Advice is cheap and everyone likes their own ideas, I'll give you mine after a long career in aviation. After AFROTC at State, I flew transports (C-141) and had a 32-year career flying at FedEx. I did 7 years in the chief pilots' office and 20 years as a check airman.
I highly recommend a college degree but not an "aviation" degree. You don't know now that your son will want to fly in 5 years, or even likes flying at all. Many young people don't want to travel and be away from home as much as my generation was willing to do. A business degree from any school just a smart move in case the flying thing doesn't pan out.
Talk to someone about the Jackson Air Guard unit. I'd guess that every C-17 pilot that wants to go the airline route has an airline job. It's difficult for the civilian side to duplicate the training and operational experience your son would get.