Polk has spoken: Name off stadium until Byrne is fired


Jun 4, 2007
Well I guess we got our answer.

a big fat....

Fornicate Under Command of the King
to Ron Polk...

Extreme...HIT it.. you know what to say one last time.


Active member
May 29, 2007
that he is bigger than Misssissippi State University....the sooner his name is disassociated with it, the better...he's responsible for his own actions...it's too bad that he has no life other than having become a bitter old man. Unfortunately, , he'll regret these statements one of these day and will have to live with it.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I would NOT remove his name from the stadium. Who is he to hold the university hostage with temper tantrums and threats? I appreciate his legacy, but he needs to be a man and move on.


Active member
Nov 17, 2006
He hasn't acted like a man about this since he announced his retirement. It's really sad that such an icon in MSU sports is going out this way, and he has no one to blame but himself.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
what do you have to say for this f'n piece of **** now? Come on, let's hear it.

Polk, you mother[17]ing sack of horseshit, if I could get within 300 yards of your napoleonic *** I'd waste a perfectly good hollowpoint putting you out of f'n misery.

Byrne, if you don't take that MF'ers name off the stadium and have the lettering delivered to that sonofabitches mother with a note that says "Fuqk You" you ain't got a hair on your balls.

The sumbitch is evil and demented.



Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
I could understand if State hired a non-State man like McDonnell or Casey. However, we're calling one of our own home.
Jun 4, 2007
this is so surprising yet so expected. what does it gain anyone to behave like this at this point in time? the man has completely lost it. now, i just wish he'll get the hell out of town and everyone with the means to publish his opinion would quit asking it.

the only thing left for him to do is call a team meeting and turn all the players against cohen. you know he's going to do just that.

fire up that new buick and head west dipshit.


Jan 23, 2007
I'm by far NOT a Polk apologist, but this is in no way good for the baseball program, especially in the national viewpoint. I knew the fallout from not hiring Raffo would be bad from Polk, but I never expected him to act like this. Great hire, but this is somewhat of a black mark on the day. Its sad that Polk will no longer be associated with MSU baseball.

Edited cause like an idiot I left off a very important "not."

Notch Johnson dawg

New member
May 2, 2006
Does he actually think that State should go through the process of removing his name from everything and then years late, put it all back up? WTF is he thinking?
Oct 14, 2007
To put it quite simply. He's gone insane, is senile, or has Alzheimers. His ego is bigger than the state of Texas. He can be a cry baby in Arizona for all I care at this point. It's sad, because his legacy could have been truly incredible. But his insane rants and actions this year, now culminating in this, have ruined that legacy entirely. I say we honor his request, and make the statement that NO ONE, is bigger than the program. Be careful what you ask for, because you might get it.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
I don't understand a couple of things:

First of all, Athletic Director of Baseball? What the Hell? I don't even know where to begin with that. Dear Ron, I can make up titles to- I'm the Grand Overlord Lizardking of MSU baseball. That's a joke, but it has just as much clout and just as official as Polk's title. Sadly, Polk isn't joking.

Second of all, how is this a slap in the face to his ex-assistant coaches? Does anyone really think that Mark Johnson is giving a **** right now?

Next, does Polk have the power to take his name off of the stadium, anyway? If I was Byrne, I would tell Polk, sure you can take your name off of the stadium, and this is how much it's going to cost to do it, which will be an exorbanant amount of money. That might change his tune, especially since he is unemployed.

Ron Polk's Will- Really, you can keep the typewriter Ron.

I'll tell you what was a punch to my stomach- the FIRST LOSING SEASON for MSU baseball in my LIFETIME. But, hey, the boys had fun, right? We sucked last year. Why would we keep ANYONE on our current staff aboard is beyond me.


New member
Aug 20, 2006
Ya know Ron, I really wanted to give you the dignified exit you deserve. But now you've changed what you deserve.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
I'm coming around to the thought that this kind of reaction from Polk may turn out for the best. I've often wondered if most of the college baseball coaches around the country who received that f'n 40 page manifesto secretly wondered if this troll was out of his f'n gourd. I bet a bunch of them think he's some kind of damn freak of nature already. This kind of **** doesn't do anything but strengthen their opinion that he's some kind of nutjob.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
keep his name on the stadium, because then he will be the bigger man than Polk, well he already is, but you get the point.

All this is is a desperate last act of power and control by a man that has his priorities WAY out of line. Byrne has already told him to <17> off, thankfully, and I see no reason why Byrne would not do it again with this little tantrum. Also, remember Polk doesn't work for MSU anymore, so this has about as much clout as me sending Byrne an e-mail telling him to take Polk's name off of the stadium.

