice.
Oh by the way
Well, I happen to distinguish the difference between a guy who shoots a gun in the air and a guy who shoots a person

If you visited MSU more often then maybe you distinguish between "shooting in the air"
Shooting in the air in middle of the main residence hall complex on campus where literally thousands of innocent bystanders live and walk around.

See location might have something to do with your powers of distinquishment. Yelling FIRE in a empty field, and yelling FIRE in a crowded movie theatre are two completely different things.
One is stupid, and one gets you put in prison for a felony.


New member
Oct 10, 2006
I don't know, but they better figure out how to win a road game if they want to get to the Finals.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
you pwned arrow in this thread. i have to agree with you .... er...umm... completely. damn that hurts me to say that. and it makes me think i am going to see the following when looking at replies to this post



New member
Mar 3, 2008
how many people are in Parchman for yelling "fire"?

The thing that swayed my opinion on this matter is that Brown himself knows that he did something stupid, he's taking responsibility for it, and I seriously doubt that he would do this again. Plus, the testimony of all the people for Brown convinced me that he probably has learned his lesson. Not only is this guy a great football player- but one that has never been disciplined for anything else. We're not talking about Pac Man here.

I know you are going to diagree with me, and that's fine, so go ahead and type your asinine response. But if you look at what happend, the testimomy in his favor and the fact that while someone "could have" gotten hurt, the fact is no one did.



he's taking responsibility for it
now that he has been caught and standing in front of the judge looking for leniency.
Because you know after it happened, BEFORE he got caught, what he did was ah, you know, involve some of his friends by asking them to hide the gun.

There fixed. NOW we can have all sorts of debates about whether a crime is really a crime if no one actually got hurt.

Look, I am NOT saying the guy should be crucified, what I AM saying is that shooting guns in the residence section of a University is REALLY REALLY serious and something that shouldnt be excused as "a nice guy making a mistake.
It was an EXTREMELY dangerous action.


New member
Mar 14, 2008
.......of calling the police.

I've been in that situation in Starkville. Tried to call the police to defuse a situation. They basically told me to $%$@ off if there wasn't **** going down right at that second. And this was after sunrise, not during prime trouble time.

No, I don't like that Brown fired a gun into the air, but saying someone should have called the cops is ridiculous. The cops wouldn't have done jack. Brown was in the unevniable position of doing something like fire a gun in the air, or doing nothing and just hoping that thug piece of **** would show his better nature.

Probation seems entirely appropriate to me.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
JR said:

he's taking responsibility for it
Because you know after it happened, BEFORE he got caught, what he did was ah, you know, involve some of his friends by asking them to hide the gun.

Look, I am NOT saying the guy should be crucified, what I AM saying is that shooting guns in the residence section of a University is REALLY REALLY serious and something that shouldnt be excused as "a nice guy making a mistake.
It was an EXTREMELY dangerous action.

</p>Yes, because I'm sure that as soon as the cops came to the scene, everyone that was involved was going to come running out of the residence hall and present their guns and say "I did it!". And as soon as the cops asked for the weapons, he let them have them. That seems pretty responsible to me. He could have pulled a Cedric Benson on them.

Secondly, NO ONE is saying that they should be excused totally because of what he did. But three years of prison and getting kicked out of school for one incident where no one got hurt, the guy cooperates, and hasn't done anything else wrong in his life is too much. He should get probation and that's it. Whether he is a football player or not.


New member
Oct 10, 2006
......than I do, and you happen to agree with his? If that's "pwning" someone, then someone gets "pwned" in every message thread that's ever existed on this message board.

Or, maybe you're referring to his ignorant question as to whether I've ever been on the MSU campus? Maybe I should show him and all other ignorant people on the internet a copy of my B.A. that I earned from MSU between 1994 and 1998? Maybe I should make a copy of ticket stubs and records of Bulldog Club membership between 1999 and 2006? Or, maybe baseless insinuations/accusations such as his just don't bother me anymore and that's why I didn't respond to his last post. Yeah, I think that's it.

In short, I know the MSU campus very well, and I'm sticking to my opinion about Brown. If that makes me "pwned," then consider my *** pwned.</p>


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
wasn't trying to get you pissed off and i am surely not questioning your attendance to any events. he simply had better arguments than you. even if i didn't agree with him it would still be apparent that you couldn't argue your point better than he could argue his. that is all i was saying. and i was also saying that i could be retarded for actually agreeing with JR. i was much more bothered by that than anything.


New member
Jan 23, 2007
If Brown gets off after firing said gun, it does add credence to why they didn't call the cops on the guy. He was just going to get out of it and come back and shoot them.

Part of the problem with calling the cops these days is that in a lot of places, it doesn't do any good. Of course, that is still the proper course of action when one understands right and wrong.


that knowing someone else has a loaded gun in thier possession, that the proper action to "calm" the situation is to get YOUR gun and fire a round in the air.
Gee why would you fire a round in the air? To scare someone, I suppose? Gee I wonder what frightened people with guns are going to have a tendency to do?

Perfectly logical to initiate a shootout then call the campus police and tell them you think someone has a gun on campus......oops, dont want to do that do we? Because after all WE have a gun on....nevermind.

Yeah I think the risk reward calculation indicates that its MUCH better to risk going "dodge city" then calling campus security.


you live in a big apartment complex and lets assume you have kids.
People are firing guns into the air in your apartment complex.
Would your first reaction be to find out if the guys involved were "nice"
No, I think you would want the person arrested and evicted, or you would find another place to live.


New member
May 1, 2006
Brown made an error in judgement, it's as simple as that. Just about every college student makes an error in judgement at some point during their time in school. It's part of being just old enough to make your own decisions and not having the seasoning to think things through. When you are 18-22 you don't know jack squat but you think you do. Some students drink when they've had a little too much to drink, and sometimes bad things happen as a result. Some students decide to party rather than study for that big test and end up failing and losing a schollarship, flunking the class, flunking out of school, etc. Some students decide to beat up a guy that insults them at a bar not knowing the guy is an off duty cop. When you are that age you typically don't think about the results of your actions.

I wouldn't just come out and call Brown a thug or a bad person. We've never had any trouble out of him before. It really sounds like the guy made a bad decision, and unfortunately for him the decision has big consequences. Should he be held responsible? Absolutely, the law is the law and firing a gun off in that manner is unacceptable. He has to learn that lesson, and I believe he has from all accounts. Is 3 years too much? Without a doubt. People that do a lot worse get a lot less time. He should be off the team and out of school, but let's not go overboard.

All of these players made bad decisions that night. It doesn't make them bad people just like it doesn't make anyone on this board a bad person when you make bad choices. None of us are perfect and none of us always do the "right thing". We have to pay the price for our choices, but the price should be fair as well.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
that was a very bad error in judgment. Should he be off the team? Absolutely. But just because he made a bad and frankly stupid decision doesnt mean that he isnt a "nice guy". You push anyone eventually they are going to shove back.

Perfect example is Marvin Harrison. The guy has a spotless record but someone apparently pushed the right buttons and he shoots somebody.

And you would be surprised at how many people have guns on campus. Most farmboys down there have pistols in their trucks.
Aug 30, 2006
that Croom isn't being given the opportunity to discipline Brown & Wesley on his own terms, then he could make them run more.....that would certainly solve any character issues that may be developing.
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