OT American Airlines lost a bag of mine, though they did deliver it the next day


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
no big deal, I had it by noon. My question is, the guy that delivered it, am I suppose to tip that guy? I didnt as there was no extra service to me involved. What would you have done?


Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
Tip someone who is helping to fix a screw up that shouldn't have happened in the first place? Not a chance. I'm so sick of tipping culture, I wish I could wave a magic wand and it would be completely eliminated and prices would be adjusted accordingly to allow employers to just pay their employees a proper wage and we could all be done with this stupidity.

Tom McAndrew

BWI Staff
Staff member
Oct 27, 2021
has only happened to me one time, around 20 years ago. My flight was not direct; I had to get off in Columbus, OH. My first leg was late in departing, and ran into some weather issues during the flight, so I was worried about missing my connection. I mentioned my concerns to one of the flight attendants, and they later came back to tell me that since my connection was with the same airline, they were going to try to make it work. They had me move to a row right by the exit door, and told me that the connecting flight was delaying their departure a few minutes, but that I'd have to hustle to get to the correct gate. I made like OJ in the old commercial, as I ran like someone that would not be interfered with to the gate. Fortunately, I made that flight, and arrived on time at my final destination.

I had asked about my luggage (which I had checked in), and the folks on the 1st flight told me they'd do their best. I had a suspicion that my bags wouldn't travel as quickly as I did to the connecting flight, and sure enough, when I got to the carousel at my destination, my bag was not on it.

My bag was delivered 1 or 2 days later. I did not tip the individual that delivered it, as I was pretty sure they were being paid to deliver it. That said, the person that delivered the bag made a snippy comment about not receiving a tip.

No tip, they're actual airline employees and this is not a service you requested. They just screwed up and are trying to fix the problem.

that's not always correct. I can't speak to how lost bags are handled throughout the country. However, I've known two people that delivered lost bags, and neither of them were airline employees. One was an Uber driver that multiple airlines used to deliver lost bags. He received peanuts from the airlines, and pretty much depended on the tips to make the trips worth his time and expense. I don't remember all the specifics of the other individual, but they weren't an airline employee, and also indicated that without tips it was barely worth their time and effort to deliver the bags.

After meeting these two individuals (long after my aforementioned lost luggage event), I did question whether I should have tipped the individual that dropped off my bag.


Active member
Oct 12, 2021
Long time ago now, I and a coworker arrived in Atlanta and was awaiting our luggage. A guy approached us and said he was hired by the airline to take a lost bag into town and offered take us for like half the cab fare. It worked out but I was a little worried that we might be kidnapped or robbed or something.

My experience is lost bags are generally delivered by third parties…cabbies, Ubers, delivery services, etc; not employees of the airlines. if I interface with the guy/gal, I would probably tip them something.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2021
We were in London a few weeks ago. Our bags never made it onto the baggage carousel with the rest of our flight. We went to the Delta baggage desk and filed the missing bag report. I call a few hours later and was told they found our bags and they would be delivered in 5-6 hours from that point. The bags showed up 2 hours later, delivered by a delivery service hired by Delta. The guy that delivered them said that he saw what had happened with our bags and made us his first stop for that afternoon. I stopped him as he was leaving and tipped him. I made our day our bags weren't lost and he put us up in priority.
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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
One was an Uber driver that multiple airlines used to deliver lost bags. He received peanuts from the airlines, and pretty much depended on the tips to make the trips worth his time and expense
It's not my job as a customer to figure out which employees are paid appropriately and which are not. For some jobs it's common knowledge that they get less than minimum wage and rely on tips, such as waitstaff. I'd never know or even bother to research if someone delivering a previously lost or delayed bag was paid well, but I'm sure not tipping someone for fixing an error they caused. If the airline chooses to contract out the delivery to someone else, that's on them.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Long time ago now, I and a coworker arrived in Atlanta and was awaiting our luggage. A guy approached us and said he was hired by the airline to take a lost bag into town and offered take us for like half the cab fare. It worked out but I was a little worried that we might be kidnapped or robbed or something.

My experience is lost bags are generally delivered by third parties…cabbies, Ubers, delivery services, etc; not employees of the airlines. if I interface with the guy/gal, I would probably tip them something.
This person worked at the airport as a baggage handler for AA, He was the guy that filled out my lost claim form. I didnt know what to do. Now I had just paid AA for 2 check throughs and figured I had paid enough. the biggest problem was, I had 3 pieces and the other 2 made it just fine. All 3 were together when we had to recheck the luggage coming thru customs, their belts for that was broken, so not my problem.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
This person worked at the airport as a baggage handler for AA, He was the guy that filled out my lost claim form. I didnt know what to do. Now I had just paid AA for 2 check throughs and figured I had paid enough. the biggest problem was, I had 3 pieces and the other 2 made it just fine. All 3 were together when we had to recheck the luggage coming thru customs, their belts for that was broken, so not my problem.
You know, there is no rule that says you can't provide any of us on this board with some cash for helping you out.

Pay Me Kim Kardashian GIF by GQ


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
When I was younger I used to have a paper route, mowed lawns and shoveled driveways, I spent 3 summers as a looper at a country club near my home, I've tended bar. All these jobs I received the majority of pay via tips.

So my rule of thumb is... when in doubt, tip. I am convinced there is a positive energy force that favors those who are benevolent to those doing the lower tier/menial jobs.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2021
Tip someone who is helping to fix a screw up that shouldn't have happened in the first place? Not a chance. I'm so sick of tipping culture, I wish I could wave a magic wand and it would be completely eliminated and prices would be adjusted accordingly to allow employers to just pay their employees a proper wage and we could all be done with this stupidity.


Nov 1, 2021
I agree with the Rush Chairman and Keyser. The guy delivering the bag did was not the cause of it being lost. Despite this not being your fault and you already paid for it, a tip would be a nice and appreciated thing. I am probably an overtipper, but I learned a long time ago that I have gotten some really good service from a very small tip when it may not have been necessary. In this instance, not looking for something else, just a small thank you for resolving a frustrating issue.