Montez Phillips



"Right now I would have to say that Mississippi State and Ole Miss are my top two," Phillips said. "For a while there Mississippi State was probably out in front. I went to Ole Miss recently though and they told me that they wanted me as a quarterback first instead of receiver. That is the position I want to play so that moved them up."

so why don't we tell him the same thing?


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
If he wants to play QB, you tell him he can play QB. When he gets here, many times he'll figure out pretty early that he needs to play another position and will move voluntarily. If not, you just move him anyway. A guy I grew up with was an All-State QB/DB who was recruited by pretty much every school in the SEC and Florida State. He signed with LSU partly because they told him he could play QB. During his true freshman season (he redshirted), he realized he'd never play at QB and he went to the coaching staff and asked to be moved to DB. I'm sure all the coaches were shocked that their QB recruit would wind up playing DB for them. And BTW, for anybody who thinks it's "not right" to lie to a player like that, my friend loved his time at LSU.


New member
Jun 4, 2007
Montez, you might want to talk to Michael Spurlock. They fed him that same BS and he languished at QB rather than preparing for a probable NFL career as a DB. One thing Jackie got right for sure was that Spurlock was not an SEC caliber QB.


New member
Jan 24, 2007
they believed that bs hook, line, and sinker and gave him every opportunity to suceed at qb. One of the worst qb depth charts i can remember in the sec.


"They fed him that same BS and he languished at QB rather than preparing for a probable NFL career as a DB."

not true, Spurlock would have quit football if he were moved to DB.