Neil McReady on why State received a committment from Cox...


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
<font size="2">I was told this morning that Cox would not be committing to Mississippi State now, but the Bulldogs were emerging as clear leaders. Cox will go to Alabama's camp, but he's telling people close to him that he's leaning towards staying in Mississippi.

Right now, State leads in large part because somehow the Bulldogs' staff has convinced Cox that while Mississippi State's offer is a four-year offer, the scholarship offer on the table from Ole Miss is a year-to-year one.

Of course, every scholarship is a year-to-year scholarship, and Ole Miss should be able to overcome this obstacle at some point. A reminder: It's May.</font>


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
<font size="2">I was told this morning that Cox would not be committing to Mississippi State now, but the Bulldogs were emerging as clear leaders. Cox will go to Alabama's camp, but he's telling people close to him that he's leaning towards staying in Mississippi.

Right now, State leads in large part because somehow the Bulldogs' staff has convinced Cox that while Mississippi State's offer is a four-year offer, the scholarship offer on the table from Ole Miss is a year-to-year one.

Of course, every scholarship is a year-to-year scholarship, and Ole Miss should be able to overcome this obstacle at some point. A reminder: It's May.</font>


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
<font size="2">Croom's offers work this way - take it now or we'll pull it off the table. Puts fear into some kids and they jump on the train. Croom will be subject to have some defections later in the year using that tactic.

That said, Cox has plenty of options without caving in to Croom's method of recruiting.</font>


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
that someone is finally having to criticize our recruiting.


New member
Jun 25, 2006
And did you expect any thing different? The same **** I have been hearing about any kid who chooses State over OM, my whole life. Those people have ,and always will, live in FantasyLand. That's why I trust no "journalist." McCready was a so called "professional journalist" at one time. He didn't become an idiot when he took this job. He was one the whole time.
Jan 13, 2008
Yeah, heaven forbid that MSU get a player from Mississippi that Ole Miss wanted. There's obviously some funny business going on. How about the fact that Houston Nutt isn't recruiting Mississippi very hard right now and MSU is. Or how about the fact that Coach Cheese made Cox a number 1 priority a long time ago. The wheel is spinning in Oxford coming up with new ideas and theories. They don't understand how we went 8-5 last season without cheating (ala their flame at Jackie).


Active member
Dec 2, 2007
That impressive logic...wonder if they convinced Cox that the LSU, Bama, etc offers were only year to year as well. Of all the reasons to explain the loss of a prospect, that has to be among the worst I've ever seen. Not that I ever took him seriously but even OM fans have to admit that's really grasping there.

I mean when was the last time you saw either school just tell a player to leave b/c his scholarship was not being renewed. I know some guys are "encouraged" to leave via transfers .

I think Croom has proven patience on some of the bigger recruits. I doubt we threatened to pull his scholly offer in May if he didn't commit.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
He's right about one thing...

dawgstudent said:
<font size="2">It's


That's all I really care about. Forgive me if I don't care about commitments that occur in May, because 1) they can and often do decommit at some point in the process even if they end up signing with you, 2) again, they haven't signed, 3) they haven't qualified (especially important for Mississippi recruits), and 4) no one knows who will be decent college football players until they show up and start playing.

Edited to add: I'm not going to complain about McReady that much yet for 2 reasons. First, he can put together a complete sentence, and he can spell. That's a step up on the writers we've had recently. Secondly, he's not proven to be a sunshine pumper yet. After a couple years have passed, we'll be able to figure out whether he has legit sources, or whether the information he passes along is pure sunshine BS. So far, from the bits I've seen, he seems to report both good and bad news without a whole lot of spin. This little blip looks on the surface like it contains some spin, but that hasn't been the norm from the bits I've seen so far.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
the overwhelming majority of early commitments sign with that team on National Signing Day? Croom has lost only a handful of commitments in his time here. Most of the big recruiting disappointments came from heavy leans or legacy recruits who never committed (Lawrence, McNeil, etc.). I think we lose only a couple of these commits.


New member
May 1, 2006
but didn't our sheep used to say the very same thing about Orgeron, that he put pressure on recruits to commit on thier official visit weekend? Typical sheep spin. If Croom really did threaten to pull an offer wouldn't the guy just simply say, "go ahead, I have more offers."


New member
Feb 23, 2008
if Cox wouldn't have committed to us and we pulled the offer then he would have been forced to settle for such schools as Alabama or even the defending national champs LSU. I think he is giving Croom too much credit for being able to put the fear into kids.

Sarc Dawg

New member
Nov 9, 2003
the majority of coaches how? Saban is famous for applying all sorts of pressure to get a recruit to commit... which is why he is known as a great (relentless) recrutier. One has to be that way in the SEC now days.


"It's May."

I don't even see the point of coaches trying to commit players this early when there's about a 90% chance they'll change their mind before they sign.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
the % of early commits that change is probably limited but all we remember are the ones that do change. Robert Elliot, Chris Garrett, etc.


New member
May 8, 2008
Regardless if he thought that about the ship, I think it would only take about 2 minutes for the OM coaches to convince him thats not true. I mean really, if the Ole Miss coaches can't convince a kid that their ship is good for all four years then we will not lose a kid to them this year. What a joke.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
I don't know the numbers, but I do know that there is a good chance that a player will at least change his mind and possibly change it back before signing. People forget the guys that commit for 1 week, and they forget the guys that commit without a concrete offer, and they forget the guys that commit early but get dropped due to not having their grades in order.

