OT: Memphis serial killer?

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2004
Saw someone complaining on Facebook about the lack of coverage. Googled it because that’s the first I’ve heard of it, and did find an article. That’s a high crime area with a large gang presence. To me it looks like a gang trying to send a message. Something to keep an eye on.



Well-known member
Oct 5, 2022
All the major national gangs are in Memphis. Had a MPD detective tell me once to stay away from the Jackson, Chelsea, I-40 area as it is dominated by the MS13 hispanic gang. He says they are particularly brutal and the other gangs don't even venture into their area. Police have a tendency to avoid them as well, unless they absolutely have to.


Active member
Jan 25, 2015
All the major national gangs are in Memphis. Had a MPD detective tell me once to stay away from the Jackson, Chelsea, I-40 area as it is dominated by the MS13 hispanic gang. He says they are particularly brutal and the other gangs don't even venture into their area. Police have a tendency to avoid them as well, unless they absolutely have to.
It's pitiful that we can't/won't do anymore than we do to combat these gangs and just pretty much let them do whatever they please. I know it's easy to say there's just nothing that can be done, etc., but there has to be a way to really disrupt their operations. For one, law enforcement and the feds should start attacking (yes, ATTACKING. Don't give them the luxury of life if that's what it takes) their leadership rather than putting much of their resources on street level operations. Terrorize their operations (again, primarily from the top down) with guerilla-type warfare, too. Get the military heavily involved, too. They terrorize and endanger innocent citizens in multiple ways daily and as far as I'm concerned that makes them domestic enemies that we swore to defend our nation against, not to mention the ones operating outside of our borders.

Don't know, maybe I'm just naive about it all, but I really think there's a way to deal with these $#!theads....or as we called them in the army, "oxygen waters."
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
All the major national gangs are in Memphis. Had a MPD detective tell me once to stay away from the Jackson, Chelsea, I-40 area as it is dominated by the MS13 hispanic gang. He says they are particularly brutal and the other gangs don't even venture into their area. Police have a tendency to avoid them as well, unless they absolutely have to.
Sad But True. What's being allowed into this country by so called "Leaders" is like us paying for a new virus brewed in China.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
It's pitiful that we can't/won't do anymore than we do to combat these gangs and just pretty much let them do whatever they please. I know it's easy to say there's just nothing that can be done, etc., but there has to be a way to really disrupt their operations. For one, law enforcement and the feds should start attacking (yes, ATTACKING. Don't give them the luxury of life if that's what it takes) their leadership rather than putting much of their resources on street level operations. Terrorize their operations (again, primarily from the top down) with guerilla-type warfare, too. Get the military heavily involved, too. They terrorize and endanger innocent citizens in multiple ways daily and as far as I'm concerned that makes them domestic enemies that we swore to defend our nation against, not to mention the ones operating outside of our borders.

Don't know, maybe I'm just naive about it all, but I really think there's a way to deal with these $#!theads....or as we called them in the army, "oxygen waters."
Gangs generally don’t concern me. They typically stay in their areas and if you aren’t in the game, you can pretty much avoid them. It’s the random crime that we should put more emphasis on, punks out looking to ‘hit a lick’ and crap like that, car-jacking, strong arm robbery, beatings, rapings……those are the crimes that end up with innocent victims.

Trying to stop the gangs is just virtue signaling. There will always be some element of drug/etc. crime. Let the DEA/FBI/special investigators handle them, the sheep will disperse if you strike the shepherd most of the time. Just keep them quarantined, and quit making it easy for gangsters to procreate and make more gangsters.
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Hugh's Burner Phone

Well-known member
Aug 3, 2017
Follow the plot of Clear and Present Danger. Forget the low level street pushers for right now. Go after the cartel suppliers. You know we know who they are and where they live. Hell, we probably know where their bedroom is they're getting their knobs polished every night. Start sending as many cartel leaders to the afterlife as humanly possible. We got satellites. Find the fields they're growing this **** and napalm the hell out of them. Your local crip on the corner of Fortification St in Jackson be out of a job when there's no more crack left to push. Once you've reduced supply by about 90% then go after the low level ***** in this country dealing. We're too busy trying to work from the feet up instead of the head down.


Active member
Jan 25, 2015
Gangs generally don’t concern me. They typically stay in their areas and if you aren’t in the game, you can pretty much avoid them. It’s the random crime that we should put more emphasis on, punks out looking to ‘hit a lick’ and crap like that, car-jacking, strong arm robbery, beatings, rapings……those are the crimes that end up with innocent victims.

