OK Ok, I know it is an old subject but...


New member
Feb 28, 2008
What is the deal with the Jumbotron? I have seen quite a few posts here lately still talking about the possibility that the 08 season will have a new one. Now the Byrne is talking about it still being possible. Whats the problem? Money? LT? Baseball coach search?
I would personally put a new jumbotron far ahead of a basketball practice facility.



New member
Aug 20, 2006
Its a long shot to have it this year. Looks more likely for the 2009 season. AD says we need to make sure we do it right - which to me is code for he just became the AD and its a tad late now to start an expensive project for the 2008 football season.


May 24, 2006
They want to make sure it's first class and done right, but not sure which side of the field would be best. I would think on top of the Seal Building would be most logical spot if there's any more expansion to be done to the stadium within the next 10 years or so.


Jan 23, 2007
Just wondering why you would put a jumbotron far ahead of a basketball practice facility? You realize a practice facility would be a huge boost in our recruiting? A jumbotron isn't going to land us any prize recruits. All it will do is enhance the gameday atmosphere a little more. A practice facility will help in recruiting and give our players a place to practice all the time whenever they need to instead of having to work around the circus and all the other BS we have going on in the Hump.


Location design and ability has yet to be agreed upon. They are concerned that if in the next few years we decide close in the Stadium and put Clublevel seats in New horse shoe . What will happen to the new Jumbotron? The Clublevel sells out every year and many are on the waiting list. So it would make sense to think this through before making a quick call. Yall know LT never thought a spit second. He never saw the need for a new one. That Dumbass.


New member
Aug 16, 2006
I agree we need a basketball practice facility. However, it is embarrassing that we, as a D1 school, only have one scoreboard and it is not viewable from some portions of the stadium because of bleachers. Most people can look out on the field and see down and distance. But...come on...that is ridiculous.

Oh, I know there is another "scoreboard" on the south end. However, something that was probably a "hand me down" from Starkville parks and recs doesn't count.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
I was just saying that a jumbotron would be in desperate need since ours continues to have black spots in it. Also, I was considering that a jumbotron would be about 1/3 of the price than an basketall practice facility. I am sure jumbotrons help recruiting a little (not as much as basketball though).

Very soon the Academic Athletic Center will be finished along with the soccer press box, so I do see a project to jump up pretty soon. If there is no way that a jumbotron can be in place by this year then a basketball facility should be constructed to at least have something going on.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
I think it would make the most sense for a large Jumbotron to be placed on the locker room end of the field at MSU. For those that have been, your stadium is a lot like Arkansas's, just without one endzone completed. They have their large Jumbotron in front of the locker room area, which is a convenient spot for everyone in the stadium. If you do that, it'll allow you plenty of room for expansion in the opposite end zone without having to consider moving the Jumbotron at least until the technology is so old that you have to replace it anyway.

Same with us. If we do end up bowling in our North Endzone, and I think we will at some point, it'll probably be far enough down the road that we could plan it along with a new Jumbotron, though I'm sure if we did it sooner, it would be possible to move the new scoreboard.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
the locker room end is where we plan to expand. No idea if it's true or not and we have discussed before.


New member
Aug 20, 2006
If we put the next expansion in the endzone that currently has the scoreboard, those seats will stare into the sun in afternoon games. Would be nicer to have them with their backs to the sun. But then there's the problem of the M-Club building. I'd rather they just leveled the M-Club. But your idea is probably the most economical one.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
to know that we are going to try to do something the right way.


There is a push for it to be moved to the locker room end, but some of the Seal Building seated folks have to be consulted. That will make it impossible for them to see the Jumbotron. I think if they can come with a workable solution they will move it to that end. But nothing has been agreed upon as of now.


Roy Munson.sixpack

New member
Sep 7, 2005
and there is the big "we dont want to half *** this thing or screw it up like um has"....Also, they know how much UM is spending and the idea of just retro fitting the existing one has all but been thrown out due to the "keeping up with the jones"

There would literally have to be a contract signed and a check cut in the next 2 weeks to have a realistic shot at getting it up this year...My advice, get the ribbon boards up now and come back next year with a badass one over the m club...hope they are listening....