- Georgia
- Texas
- Alabama
- Ole Miss
- Tennessee
- Missouri
- Oklahoma
- Auburn
- Texas A&M
- Mississippi State
- Kentucky
- Vanderbilt
- Arkansas
- South Carolina
- Florida
- Georgia
- Texas
- Alabama
- Oklahoma
- Vanderbilt
Kentucky has the best win of the week out of this group.
- Kentucky
- aTm
- Tennessee
- South Carolina
- Missouri
- Ole Miss
- Auburn
- Arkansas
- Mississippi State
- Florida
If Mullen was likable he’s still at Florida and they are way better. Crazy?There was not a lot that happened in week #1 that changed my opinion other than I think that Vandy might be able to compete in a few SEC games.
1. Georgia
2. Texas
3. Alabama
4. Tennessee
5. Mississippi
6. LSU
7. Missouri
8. Kentucky
9. Texas A & M (Notre Dame will be in the playoff, A & M will be 6-11 in the SEC)
10. Oklahoma (I am not a believer yet anyway)
11. Auburn
12. Mississippi State
13. Arkansas
14. South Carolina
15. Florida (Miami is really good, but Florida is a train wreck)
16. Vanderbilt
I realize that Vandy won one for the Commodore, butt... ha ha
- Georgia
- Texas
- Alabama
- Oklahoma
- Vanderbilt
- Kentucky
- aTm
- Tennessee
- South Carolina
- Missouri
- Ole Miss
- Auburn
- Arkansas
- Mississippi State
- Florida
Yeah I know but they do have the second best win of the week and we are told to rank them after week 1I realize that Vandy won one for the Commodore, butt... ha ha
Another football season & Sally (Yancy wannabe) still doin Sally crapView attachment 640452
Barrett Sallee rankings
I've never understood people caring if a coach is likable. Short of off-field scandals, I only care about wins and losses.If Mullen was likable he’s still at Florida and they are way better. Crazy?
Exactly, it’s a stupid and dishonest concept. What does it mean ? He kisses the @SS of the media and is phony in public ? WGAS , what kind of coach is he good or bad, does he win, does he know what he’s doing ?I've never understood people caring if a coach is likable. Short of off-field scandals, I only care about wins and losses.
I've developed this flow chart to help me in these types of situations:Exactly, it’s a stupid and dishonest concept. What does it mean ? He kisses the @SS of the media and is phony in public ? WGAS , what kind of coach is he good or bad, does he win, does he know what he’s doing ?
...and 16. Ole Mess.1. Mississippi State
I second this list.
- Georgia
- Texas
- Alabama
- Ole Miss
- Tennessee
- Missouri
- Oklahoma
- Auburn
- Texas A&M
- Kentucky
- Arkansas
- Mississippi State
- Vanderbilt
- Florida
- South Carolina
Caring is a strong word. Likable leaders do better with players and fans. I guess I could have just said if he had been a better leader. Most good leaders manage to be likable (I.e. attract people) while setting achievable goals and holding them accountableI've never understood people caring if a coach is likable. Short of off-field scandals, I only care about wins and losses.
To be clear, I don’t think you’re wrong: If Mullen were more likable, he might still be the coach at Florida. He had three good years, followed by one bad year. If you didn’t like him, you wanted him fired. If you did like him, you probably wanted him to get a fifth year. And the likable narrative plays into the can’t recruit narrative (the latter not being based on actual results).Caring is a strong word. Likable leaders do better with players and fans. I guess I could have just said if he had been a better leader. Most good leaders manage to be likable (I.e. attract people) while setting achievable goals and holding them accountable
Of course you can be such a prick 24/7 that everyone hates you. See Bo PeliniTo be clear, I don’t think you’re wrong: If Mullen were more likable, he might still be the coach at Florida. He had three good years, followed by one bad year. If you didn’t like him, you wanted him fired. If you did like him, you probably wanted him to get a fifth year. And the likable narrative plays into the can’t recruit narrative (the latter not being based on actual results).
And of course being a good leader within the program (among players and coaches) is extremely important. But that shows up on the scoreboard, not in how likable you are among fans.
I’m just saying I would have been the Florida fan telling other Florida fans they are playing with fire calling for Mullen to be fired.
Ha! USM was terrible.Odd I know but I’m giving Vandy their deserved kudos for beating an P4 FBS school.
It’s the second best SEC win of the week
Kentucky has the best win of the week out of this group.
LSU doesn’t get dinged much for their loss in Vegas. aTm is treated similarly.
They are terrible.Ha! USM was terrible.