Just read a story that Oklahoma State is adding a QR code on the players helmets so people can link to NIL donations site. Here is a link
Someone gonna put a garter on with a seed $5er.If I were a college football player I'd sharpie my Venmo account to my helmet. If we are going to be shameless, let's go all in.
Valid point lol. How often is someone gonna have a clear shot to scan a QR code on the back of a helmet? Even on a video board or TV feed?
I feel like this is going to turn into tv, colleges, and players allowing for individual QR codes to be displayed on the screen after big plays to beg for donations while all parties get a cutI don't blame the players (or school, I guess) for trying it. As CK said above, why not. It's similar but not as bad as all these goofballs I see driving around with their venmo account on the back of their minivan. Modern day panhandlers. I assume sometimes random people send them money, which is why they keep it on there. Hell, with the football team, at least I would know who I'm sending the money to and why.
So I can't blame them for trying it. I do blame any idiot who actually sends money to a random stranger because they saw a venmo account in shoe polish on the back window of a vehicle.
Or the tried and true "hunnert dolla handshake"I preferred it much better when collections were put in a white envelope and given to the player at the tailgate after the game.