I've invested very little time in this but the reason Iowa and Iowa State are targeted is the outfit doing the initial investigating has authority for Iowa. This isn't an NCAA investigation ( no freaking kidding ) but the investigating authority turns the evidence over to the NCAA and they have to punish because they just published guidelines.
The name I came up with is the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation. The kids bet on games they played in. I use the term kids on purpose....you have to be 21 to bet.
The Iowa Hawkeyes football coach was referring to the gambling investigation that has consumed the athletic departments at Iowa and Iowa State, a sprawling sting operation by the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation that implicated dozens of athletes in violating NCAA rules and will cost some of them their college careers. Others will be suspended for significant periods of time, up to a full season. In addition to the alleged NCAA violations, criminal charges have been part of the equation for 17 athletes so far (five of them accepted a plea deal Wednesday).
I don't bet on sports but I strongly suspect it is fairly easy to track this sort of thing given how easy it is to place a bet from one's phone. A couple of kids used accounts from people who were 21......but the system knows it is you, it is your phone. It is big business and they are not going to let some amateur athlete who has some NIL play money mess things up.
The ads on tv bore me to no end. Sometime I am glad I grew up in a very modest home.......I had what I needed and learned contentment with the things I had.