Pro Fandom


New member
Nov 1, 2012
After reading the Cowboys thread I got to wondering, how did you pick your favorite Professional football team? Closest geographically? Certain player? Or was it a certain game. I’ll start. I have been a Chiefs fan since I was little. Growing up in South Florida everybody loved the Dolphins and I was a contrary little 17. The Chiefs were in their heyday and beat the Fins so I latched on and became a “fan”.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2012
I was a Cowboys fan in the 70s when my family lived in Shreveport but we moved to New Orleans when I was 11 so I switched to the Saints.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
My dad was a huge Joe Montana fan. I was in his lap when “The Catch” happened. As I got older the 49ers just stuck with me and have ever since.

Always followed the NBA but never had a true favorite team until the Grizzlies came to Memphis.

The Cardinals is more regionally based. I used to be a Texas Rangers fan too but when we got Satellite and I could watch all the Cardinals games it got easier to be a Cardinals fan.

Not a big hockey guy but I do somewhat keep up with the St Louis Blues.
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Well-known member
May 6, 2009
Dolphins fan… I grew up in Tampa but the bucs were terrible when I was a kid (90’s) and Dan Marino was a lot of fun to watch.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Clark turned me into a SF Giants fan, so I became a Niners fan by association since it was easy to pull for two teams from the same area.

Had I realized as a kid that Golden State = San Fran, I might’ve been a Warriors fan too, but I don’t know. I got completely wrapped up in the Jordan/Bulls era.

Since then, I became a Grizz fan when they moved to Memphis, a Titans fan when they moved to Tenn, and a Dallas fan when they got Dak.


New member
Aug 23, 2012
I got into the NFL when I was 9 or 10 and the Saints were the team who just so happened to be on TV every week in Mississippi. Joe Horn was my guy.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010


Active member
Nov 19, 2014
When I was a child I liked Roger Staubach & DD Lewis, thus i pulled for the Cowboys. As I got older I favored the Saints due to their proximity to MS & attending a couple games.
I have stayed a Saints fan, but I pull for the Cowboys now purely due to Dak being on the team. When he is gone I go back to 100% Saints.

I do favor teams that have MSU players on their roster. Mainly for those ex-MSU players to perform good.

I do not enjoy pro-football as much as I used to enjoy it. The referees have to much effect on the flow of the game. IMO, it was not a good idea to give them a microphone.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
My Dad grew up in N.O. So he was a Saints fan. So I became one too.

Mobile Bay

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2020

Growing up in Alabama nobody cared a bit for the NFL. They would show it on delay after the Coach Bryant show


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
I'm originally from South Mississippi and have been a Buffalo Bills fan since 1973. The reason? The very first thing I remember about pro football was watching O.J. go over 2000 yds in a season against the Jets on a snow covered field.
1. They were playing in the snow. 2. Their red, white and blue uniforms with a buffalo on the helmet were pretty snazzy. 3. The announcers were making a big deal out of what just happened. All of that contributed to impressing the hell out of my 7 year old self and I've been a fan ever since.

Was a KC Royal fan growing up then became a Braves fan after George Brett retired and we got cable tv. Got turned off by the strikes and have only watched about 10 MLB games since the 90's.

Was a Seattle Supersonics' fan for a long time. After they dissolved, I kept watching the league without a favorite. Quit watching the NBA when Bird and Magic retired. Haven't missed it a bit.


Active member
Oct 6, 2009
The Greatest Show on Turf was a lot of fun in the late 90s.

And once the Rams left, I didn't follow them to LA. So I'm kind of homeless, now. But I have really enjoyed following Dak's career in Dallas.

Being from Missouri, I should probably just pick up the Chiefs, but I really dislike bandwagon fans and I wouldn't be able to take myself seriously if I jumped on there.


Oct 6, 2010
When I was a kid and getting in to the NFL I didn’t live in a NFL market. Was born in Florida and the Dolphins were a lot of fun with Marino and the Marks.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
I've always followed MSU players, rather than teams, so I've never had a true rooting interest. Saints/Braves due to geography, but I must admit I'm a sidewalk fan at best. I think if I lived in NOLA or ATL I'd be much more into it. Loved Montana/Rice, but obviously if you follow players they end up leaving or being traded so no one truly ever stuck. If Dak played the Saints in the playoffs, I'd likely pull for Dak. But when the Saints/Braves are doing well, it seems that people in MS are happier so that's good I guess.

If I ever live in a pro city I think I'd embrace it, might even let the Saints/Braves go. It's basically just been MSU for me, when it comes to real fandom. For some reason I'm drawn to underdog AFC teams, like the Bills, but I won't ever live in Buffalo or NY so that one will be sidewalk at best too. I liked the Patriots back in the day too, just due to how they went about things.

My kid loves the Chiefs now for some reason......there's just no explaining it, just likes Mahomes/Kelcy/Hill so may as well adopt them (until those players leave of course).
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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2017
Pick a team and root for them. It's that simple. You don't have to live in the city to be a fan. It does help to be able to watch though on TV though, so go with the Saints or get Sunday NFL ticket.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
Growing up in the 80s I loved da bears. But they sucked my entire teenage years so guess I just quit following them during the 90s.