Trying to stop the gangs is just virtue signaling. There will always be some element of drug/etc. crime. Let the DEA/FBI/special investigators handle them, the sheep will disperse if you strike the shepherd most of the time. Just keep them quarantined, and quit making it easy for gangsters to procreate and make more gangsters.
Yeah. Just forget about them. We can't control them anyway. They don't bother me so I'm not concerned with them. They generally stay in their lane anyway.

**rolls eyes**

BTW, the "random crime that we should put more emphasis on, punks out looking to ‘hit a lick’ and crap like that, car-jacking, strong arm robbery, beatings, rapings" are often carried out by gang members, if not most often. Further, if those crimes aren't just opportunistic crimes for the perpetrator, often they are initiations for gang members.
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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
It's pitiful that we can't/won't do anymore than we do to combat these gangs

Don't know, maybe I'm just naive about it all, but I really think there's a way to deal with these $#!theads....or as we called them in the army, "oxygen waters."
There is. There absolutely is.

You just have to let this idiotic dream of fighting crime and lawlessness with compassion and tenderness finish blowing up in the faces of the morons in charge.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
There is. There absolutely is.

You just have to let this idiotic dream of fighting crime and lawlessness with compassion and tenderness finish blowing up in the faces of the morons in charge.
Exactly. As long as the majority of people in this country are not willing to do what it truly takes, well……..see my previous post.

Not sure which camp @BossDawg78 is in. Maybe he can enlighten us.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Maybe one particular party should stop nominating lunatics and grifters so the far left doesn't get away with idiotic bail reforms, de-incarceration measures that endanger some communities, and policies that limit the ability of police officers to protect the public. I'm kind of like OG on this issue. I had to go to Nola the other day and wife mentioned the crime rate. I said people like us aren't getting shot and murdered. I'm always amazed with white people supporting measures, or slogans, such as defunding the police. That's a luxury belief for people who live in low-crime areas and neighborhoods.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
And there are a lot of really good-looking Latinas in the U.S. Get one. Hispanics and whites have similar crime rates although educational attainment is still not all that impressive for Hispanics. Hope that changes. Speaking of educational attainment, Asian Americans are kicking everyone's butt. Nigerian Americans too. Both of those groups also have lower poverty rates than whites and lower rates of alcoholism and drug use than whites. Lower divorce rates too. The out-of-wedlock birthrate for hispanics is really high, about 50%. That's needs to come down.
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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
A significant portion of the problem goes back to the judges and courts. A local law enforcement officer tells me that they arrest the same people over and and over and over. I recently inquired about a drug raid at a property that I drive by every day and learned that one of the main people there had been arrested more than 70 times. Based on the cars I saw coming and going, they were right back in business in about 3 days.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
Follow the plot of Clear and Present Danger. Forget the low level street pushers for right now. Go after the cartel suppliers. You know we know who they are and where they live. Hell, we probably know where their bedroom is they're getting their knobs polished every night. Start sending as many cartel leaders to the afterlife as humanly possible. We got satellites. Find the fields they're growing this **** and napalm the hell out of them. Your local crip on the corner of Fortification St in Jackson be out of a job when there's no more crack left to push. Once you've reduced supply by about 90% then go after the low level ***** in this country dealing. We're too busy trying to work from the feet up instead of the head down.
We need to work the demand side. That's what creates the supply. The market will always find a way when the demand is there. And there's a S4!t ton of folks who demand it.
Nancy Reagan was right. Until people say no, we're going to be living with the ****.
Of course if you legalized all of it, we'd be able to avoid the more violent crimes associated with the drug trade. But that would be a lot less lucrative.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
All the major national gangs are in Memphis. Had a MPD detective tell me once to stay away from the Jackson, Chelsea, I-40 area as it is dominated by the MS13 hispanic gang. He says they are particularly brutal and the other gangs don't even venture into their area. Police have a tendency to avoid them as well, unless they absolutely have to.
But if you've ever seen somebody high on marijuaner, uh, you can tell, they cuticles are dialated. Now I learned that in the Narcotics Trainin' Prevention in Tupelo MS. They teach that ever' 6 months, and we went up there, and, to see it. And they had a boy that tried that marijuaner pill.
And, uh, his eyes rolled back upon his head, and he he liked to kicked over. He was shakin and uh, hollerin', He was hollerin' that "Trip Out" just as loud as he could. And that's what. he was actually what they call "Freakin Out".


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Sad But True. What's being allowed into this country by so called "Leaders" is like us paying for a new virus brewed in China.

