Playing for Jackie (posted by AllAmericanDawg)

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
I'll lead with saying that I'll always be a Jackie fan, regardless of how his career at MSU ends. He did more for MSU in his stay here than any other coach and did raise expectations of MSU football fans. He stood (and still does) by his players, regardless of media or fan opinion (sometimes to the detriment of the team...see Dontae and Marlin for examples).

Second, everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) knew firing coaches is the first step of saving your own hide. Firing Joe Lee was a huge mistake. Granted, his units the last couple of seasons have been slow to make adjustments and I don't think he made the adjustments to the players he had. Let me also add that during the "glory years" we had a ton of talent...I mean a ton...we have a bunch of guys from those teams that are playing in the league and even those that aren't are playing some form of minor league ball and get invited to NFL training camps every year.

I saw former coaches Smith and Stump in Texas in late July and we talked for a bit. They knew as I did that Jackie was on the last legs of his career and didn't have much to stand on. The coaches we had were good coaches. In '99, Hendrix was named one of the hottest young black coaches in the nation...did he go bad in two years? Stump constantly recruited playmakers (see Prentiss) that made plays when necessary. But then all of sudden, guys weren't making plays and it was his fault. Believe me, I've seen how many balls are thrown and caught in practice and those guys could catch then...I guess they were caught up in the game and unable to produce. It's easy to say "Put someone else in" but then you're putting guys with talent but even less experience in the game and hanging out others to dry. Eventually, guys just have to make plays...all that to say, our former coaches did damn good jobs. They can't catch the ball for players or make tackles. However, they can put players in position to make things happen.

Another HUGE factor was the prescence of senior leadership throughout the good years. Each team had vocal leadership that also led by example. The influx of jucos at the end of 2000 and 2001 weakened senior classes and left the Bulldogs without the rudder that had steered us to success in the late 90's. Now we have a whole set of classes that don't remember bowls and winning and doing the things necessary to win championships.

I know that Jackie changed after Keffer died. A lot of people make fun of JWS when he gets choked up speaking about Keffer but that was an event that really changed Jackie more toward his players and really united a MSU team. (Looking back, the successful teams...98-00 all had players who were teammates of Keffer)

So finally...

Jackie has still remained the same ball control coach and has made dumbass calls throughout his career. It's a lot more obvious now that we're in the bottom of the barrell and people nitpick everything. Remember the '97 EggBowl when he sent Hazlewood in to kick a 49-yarder or something like that with 54 seconds left (after Hazlewood had already missed 2 or 3 on the evening). Instead of pooching the ball inside the 10 with the greatest pooch punter in MSU history (Matt Wyatt), Hazlewood misses the field goal and UM only has to drive half the distance to steal that damn game.

I really believe he's still a fighter but has the dignity to at least move out of the way. This is a time for change and a chance to move in the right direction. I talked to some of my former teammates after I left and they agreed with me...lack of senior leadership, too many unproductive jucos, loyalty to guys who couldn't produce...the Dogs just didn't have the same fire they needed to get over the hump.

I'll also add that we played as underdogs throughout the 90's. It was much easier to play with a chip on your shoulder, us against the world. But entering 2001, we were supposed to be the team to beat...since then, the results speak for themselves. As an added sidebar in Jackie's tenure, we were always able to outrecruit UM even when we sucked...that's always a plus...I hate those bastards from Oxford.

In closing, I have no faith in the defensive staff right now other than Tompkins. I do think Watts is a definite step up over Sparky and that Davis always does a damn good job. However, once we hire a new coach, those guys will be looking for jobs. Hopefully, we'll hire an energetic, qualified black coach who can restore the swagger and winning ways that we know our Dawgs are capable of. I feel sorry for Kevin and the other guys having to suffer through this but you have to know where you been to know where you want to go...back to the top of the SEC West.
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