If college sports are going to be all about money, may as well stop pretending kids have to enroll in a college. Do all college athletes graduate? Heck no they don't.
Here is what I envision for wrestling. Get owners, not sponsors. We can have Lubert's Lions. Pay the wrestlers big money, wrestle in arenas where people don't have to contribute to the Levi Lamb Fund to get a ticket to see their favorite wrestlers.
Don't need the NCAA, it is useless anyway. Don't need that many rules. Win by pin or tap out. Maybe make punching, kicking, fist to the back illegal.
Being a professional, the wrestlers will have to sign contracts which will stop poaching through portals.
Hells bells, open it up to high school wrestlers, who needs an education if you are a stud wrestler?
Can do the same for all college sports. Won't affect going to the Olympics, we already allow professional athletes.
Maybe WWE fans will even show up. We can have women wrestlers on the team.
If you think I am writing this tongue in cheek, I am. I don't like NIL's, they are going to ruin amateur sports, especially for small market colleges.
Here is what I envision for wrestling. Get owners, not sponsors. We can have Lubert's Lions. Pay the wrestlers big money, wrestle in arenas where people don't have to contribute to the Levi Lamb Fund to get a ticket to see their favorite wrestlers.
Don't need the NCAA, it is useless anyway. Don't need that many rules. Win by pin or tap out. Maybe make punching, kicking, fist to the back illegal.
Being a professional, the wrestlers will have to sign contracts which will stop poaching through portals.
Hells bells, open it up to high school wrestlers, who needs an education if you are a stud wrestler?
Can do the same for all college sports. Won't affect going to the Olympics, we already allow professional athletes.
Maybe WWE fans will even show up. We can have women wrestlers on the team.
If you think I am writing this tongue in cheek, I am. I don't like NIL's, they are going to ruin amateur sports, especially for small market colleges.