Need advice on the right ones to get into. My youngest son is ChemE at State and will be a sophomore. What should he join or do while he's there to make himself more marketable for co-op, careers etc.? Join LinkedIn or some other professional social media?
I am squarely mid career. ChemE. Work with lots of 1-5 year engineers in a world-scale petrochemical facility. Clubs don’t matter so much. Intelligence (yes, even some book smarts in this field) and tact, interpersonal effectiveness are the important qualities. Don’t be awkward. Be likeable, affable. Club presidents that are super gregarious and real go-getters can be great, sometimes off-putting. If he needs clubs to develop, polish those qualities, then get plugged into the biggest ones there. With one exception: AIChE was where the connections with hiring companies were made. That’s a must
Coops and internships with the types of companies he’s interested in working for are super important.
Two classmates with whom I was very close have risen to executive level in my company… the type that have campus buildings named after them one day if they kept close ties with the school. Incredibly impressive people. Both were in that 3.6-3.8 GPA range. Both super easy to talk to. Both very driven. One was president of 10 extra curriculars. One never went to a club event whatsoever.
TLDR: Grades, personality, some experience, and exposure to employers.