Now I’m a titans fan just due to them being the closest team. After them I’ll pull for whoever has MSU players.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
Grew up in central Mississippi aints were terrible. I spent a lot of time in Dallas too visiting my aunt and uncle and they were big cowboys fans. So I kind of picked it up from that not to mention cowboys were really good then and were always on tv.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
My father in law was talking to me about the catch last night. He was in San Fran airport when it happened. Said the the place was nuts.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Pick a team and root for them. It's that simple. You don't have to live in the city to be a fan. It does help to be able to watch though on TV though, so go with the Saints or get Sunday NFL ticket.
So you're my serial downvoter? I was kinda wondering why anyone would have a strong enough opinion about what I said to downvote it, then you responded.

Anyways, I just explained it. I think I like to get a little deeper with fandom than most shallow fans. I like to be connected with a team. You probably wouldn't understand such things.

Mr. Cook

Well-known member
Nov 4, 2021
Mostly driven by TV and geography...

After reading the Cowboys thread I got to wondering, how did you pick your favorite Professional football team? Closest geographically? Certain player? Or was it a certain game. I’ll start. I have been a Chiefs fan since I was little. Growing up in South Florida everybody loved the Dolphins and I was a contrary little 17. The Chiefs were in their heyday and beat the Fins so I latched on and became a “fan”.

Growing up and living in Mississippi, the AFC was dominant on the NBC network (Steelers, Raiders, Dolphins)

On the CBS network, the NFC was the focus of their broadcasts. The NFC was the weaker conference, and, geographically, the teams were very weak -- Saints, Falcons, Cardinals (St. Louis then), were all losing. So it seemed like we got a bunch of Vikings and Cowboys games. Since Texas was "in the South" I started watching Dallas in '74 and stayed with them since.

I still pull for Dallas, but as I've aged, I follow so many college players, I just prefer to put on the NFL Network and seeing everyone play -- especially if its players I've seen play in person. While I still pull for Dallas, every year, a little before mid-season, I seem to pick one team that becomes my "closet favorite" to watch. By way of example, in the late 2000's it was typically the Ravens, because they seemed like a violent team.

I don't "hate" teams because it's a waste of time and energy. Plus, with free agency, you end up pulling for uniforms -- not the individuals.


Aug 22, 2012
After reading the Cowboys thread I got to wondering, how did you pick your favorite Professional football team? Closest geographically? Certain player? Or was it a certain game. I’ll start. I have been a Chiefs fan since I was little. Growing up in South Florida everybody loved the Dolphins and I was a contrary little 17. The Chiefs were in their heyday and beat the Fins so I latched on and became a “fan”.

Picked up Saints and Braves from my dad. Pelicans from proximity to New Orleans.


New member
Aug 22, 2012
I've always been a Cowboys fan, since 79 or 80. The reason, they were always on TV every weekend and won most of the time. Also Landry, Staubach, Dorsett, D White, Randy White, Ed Too Tall Jones were all likable characters.

I didn't like the Saints. They were rarely on tv and sucked. Also an OM player was the face of their franchise.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
So you're my serial downvoter? I was kinda wondering why anyone would have a strong enough opinion about what I said to downvote it, then you responded.

Anyways, I just explained it. I think I like to get a little deeper with fandom than most shallow fans. I like to be connected with a team. You probably wouldn't understand such things.

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Born in north Chicago and most of my Dad's family lived there so I have been a Bears, Cubs, Bulls fan all of my life. I always liked New England even when they were crap and the Cowboys before Jerry started killing the team. Tennessee is cool. I never liked the Saints because the Ole Miss fans were constantly reminding me Manning was QB. I had to suffer through their games every week when there was other great games without a career .500 QB on tv.

That is probably why I usually watched the AFC games each Sunday. They had exciting brand of football even if the Steelers were ruling the roost in the 70's. I did like Montana and those Niner's teams but not after.

On the flip side I despise the Packers, Steelers, Miami, Washington, Vikings, Niners, and Eagles. I only hate the Packers and I can remember when they were trying to figure out why Green Bay was so awful.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
I've always been a Cowboys fan, since 79 or 80. The reason, they were always on TV every weekend and won most of the time. Also Landry, Staubach, Dorsett, D White, Randy White, Ed Too Tall Jones were all likable characters.

I didn't like the Saints. They were rarely on tv and sucked. Also an OM player was the face of their franchise.

Yeah the saints always had some om player I hated too and rarely if ever had a state player. JT gray is like the longest standing state player with them but they rarely draft state. I can't help but think the Mannings have something to do with that


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
So you're my serial downvoter? I was kinda wondering why anyone would have a strong enough opinion about what I said to downvote it, then you responded.

Anyways, I just explained it. I think I like to get a little deeper with fandom than most shallow fans. I like to be connected with a team. You probably wouldn't understand such things.

