That means you were there.I don’t remember that in the dorm rooms.
Thank you, MaconNitt, for the unsolicited testimonial. As a token of my gratitude I want to send you a gift. This shirt failed to meet our abysmally low quality standards and was destined for the scrap heap when I saw your post. The shirt is free. All I ask is that you pay shipping and handling charges. Please send $23,750.00 in small, unmarked bills, to Fairgambit Worldwide Enterprises. Thank you again.New addition to the Tailgate??
I can't wait to for it to arrive from Gambit Enterprizes.
Nobody else gives you less quality for more $ than @fairgambit
Thank you, MaconNitt, for the unsolicited testimonial. As a token of my gratitude I want to send you a gift. This shirt failed to meet our abysmally low quality standards and was destined for the scrap heap when I saw your post. The shirt is free. All I ask is that you pay shipping and handling charges. Please send $23,750.00 in small, unmarked bills, to Fairgambit Worldwide Enterprises. Thank you again.
View attachment 412744
How dare you Sir! How dare you!!!