PSU: “Emeritus professor C.R. Rao, world-renowned statistician, dies at 102”


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021

See the link below. From the article:

”UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — C.R. Rao, emeritus holder of the Eberly Family Chair in Statistics at Penn State, died Tuesday, Aug. 22, at the age of 102, under hospice care at his daughter's home in Amherst, New York.

Rao made pioneering contributions to statistics research and education during his career, which began in 1945. Just this year, he was honored with the International Prize in Statistics, the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in the field of statistics. Rao served as a faculty member at Penn State from 1988 until his retirement in 2001. He became emeritus holder of the Eberly Family Chair in Statistics and continued to participate as an active member of the department until 2010, when he and his wife moved to Buffalo to be with their daughter.

“It was really special to have a legendary figure like Professor Rao in the Department of Statistics at Penn State,” said Murali Haran, professor and department head of statistics. “Professor Rao made such foundational contributions to statistics that anyone who has taken an introductory undergraduate course in statistical theory knows his name, say through the Rao-Blackwell Theorem or the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound.”



Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Any truth to the rumor that on his death bed he said "there's a 0.01% probability that I make it to 103"?
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