No, I didn't agree with him, but at least he got off his *** and did something. In the end it didn't matter. Just like what is said on this site day in and day doesn't matter.What that guy is, is a perfect example of everything, EVERYTHING that is wrong with Mississippi State University. A total unwillingness to accept a reality, which at that time was, he was out there supporting a bunch of trash that except for a select few had already mailed in the season. They didn't a give a rat **** about us, the fans, but there was this toolshed, unwilling or unable to grasp that simple truth. "We beliiiieeevvvveee in you guys!!!!"
Todd4State said:between blindly supporting mediocrity and wanting change for the better. Fact is, in this situation the players (with a couple of exceptions) didn't care about whether they won or lost. All they cared about was where their next round of pot came from and which ***** they were going to have after the game. And then you had a coach who knew that they didn't care and DID NOTHING to stop it. And then on top of that, was this coach held accountable by our athletic administration? NO! All we got was "Jackie has turned it around before, and I believe he can do it again."
I guarantee you that NO OTHER SCHOOL in the conference, and most likely the country, would have put up with that crap. And yet, we had to let Jackie completely run the program in the ground before anything was done. It's ridiculous.
And besides, this guy wasn't really "showing school spirit" as much as he was trying to draw attention to himself in a lame attempt to become a "super fan" a la Candyman Ron.