More than meets the eye.It is a scary situation when a Transformer blows. They are a pressure vessel full of copper and mineral oil. Below is a picture from a job site many moons ago.
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We ain't much for green energy are we? Actually, we kind of are being light on coal. We really don't have the resources for a lot of wind, hydro or even solar power.Kinda OT but interesting
How Does Mississippi Get Energy?
The Mississippi Energy Institute sponsored and authored this post. What are the energy sources of electricity in MS, and how does MS
Bushings are installed when transformer is received on site for Entergyoddly enough, by random trips on I20 the last month, I have seen SEVERAL trucks carrying these several times delivering them to someone. open trailer with the these with the bushings just riding out in the open wind
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This is true for a new transformer or ones being scrapped. With the bushings installed you run into height limitations on the route. They will arrive onsite, dress them out (bushings, radiators and cops tank) and fill them with oil. Some utilities have old transformers fully dressed strategically located. Now they have mobile emergency substations to deploy for temp. supply during natural disasters and emergencies.Bushings are installed when transformer is received on site for Entergy