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Active member
Jun 3, 2007
but ask yourself this, if a mom wanted to get busy with you in high school, would you have objected? Is there a double standard? Yes absolutely, but "that's baseball". Women (and young girls in particular) are to be protected.

Optimus Prime 4

New member
May 1, 2006
but how is that any different than a girl who wants to get busy with an older guy?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


New member
Jun 4, 2007
if my teenage son had sex with a 38 yr old woman, I wouldn't be happy about it, but I wouldn't want the woman dead. However, if my young daughter had sex with a 38 yr old man, without a doubt, I would try to kill him.

Double standard or not, there is a difference. </p>


New member
Aug 21, 2007
The difference: Boys are programmed to crave the physical side of sex. Girls are programmed more to crave the emotional side.

Teenage boys are much less likely to receive sustained emotional damage from this type of incident. Teenage girls are much more likely to be emotionally scarred from something like this.

It's a double standard for a reason.


Active member
Jun 3, 2007
young girls equate sex with love and emotions... young boys equate sex with "scoring" and physical pleasure


New member
Jun 4, 2007
I would know that my son would probably brag about it, while my daughter would never be the same. Thus, the woman I would hope could get some professional help, while the man would wind up in the ground.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
That's my point. I knew a couple guys that actually got with different teachers in high school. All it did for them is serve to earn them some extra status with their friends. Neither of them have any lingering issues from having had those experiences. They both just chalk it up as a good story.

On the other hand, girls often have trouble recovering if something like that were to happen.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2008
one could say that by nature, young women are more in touch with their emotions and emotional reality. and one could say it takes men many years and sometimes a lifetime to be in touch with their emotional reality. so while a boy doing this with a woman may not on the surface be as obviously damaging, one could say that beneath the surface, deeper than he and most men can see, it has damaged him as equally as it has the young lady.

one could say....


New member
May 22, 2006
I might try to get the woman in some trouble - embarrass her, get her fired from work, possible even with the law. But for the man, you nailed, that would be one dead sumbitch.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Is amazing in terms of their views on sex ..... the 20 yr old woman now is nothing compared that same woman 10 yrs ago ... It used to be I have to work for it in my day , but now these young girls are so more free with giving it up ... yes my standards are lower on what the girl has to look like than they use to but you do what you gotta do


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
where were these moms when I was in middle school and high school?
they were there all just didn't hear about it in the press and didn't have one come after you. i knew plenty of guys who did stuff like this...maybe not gang bangs but definitely by themselves with friends' moms, teachers, secretaries, ladies who hired them to cut the lawn, lifeguards, bosses, etc. etc. etc. the difference is we have had some high profile cases on the subject and the courts have begun to prosecute in some instances.

is it wrong? sure. will it continue? most likely.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
Neither of them have any lingering issues from having had those experiences ... that I know about, or that they are willing to discuss
The suggestion that casual sex has no lingering negative impact on the male participant is pretty damn ignorant.


Active member
Nov 11, 2007
get pregnant. Females do. That fact combined with thousands and thousands of years of fathers being protective of their daughters and the possibility of a pregnancy and being aware of males simply being males and we arrive at our attitudes of "Damn straight there is a difference". And there is a difference.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
UCantStop15 said:
young girls equate sex with love and emotions... young boys equate sex with "scoring" and physical pleasure

</p>this isnt the 1980's anymore...its too bad many of you havent been in a high school classroom lately listening to girls talk when they dont realize you can hear what they are saying...high school sophomores and juniors are like college women back in my day. And they talk like that as well. Hell, anal sex is the new in thing so girls can technically remain virgins until 16 or 17....Girls are becoming as bad and even worse than young boys now

Barkman Turner Overdrive

Well-known member
May 28, 2006
I was at P.F. Chang's the other night. There were three girls in their early twenties that just left the bar area to eat dinner. I was about 15 feet away, but I could hear the three talked about sex the entire night. One of these girls shared with half the restaurant that her "ex boyfriend <17>ed her so hard one time her head went through the wall". I hope that wasn't an exterior wall. Where were these gals ten years ago?


Active member
Jul 9, 2006
Mutt the Hoople said:
Behind every seductive teenaged lolita, is a little girl crying out for daddy.

Bingo - and every young stud is crying out for that same affirmation.


New member
Jun 25, 2006
A man could rape a young girl.

A woman needs a little willingness from the male to get it on.

No ugly ***** could make me get a chubby. I would have to be at least a little turned on to participate.

If my 10th grade substitute had been hot for it, hell yeah, and I wouldn't have thought twice.

