MSU Pitching Question?


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Seeing how bad our pitching has been this year, and how it was suppose to be our strength, two questions.

1. Do the coaches call the pitches?

2. If No - Does the fact that we do not have a catcher with any experience play a major factor in the lack quality pitching this year?


New member
Mar 3, 2008
The pitching coach is calling the pitches and only some of them have the option to brush it off and throw another pitch (Pigott, Weatherford, maybe Lalor). The young pitchers who are really our strength and our future have no such option. Most of them are getting no help from the pitching coach.

The real problem with our pitching this year is that all of our pitchers are getting behind in the count and have to groove a "batting practice" fastball to quality hitters. On the other hand, most of our opponents know that our hitters will take a first pitch strike during each at bat and our hitting has become too defensive which has been our trademark over the years.
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