that the most valuable thing that you can have in postseason baseball is experience. Of course there are teams that have won on their first shot, but you look through CWS history and you see a lot of the same names winning their NC's in close proximity- the USC's, LSU's, and etc. Many of the teams like Cal-State Fullerton that have won them won them after going to Omaha for years and years. And then you have Florida State which seems like they can't get over the hump, so there are excpetions. You can say that those teams won because of talent, but every team in the CWS has talent at least to a degree. (Except that one year where San Jose State made it). Before you try to bust my balls by saying we didn't have any last year either, remember we had a first round pick at Catcher and a closer who is probably going to be a high pick this year, plus Moreland, Rea, Turner, and Conner Powers, so we had some talent.
The CWS is the biggest stage in college baseball. There are bright lights and then there's the fact that usually when you go for the first time, you are just happy to be there. I really believe that's one of the biggest reasons Polk doesn't have a NC. He wasn't able to take us to Omaha consistently enough with the same players. We would have stood a much better chance in 85 had we gone to Omaha in 84. It's about having you players in situations on the big stage, and once they get there, the second time around they know what to expect and how to handle it better.
And yes, as you now know OSU made it to Omaha one year before they went back to back, but I'm not going to beat that dead horse.