Byrne taking Polk's name off of the stadium would be far worse than anything at this point because it would make us look malicious towards Polk and Raffo.

This is just like when The Emporer tried to get Luke to strike him down in Return of the Jedi. Same situation, different galaxy.</p>


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
bulldogcountry1 said:
the only thing left for him to do is call a team meeting and turn all the players against cohen. you know he's going to do just that.

Rub each other with Vagisil? I don't think we have any players Cohen would want.</p>


New member
Jun 25, 2006
Damn ,Coach. Johnny Boy is one of your own, too. I understand you are hurt. But, damn.

I don't know what else to say.

Just, damn.


New member
Aug 20, 2006
Polk has legitimate points about the NCAA. I hate that this diatribe weakens his case.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
if some of you fellows will bring a few tools and we`ll grant this sumbitch his wish this weekend
Jun 4, 2007
his good friend tommy raffo didn't get the job or that msu DARED to not just fall in line and do what he said. i honestly believe it's the latter.

since polk is going to wash his hands and his name from msu, is there any way we can remove this last season from the record books?


New member
Aug 20, 2006
Byrne taking Polk's name off of the stadium would be far worse than anything at this point because it would make us look malicious towards Polk and Raffo.

This is just like when The Emporer tried to get Luke to strike him down in Return of the Jedi. Same situation, different galaxy.
Jun 4, 2007
some of them will have to play the next couple of years.

i just hope we have a few who can thrive with cohen's philosophy.


New member
Aug 20, 2006



New member
Aug 30, 2006
BlindDawg wrote: Its sad that Polk will no longer be associated with MSU baseball.

Here is where you and I disagree.......I think it is a monumental GREAT DAY that Polk's name will no longer be associated with MSU baseball.

It is WAY past time for that "used to be good collector of talent , but poor game coach" to be gone from MSU baseball.

He USED to be a great recruiter and bad game coach , now he is just a bitter old *** who is bad at both.

Here is what most people don't get about MSU baseball..........The MSU baseball FANS have made the program special , not Polk. WE at MSU have supported baseball in a great tradition and it is about to boosted by the hiring of the best coach avaliable , instead of just Ron polk's 2 decade flunkie.

Go to hell Polk...............sit back and eat **** while Our winning WITH COHEN is about to begin.


New member
Aug 21, 2007
I'm obviously not even an MSU fan, and that pisses me off. I knew he'd react like this, but still it's ridiculous.

I'm sure Cohen wouldn't care one bit if he took all the papers out of his desk on each player. He'd probably clean it out himself. Obviously, he has some house cleaning to do anyway, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind if all 11.7 schollies were to be opened up to him.

I honestly can't believe he'd be that malicious to a former player. If you had gone and hired an outsider, that's one thing. But you hired a guy that played under Polk, and he's basically giving Cohen a big %*%@ you.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
RebelBruiser said:
I'm obviously not even an MSU fan, and that pisses me off. I knew he'd react like this, but still it's ridiculous.

I'm sure Cohen wouldn't care one bit if he took all the papers out of his desk on each player. He'd probably clean it out himself. Obviously, he has some house cleaning to do anyway, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind if all 11.7 schollies were to be opened up to him.

I honestly can't believe he'd be that malicious to a former player. If you had gone and hired an outsider, that's one thing. But you hired a guy that played under Polk, and he's basically giving Cohen a big %*%@ you.

You didn't know nothing.</p>

And Cohen doesn't care the least about him taking his "papers" with him. Cohen uses computers like the rest of the modern world. Don't care about no d$&m papers!</p>



New member
Aug 21, 2007
DynamicDawg said:
RebelBruiser said:
I'm obviously not even an MSU fan, and that pisses me off. I knew he'd react like this, but still it's ridiculous.

I'm sure Cohen wouldn't care one bit if he took all the papers out of his desk on each player. He'd probably clean it out himself. Obviously, he
has some house cleaning to do anyway, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind if all 11.7 schollies were to be opened up to him.

I honestly can't believe he'd be that malicious to a former player. If you had gone and hired an outsider, that's one thing. But you hired a guy
that played under Polk, and he's basically giving Cohen a big %*%@ you.

You didn't know nothing.</p>

And Cohen doesn't care the least about him taking his "papers" with him. Cohen uses computers like the rest of the modern world. Don't
care about no d$&m papers!</p>



Nice job Mr. Reading Comprehension. Isn't that basically what I said? "Dubmass".

And who didn't know Polk would react like this? He's been building up to it all year. If you didn't know he'd do some crazy **** when you hired someone not named Raffo, then you haven't been paying attention.