You don’t have a singular serial downvoter… pretty much everything you post gets multiple downvotes because you’re goat and not a very good poster.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
MLB - The Dodgers. It was the 1988 World Series. I was 8 years old and that series made me fall in love with baseball. I also like the Cardinals because my dad likes the Cardinals. I live in the DFW area, so I root for the Rangers when they don't play one of those teams, mostly because I've been to so many games and my son loves them.

NBA - The Grizzlies. It was the Bulls when I was a kid because of Michael Jordan. After Jordan retired, I didn't really care about the NBA until Memphis got a team. I really loved those Grit N Grind (Tony Allen, Mike Conley, Marc Gasol, Z-Bo) Grizzlies teams. They're looking really good this year too. Legitimately one of the best in the league.

NHL - The Predators. Nashville got a team and it's unique. Simple as that. I didn't really care anything about hockey before that.

NFL - Honestly, this one is a little complicated. I had family that were Saints fans and family that were Cowboys fans. The Cowboys started being really good when I got to be interested in the NFL, so I adopted them. Then the drugs, assaults, etc. started happening and it kind of shattered young Dawgg's innocence and I kind of never forgave the Cowboys for that and I became an active Cowboys hater. About this time, the Oilers moved to Tennessee, so I adopted the Oilers (now Titans) and rooted for both them and the Saints (though the Titans a little more because they were closer and had Steve McNair). As more Bulldogs started becoming NFL regulars, I started rooting for them to do well regardless of the team chosen (for example, I would root for the Lions defense to do well because they had Slay). When Dak entered the draft, there were two nightmare scenarios: Browns and Cowboys. The Browns because they've chewed up and spit out more QB's than Bama's D-Line and the Cowboys because, well, I was going to have a tough decision to make. Of course, he got picked up by the Cowboys and rooting against the Cowboys would be rooting against Dak since the QB is the lightning rod for the team's criticisms, and, basically I'll never root against Dak, so I root for the Cowboys, the Saints, and the Titans.

MLS - I guess Nashville SC. I've only watched a handful of MLS games ever, but I would root for them if they were in a position to win something of note.

WNBA - I've taken my kids to some Dallas Wings games. They're cheap and entertaining and they're in UTA's arena, so it's a low maintenance evening. I also root for Vivians and McCowan on the Indiana Fever.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
I’m of a similar mindset to you.

It’s been MSU players for me too.

Geography though: Saints & Cardinals (MLB) though the Braves have made a push with the Superstation.
Aug 22, 2012
My favorite pro teams are the Expos in baseball, the Supersonics in basketball and the St. Louis Rams in football. Pro sports are awesome!

Mr. Cook

Well-known member
Nov 4, 2021
My favorite pro teams are the Expos in baseball, the Supersonics in basketball and the St. Louis Rams in football. Pro sports are awesome!

You forgot to mention that your NHL team is the Cleveland Barons
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Active member
Sep 16, 2013
Mine was the Redskins. Went to an event where Joe Gibbs spoke after the Super bowl win over Miami. I was 8-9 and was just enamored and fixated on him. He was the reason I began playing football that year. Just loved the guy. He was great with all of the kids, down to earth, and passionate about his faith. I've met Doug Williams, funny guy, Timmy Smith, too bad what happened to him, Timmy Johnson, a preacher now, Terry Allen, intense dude, The Secretary of Defense, and partied with Champ Bailey.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I'm going to show my age but as a kid I followed Johnny U and the Colts. Also liked Namath and the Jets. But over time I called the Saints my team. Geography obviously played a role in that as they sucked for years.

Hot Rock

Active member
Jan 2, 2010
Same reason I am a State fan it is based on the players. I became a State fan back in the early 70's when my cousin played for State. He was larger than life to me as a kid. He was all SEC his Jr & Sr year and even played some in the NFL before his injury. His name is Stan Black, if any of you are old enough to remember that far back. I never went to State, so I am still a fan for the same reason. My eldest attended State and we shared experiences and after every game. I would have loved for her to have been here to see the Championship run last year but cancer got her in early 2019.

Since I never attended State and my first wife was a devout Ole Miss fan, her brother played there, I never hated them. I loved all things Mississippi, I was a Farve fan in Green Bay, a Walter Payton fan in Chicago all the way Deuce being with the Saints. Jerry Rice brought me to enjoy the 49ers run as did Eric Moulds and Kent Hull had me loving the Bills run. I don't have an NFL team and probably never will but I will enjoy it nonetheless.

Right now, I have lots of teams of which to chose because there are State guys all over the place. I just enjoy seeing any of them do well and things have been good of late. DLU is alive and well@! I hope to see some WR's or even another QB or two get there in the next few years.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
Started liking the Dolphins cause of Larry Csonka in '70 or '71. Stayed with them until Favre started with GB. Just loved the way he played and that he was from Mississippi. Once he left I drifted to the Saints. I do root for the MSU players and find myself rooting for Dallas more because of Dak so I guess I have no real attachment now.

Baseball it was Cincinnati from the Big Red Machine until the Redbirds started playing in Memphis. Now I root for the Cards with what little time I give MLB.

NBA I rooted for a player more than a team (Russell, Laimbeer, Rodman, etc) until the Grizzlies.
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