Hispanic immigrants in this country are soooooo not a real problem. It’s the worst talking point out there.
How can allowing 5M illegals in the last 2.5 years who are impoverished and uneducated be a non problem? Fentanyl and other narcotics, Child Sex Slavery, More tax dollars needed for our social safety nets, Hospital emergency rooms and maternity wards having to eat the costs and lowering wages for our LEGAL working poor. Every Border Patrol Officer or Mayor of a Border Town you hear talking these days is screaming for help amid the chaos that was self and intentionally created. A nefarious and destructive plan designed to turn TX Blue like they did CA. The 5M that have illegally crossed the last 2.5 years is the size of Ireland and estimated tax payer costs will be $20B yearly to take care of them.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
How can allowing 5M illegals in the last 2 years who are impoverished and uneducated be a non problem? Fentanyl and other narcotics, Child Sex Slavery, More tax dollars needed for our social safety nets, Hospital emergency rooms and maternity wards having to eat the costs and lowering wages for our LEGAL working poor. Every Border Patrol Officer or Mayor of a Border Town you hear talking these days is screaming for help amid the chaos that was self and intentionally created. A nefarious and destructive plan designed to turn TX Blue like they did CA. The 5M that have illegally crossed the last 2.5 years is the size of Ireland and estimated tax payer costs will be $20B yearly to take care of them.
It's almost like meaningful immigration reform should be at the forefront of our legislative concerns, but we've created a two party system that doesn't value anything of meaning but focuses on demonizing the other side and "winning" office.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Hispanic immigrants in this country are soooooo not a real problem. It’s the worst talking point out there.
Where do you think MS-13 members come from?

I am pro immigration and hispanic immigrants and migrant workers generally do break the law at a very low rate, but that doesn't mean uncontrolled illegal immigration doesn't cause problems with violence.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
It's almost like meaningful immigration reform should be at the forefront of our legislative concerns, but we've created a two party system that doesn't value anything of meaning but focuses on demonizing the other side and "winning" office.
Law enforcement should be at the forefront along with going back to the previous Admin policies that were working but trashed day 1 by the current. New policies have emboldened and encouraged the illegals to trek north to their Sugar Daddy Uncle Sam. Stating facts is not deamonizing a political party, it's just stating facts. This is a National Security crisis that shouldn't be politicized as we should all come together for the survival of our country.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
How can allowing 5M illegals in the last 2.5 years who are impoverished and uneducated be a non problem? Fentanyl and other narcotics, Child Sex Slavery, More tax dollars needed for our social safety nets, Hospital emergency rooms and maternity wards having to eat the costs and lowering wages for our LEGAL working poor. Every Border Patrol Officer or Mayor of a Border Town you hear talking these days is screaming for help amid the chaos that was self and intentionally created. A nefarious and destructive plan designed to turn TX Blue like they did CA. The 5M that have illegally crossed the last 2.5 years is the size of Ireland and estimated tax payer costs will be $20B yearly to take care of them.
Jobs dry up, they stop coming. The border goes both ways. And I just happen to have a little experience working with them, so I'm biased. They are largely good people, family oriented and in my opinion, we need them. Do bad people come across the border, of course. See my previous post.

They don't leech off the system at nearly the rate you think. That's made up conservative garbage. There is a real fear of actually using services meant for them. And yes, we do need to get a handle on it and keep it legal. For the most part, we do, but the system is overwhelmed. But there is a HUGE market here for their services - THAT is what needs to be addressed, not trying to assign blame at the people themselves. Just like the drug trade, you need to go after the top - not the bottom.

But trust me, there are other areas/cultures existing in America that are MUCH bigger problems than the Hispanic immigrant community.
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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2017
Terrorize their operations (again, primarily from the top down) with guerilla-type warfare, too. Get the military heavily involved, too.

I get your frustration, but that's silly talk. Make prison like it was 100 years ago and give ultra long sentences or something. But you can't get the military involved. No idea what you did in the Army or where you went, but if you think how we operate in combat is kosher for domestic crime you're not thinking clearly.

We don't need to be calling in fire support from the F-18's or laying down suppressive fire with Ma Deuce on a potential criminals pad in South Memphis. Let's hire 20k more police and pay the hell out them sure. But you would weaken and endanger the hell out of the military by turning them into "peacekeepers" much like we did in Iraq, only the ROE on US soil would be 1000x more constrained. We would ultimately turn the thugs and criminals into true terrorists where they start setting up IEDs near schools and bombing churches en masse. No way.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I get your frustration, but that's silly talk. Make prison like it was 100 years ago and give ultra long sentences or something. But you can't get the military involved. No idea what you did in the Army or where you went, but if you think how we operate in combat is kosher for domestic crime you're not thinking clearly.

