Says Emmert leaving is the perfect time to blow up and restructure the NCAA. Likely won't happen (who doesn't want to continue to collect a fat paycheck for essentially doing nothing...?), but his suggestion is to cut the NCAA up into three parts, each overseen by a 'commissioner' of sorts - you have football, basketball, and non-revenue sports. Different rules for each since trying to govern all three within one framework is how we got to the mess we're in now. I think it's a great idea. NIL *has* to be standardized across schools/states IMO - I think we all (mostly) want to see players compensated for their work, but trying to play it straight by having collecives operate 'at arm's length' from schools is a farce (we know the most successful collectives are working with schools to identify and sign players before they sign NLIs). There also needs to be a reckoning with NCAA football and separating the cream from the crop. I think there are no more than 25 schools who can realistically compete for a NCAA football championship.
Will link the article once published.
Will link the article once published.