Emotionally, I don't doubt for a second there is a difference with a girl is involved and when a boy is involved. I have a 7 week old daughter asleep in the other room and I have a little while before I have to deal with that but I'd go "A Time To Kill" on them if something like this happened to her. However, teenage girls are NOT the innocent little angels people still pretend they are. They haven't been for years. Some of them prey on guys (younger and older) just like some guys do to girls. Regardless if they are wrecked emotionally and "crying out for daddy." Maybe the boy is just "crying out for mommy," I don't know. But emotionally, it is easy to make a distinction.
However, legally, there should be NO double standard. A 40 year old woman who sleeps with a 15 year old boy should be treated the same way a 40 year old man who sleeps with a 15 year old girl should be treated. That boy is no better suited to deal with that than the girl is and will carry the same issues with him...he just may show it in a different way.
(Or, it could be very well that those teenagers know exactly what they are doing and don't get a **** because they want to get off and could very well see nothing wrong with it.)</p>