If my regular 10th grade teacher had been hot for it she would have been **** out of luck. No way to get wood for that.
Nov 16, 2005
Emotionally, I don't doubt for a second there is a difference with a girl is involved and when a boy is involved. I have a 7 week old daughter asleep in the other room and I have a little while before I have to deal with that but I'd go "A Time To Kill" on them if something like this happened to her. However, teenage girls are NOT the innocent little angels people still pretend they are. They haven't been for years. Some of them prey on guys (younger and older) just like some guys do to girls. Regardless if they are wrecked emotionally and "crying out for daddy." Maybe the boy is just "crying out for mommy," I don't know. But emotionally, it is easy to make a distinction.

However, legally, there should be NO double standard. A 40 year old woman who sleeps with a 15 year old boy should be treated the same way a 40 year old man who sleeps with a 15 year old girl should be treated. That boy is no better suited to deal with that than the girl is and will carry the same issues with him...he just may show it in a different way.

(Or, it could be very well that those teenagers know exactly what they are doing and don't get a **** because they want to get off and could very well see nothing wrong with it.)</p>


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
PosterFormerlyKnownAsRFAA said:
Emotionally, I don't doubt for a second there is a difference with a girl is involved and when a boy is involved. I have a 7 week old daughter asleep in the other room and I have a little while before I have to deal with that but I'd go "A Time To Kill" on them if something like this happened to her.

I have three daughters. I'd go "A Time To Kill" times three.

However, legally, there should be NO double standard. A 40 year old woman who sleeps with a 15 year old boy should be treated the same way a 40 year old man who sleeps with a 15 year old girl should be treated. That boy is no better suited to deal with that than the girl is and will carry the same issues with him...he just may show it in a different way.

Mainly, the guy shows it by strutting around the hallways at school and with his buddies. Why do you think most of these women get found out? Right, because the little turd is bragging. The little girl caught in something like this usually turns to drugs.

(Or, it could be very well that those teenagers know exactly what they are doing and don't get a **** because they want to get off and could very well see nothing wrong with it.)

They better find something wrong with trying to nail my daughters like this. My son better find something wrong with trying to nail a young girl like this. </p>



New member
Jul 20, 2012
Today, its not just boys bragging. Its the girls as well. There arent girls turning to druge because someone told they banged some guy. They dont give a **** nowadays. The days of the virtuous young woman are over. Many of you guys with girls 14-17 are lying to yourself about your daughters. You have no idea what they are capable of. And because you look at them like they are still 8, doesnt make them that way.

True story- my last year of teaching I had a girl in my class that helped me grade papers and such-16 yr old Jr. After about a week, she had gotten my cell and put her number in it. When I found it, I confronted her privately and told her she needed to behave and stuff like that wasnt allowed. Her response- "Coach, spend a night with me and a 12-pack of bud light, and you will forget about all those old women you date"

I've got an 11 yr old daughter myself, and the future scares the hell out of me.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
If you guys are worried about your little teeniebop daughters in Jr. High and High School. Just wait till they're freshmeat on a college campus. And their whole life daddy has pretected them. THEY GO BUCK WILD. Seen it countless times.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
RebelBruiser said:
The difference: Boys are programmed to crave the physical side of sex. Girls are programmed more to crave the emotional side.

Teenage boys are much less likely to receive sustained emotional damage from this type of incident. Teenage girls are much more likely to be emotionally scarred from something like this.

It's a double standard for a reason.

Thats absolute and unadultered ********.</p>


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
JohnRocker said:
If you guys are worried about your little teeniebop daughters in Jr. High and High School. Just wait till they're freshmeat on a college campus. And their whole life daddy has pretected them. THEY GO BUCK WILD. Seen it countless times.

I saw this back in the early '80's when i went to State. It's a matter of we as parents raising them right, teaching them right from wrong (more than a bunch of "THOU SHALT NOTS"), and you hope and pray they don't die of alcohol poisoning while on campus.

Due to finances, my kids are probably going to go JUCO the first couple of years out of high school. By the time they get to whatever campus they decide to go to, they'll be more mature than an 18 year old.</p>


New member
May 1, 2006
Our society now frowns on virgins and people who keep their private lives private. They are teaching kids that it's not only ok for them to have sex as soon as the equipment becomes functional, but that if they don't there is something wrong with them. You are correct on the teenage girls nowadays. Many of them are open and honest about their many sexual encounters. Kids now grow up believing that a relationship centers around sex because that's what they see on tv, in movies, and that's the message of society. It's no surprise then that the divorce rate is as high as it is. /End rant
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