<div id="splitter-wrapper-dont-use-for-styling"> <div id="mgr-wrapper"> <div class="mgr-header"> <h1>Gold Ad-Free Community
<font color="#717171" size="2">Yuku Communities</font></h1> </div> <div class="mgr-content"> <div class="mgr-box"> <div class="mgr-onionskin1"> <div class="mgr-onionskin2"> <div class="mgr-onionskin3"> <div class="mgr-boxheading"> <h2>Purchasing</h2> </div> <div class="mgr-boxbody">
Welcome to the Yuku Gold Ad-Free Community contribution screen. Here you can make or renew a contribution to make the community "NAFOOM" Gold Ad-Free.</p>
The basic rate is
$0.2 USD per 1,000 pageviews for the Gold Ad-Free Community plan. (The more you contribute, the better the discount you can receive... up to 33%.)</p>
<font color="#237ACB">View Contribution History</font></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <fieldset> <legend>Select Community Contribution Options</legend> <h2>Make a Contribution to "NAFOOM"</h2>
Choose your contribution option or type in the amount that you want to contribute.</p>
<label class="mgr-radio-label">$6.00 USD - 30000 Pageviews of Ad-Free</label>
<label class="mgr-radio-label">$18.00 USD - 90000 Pageviews of Ad-Free</label>
<label class="mgr-radio-label">$30.00 USD - 180000 Pageviews of Ad-Free (17% cheaper)</label>
<label class="mgr-radio-label">$54.00 USD - 360000 Pageviews of Ad-Free (25% cheaper)</label>
$ USD</p>
<label class="mgr-checkbox-label">Automatic Renewal</label> Every Month Every Three Months Every Six Months Every Twelve Months
<label class="mgr-checkbox-label">Contribute as Anonymous</label></p> </fieldset>
<label class="mgr-checkbox-label">I AGREE with the
<font color="#237ACB">Yuku Terms of Use</font>.</label></p> <div class="corp-controls">
(Payment is in one easy step using Paypal Online Payment Service.)</p> </div> <div class="mgr-footer">
Yuku. All rights reserved.</p>
Social Media Applications by KickApps, Inc. Ver.
28951</p> </div> </div> </div> </div>