There are any number of things that can happen in the last 8-10 months before signing day, and no one ever keeps everyone that commits in those first few months after the previous signing day.

And for that matter, it's no guarantee that the guys that do stay committed will actually make it to school, and then it's no guarantee that they ever see the playing field.

It's a lesson that took me about 2 years to learn, but recruiting, especially this early in the game, is pretty useless to follow. I find it much more valuable to wait and see who is contributing 2-3 years after signing. If you want to go back and rate recruiting classes based on how they actually contribute to their teams, then I'll care. Until then, who cares what some 4 star from Nowhere, LA says he wants to do?

Edited to add: I do realize that recruiting is one of the most important thing a coaching staff needs to be able to do well to have success, but as fans I don't think it's something we should try to follow too closely, because we really have no idea how well or poorly our team is doing. The coaches have a good idea if they did well or not. Other than them, everyone else is just speculating, and most are speculating without much to back up their thoughts.

Goat Holder

The idiots are mostly pegged from the get-go. Jazzmen Guy, Tig????? You're an idiot if you even hoped these guys would hit the field.

A 4* with no offers except Southern? Yeah he's probably not getting in. It's not hard.

You are simply making excuses for what happened last year. There are some surprises but for the most part you can tell what these *****'s plan to do. But anyone who follows recruiting knew the Lee Chambers/Alonzo Lawrence types were gonna be wishy-washy til the end. And still most folks figured out two things: Chambers wasn't sure about State and Lawrence was probably going to Bammer.

I really think it's because you listen to real idiots like Yancy who confuse you. I don't know it may just be Ole Miss arrogance.


New member
May 28, 2007
when you guys start trying to downplay it. Seriously, as others have pointed out, you keep 90% of your early commits. We might lose Cox or we might lose Russell, but chances are, we won't lose both. Academics is anybody's guess, but the coaching staff is doing what they need to be doing right now, and that's getting the top players in the state to commit. Meanwhile, it's very quite in Nuttford, other than the spin that McReady and ColReb are throwing out there.

And as far as what people choose to follow, you can't control that. And besides that, what the hell else do we have to do? We have no SEC or NCAA tournament to look forward to. We've got this coaching search that is still down the road some, and we've probably got a very messy divorce with Ron Polk on the horizon. So I welcome recruiting with open arms right now.


New member
May 24, 2006
Goat Holder said:
But anyone who follows recruiting knew the Lee Chambers/Alonzo Lawrence types were gonna be wishy-washy til the end. And still most folks figured out two things: Chambers wasn't sure about State and Lawrence was probably going to Bammer.
Is that why you kept saying that yall had Lawrence in the bag up until he committed to Bama?


New member
May 28, 2007
I don't remember there ever being a time period when anybody on this board really thought Lawrence was coming.

Goat Holder

He was definitely on my wishlist. Lawrence dropped us well in advance of committing to Bama. I did however think we had a shot.

You're making up stuff saying that I said "he was in the bag" and you know it. You're looking for maffagptcw. Try again, pal.


New member
May 24, 2006
I didn't realize that you spoke for every poster on the board and remember every single post that was made last year. I guess the idiot & liar deal is because I'm a OM fan.

Goat was pretty adamant that Alonzo was yours (due to Co-Eric) up until he committed to Bama. He even admitted it.

It ain't a big deal. He made a prediction and it was wrong. If you step out on the line like he did, you will be wrong ocasionally. I have done the same. I was just f'n with him, as I like to do sometimes.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
DowntownDawg said:
when you guys start trying to downplay it. Seriously, as others have pointed out, you keep 90% of your early commits. We might lose Cox or we might lose
Russell, but chances are, we won't lose both. Academics is anybody's guess, but the coaching staff is doing what they need to be doing right now, and
that's getting the top players in the state to commit. Meanwhile, it's very quite in Nuttford, other than the spin that McReady and ColReb are
throwing out there.

And as far as what people choose to follow, you can't control that. And besides that, what the hell else do we have to do? We have no SEC or NCAA
tournament to look forward to. We've got this coaching search that is still down the road some, and we've probably got a very messy divorce with Ron
Polk on the horizon. So I welcome recruiting with open arms right now.


Seriously, do yourself a favor and keep up qith your commitments. If you can, go back and add the ones that have already decommitted (Garrett is the only one I know about). Keep up with the date they committed and whether or not they decommit at some point in the process. You may end up with really good numbers, but I think you'll be surprised at the results.

And for Goat, I wasn't talking about guys like Tig or Guy. I had a feeling Tig had probably a 5% shot at actually making it and not being a cancer once he got to school. What I'm talking about is all the recruiting hype. Sometimes it's right, but often the guys that impress you the most on the field aren't guys that get the fans excited in February. I do follow the hype just to see how guys pan out, but I don't adjust my expectations of a player based on a star rating.

And I also love how you pretend that guys like Yancy and McReady are pumping sunshine, but Gene and Rosebowl shoot you straight. If you listen to any of the recruiting "gurus", including your own, you're getting a packaged/slanted message. You also probably believe that FOX News is unbiased and CNN is in the pocket of the liberals.


Active member
Apr 8, 2003
oh how that poor fool will be dragged across the mud of ESPN and national media for daring to slander Coach Croom. Please God, let it be a Rebel coach who does it.


New member
Jun 5, 2007
they used to have him on JOX in Bham every now and then and he didnt appear to be too much of a homer (other than when he said that O would win and win big in oxford) but it appears now that he is going to give yancy a good race for homerism in om athletics. I guess that is the type of crap their subscribers want to hear.</p>