Fair enough. I think I've just become cantankerous in my old age about being able to do what I want to with my own property. I'm lucky to live in a neighborhood with a very relaxed HOA (though I'd prefer to not have one at all), but that hasn't always been the case. The argument I always hear for having an HOA is "well, you don't want your neighbor to paint their house purple, do you?" and my response is always "who gives a 17?" If my neighbor wants to paint their house teal with pink zig zags, then I'm kind of ok with that. It's their house.
And ... I dunno ... maybe if some parts of Starkville had a little more color, it could help shed the idea that it's a boring аss town. I was born in Starkville and I want good things for Starkville, but I live a long way away from there now, so I'll leave that to the current residents. I think doing things to make Starkville feel more mundane and boring isn't the answer, though.
As an aside, I don't think a place that's supposed to be a destination for children being painted a bright color is bad thing.