We don't need to be calling in fire support from the F-18's or laying down suppressive fire with Ma Deuce on a potential criminals pad in South Memphis. Let's hire 20k more police and pay the hell out them sure. But you would weaken and endanger the hell out of the military by turning them into "peacekeepers" much like we did in Iraq, only the ROE on US soil would be 1000x more constrained. We would ultimately turn the thugs and criminals into true terrorists where they start setting up IEDs near schools and bombing churches en masse.

Next thing your gonna tell me is that every police department in America doesn't need to waste taxpayer dollars on military equipment/vehicles and put them in the hands of undertrained people, just in case.

ETA: does that mean no napalm?


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
First thing that popped in my mind (seriously) is with all the wholesale murders going on in parts of Jackson and Memphis is how in the world do you tell if some are done by a serial killer vs every day gang bangers ?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
It's almost like meaningful immigration reform should be at the forefront of our legislative concerns, but we've created a two party system that doesn't value anything of meaning but focuses on demonizing the other side and "winning" office.
I think that in part explains the Trump personality cult to a significant degree. National Republicans are beholden to the pro-business lobby that likes cheap labor. National Republicans give you tax cuts and easy access to guns and conservative judges that limit abortion rights. You really don't get much else but rhetoric, slogans and tweets and made-for-TV anger over something they know the base will high-five each other over and foolishly think the libz have been owned (fyi, I know libz and they laugh at the childishness of lib owning). Most of these cultural issues aren't a big deal to rich Republicans. They'll criticize colleges but do whatever they can to get their kids into an Ivy League school, something almost completely unavailable to ordinary Republican voters. There are lots of critical race theory/social justice theory inspired lesson plans in K-12 schools in red states. Republicans either didn't care or didn't notice until some activists pointed it out. Rich Republicans put their kids in private schools. Trump at least made ordinary Republicans, the ones looked down upon by college grads, feel like they mattered. But, what in the world is someone like Ted Cruz actually good for unless the only thing you want in a politician is to complain about the things you complain about?
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I think that in part explains the Trump personality cult to a significant degree. National Republicans are beholden to the pro-business lobby that likes cheap labor. National Republicans give you tax cuts and easy access to guns and conservative judges that limit abortion rights. You really don't get much else but rhetoric, slogans and tweets and made-for-TV anger over something they know the base will high-five each other over and foolishly think the libz have been owned (fyi, I know libz and they laugh at the childishness of lib owning). Most of these cultural issues aren't a big deal to rich Republicans. They'll criticize colleges but do whatever they can to get their kids into an Ivy League school, something almost completely unavailable to ordinary Republican voters. There are lots of critical race theory/social justice theory inspired lesson plans in K-12 schools in red states. Republicans either didn't care or didn't notice until some activists pointed it out. Rich Republicans put their kids in private schools. Trump at least made ordinary Republicans, the ones looked down upon by college grads, feel like they mattered. But, what in the world is someone like Ted Cruz actually good for unless the only thing you want in a politician is to complain about the things you complain about?
Immigration is a big part of it. 30 years ago, both democrats and republicans acted like they wanted to stop illegal immigration. Republicans continued to pretend to care while liking the downward pressure on wages. It's corrosive to have such an in your face example of voting not really mattering.
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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2022
Jobs dry up, they stop coming. The border goes both ways. And I just happen to have a little experience working with them, so I'm biased. They are largely good people, family oriented and in my opinion, we need them. Do bad people come across the border, of course. See my previous post.

They don't leech off the system at nearly the rate you think. That's made up conservative garbage. There is a real fear of actually using services meant for them. And yes, we do need to get a handle on it and keep it legal. For the most part, we do, but the system is overwhelmed. But there is a HUGE market here for their services - THAT is what needs to be addressed, not trying to assign blame at the people themselves. Just like the drug trade, you need to go after the top - not the bottom.

But trust me, there are other areas/cultures existing in America that are MUCH bigger problems than the Hispanic immigrant community.
The Biden Admin. is planning to give every immigrant family approx. 285K to get started for their new life in the USA. And if they start a small business, they would get another 250K for their business to get started. Don't know if Biden can do this on his own by executive order or if this will come from the recently passed 1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill, but at least now we have the House in GOP control, so they will never pass anything like that for at least the next 2 years.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
The Biden Admin. is planning to give every immigrant family approx. 285K to get started for their new life in the USA. And if they start a small business, they would get another 250K for their business to get started. Don't know if Biden can do this on his own by executive order or if this will come from the recently passed 1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill, but at least now we have the House in GOP control, so they will never pass anything like that for at least the next 2 years.
Oh dear God
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