Off Topic - Random Radio Announcer Mistake


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2021
As my PSU friends await the Grand Daddy of all Bow Games, I hope it's okay to post a random off topic post.

I was listening to FM radio on the way into work when I heard the D. J. attribute a song to the wrong "artist".
Unfortunately the misspeak by the Dee Jay wasn't recorded because it was late morning and he was just playing music:

"Coming up next. Coach Franklin with silver and Gold" He meant to say Kirk Franklin. Needless to say, I laughed.

FYI If you didn't know, Kirk Franklin is a Gospel music artist that sometimes has songs played on pop radio.

Guess we are still reeling from the Whiteout game...

Edit: Missed opportunity.
Guess we are still reeling from the Whiteout game... ;)
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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
Coach Franklin’s song would be titled “Obviously”! This is an insider joke and the source of a drinking game!

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