Really kinda hard to like the Iowa fanbase

Oct 12, 2021
“Undermined our tenants”…. Come on mang! (Yep, out of respect for Cris Carter, I meant “mang”).
I’m not a shill for Iowa fans at all, but that statement is pathetic (unless it was drafted by a 3rd grader, or the Gomez family rents from the BWA).


Active member
Oct 20, 2021
I am puzzled by this (don’t refute you point btw) as I have never been to a game in IC. I have been all over most of the Midwest and found the fan bases to be awesome and terminally nice (Madison and Lincoln as key examples). So kind of sad …
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Oct 7, 2021
You don’t think there is PSU fans who wouldn’t do the same thing. I do.
I'd agree with you if you can give examples if it really happening. Sure, maybe there are PSU fans who would do the same thing but fortunately they're not attending matches and actually doing it. I hope those folks never attend ANY Penn State event.

It's weird how whenever bad behavior of some members of another fan base makes the news, there's always someone who makes of point of saying we're (PSU fans) are just as bad. Self loathing is a weird attitude to have.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
We went on our first ocean cruise right after the 2016 NCAA Wrestling championships. Being a rookie on a cruise I didn't really know what to expect but after a day or two got my sea legs and began to get comfortable with the surroundings. I was still pumped about the latest PSU championship and wanted to talk to someone besides my wife about them. There's 4000 people on this ship, somebody's gotta be interested in this..! I noticed a guy with an Iowa Hawkeye Wrestling ball cap and thought I'd introduce myself, as a fellow wrestling fan. It was about noon and I made my way over to him. I introduced myself and started some small talk about Iowa wrestling and he responded with something I couldn't understand. I thought it was me so I made another comment. His answer came back unrecognizable to me as well. It was apparent to me that he'd been drinking. I smiled and walked away, thinking that it's a week long trip and I'll catch him later in the week when it's earlier in the day.
The next day he was pretty much in the same area and I sauntered over and re-introduced myself as a college/ PSU wrestling fan and in response he said something again unintelligible. This is going nowhere I thought. I said something like, 'What are the Hawks going to look like next year?', in my mind I already knew what the Hawks were going to look like and he said, 'Whirrgunnawinnidawll'. I nodded, smiled and excused myself. Later I realized afterwards what he was trying to say - 'We're going to win it all'.
I have made introductions to other Iowa fans, to Mike E's mom, she was impressed that I was partly rooting for her son. And I made a quick intro to Michael Kemmerer, he seemed somewhat surprised by my open attitude and well wishes - and early on I was impressed with Ray Brinzer. But I don't think he noticed me. True story.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
Does anyone know the letter of the word? I mean I am genuinely just curious what was said.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2021
There is a thread going over on HR about this subject.

Funny how they deny everything but say that if something is said that fan, probably not an alumni, should be banned instead of condemning the entire fan base. Yet they ignore the fact that if something were said that means several hundred additional fans, who also heard the slur, were/are being complicit by not identifying the runt.

This is sort of like the lone fan that threw a water bottle at Star being hidden by the people sitting all around him. They still haven't turned that guy in so about a half section of them are complicit in allowing that to happen and will surely happen again because it's obviously ok.

Aren't there football coaches being sued in Federal Court for creating and fostering a racist environment? Why yes they are. What's next? It won't surprise me.

Karma is a Biatch!


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Not gonna lie. Reading HR is like watching a dumpster fire or a traffic accident. You just can’t turn away soon enough. 🤦
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Oct 27, 2021
This isn’t shocking at all. Iowa fans have a reputation. I think it was Barkley who said he was the target of some pretty bad stuff at the 2017 game, but he didn’t elaborate on what was said to him. Then the fiasco this year where they booed PSU injured players with their assistance coach mocking a player that was hurt and the nonsense Ferentz said afterwards. Keep in mind this is a football program/university that employed a strength and conditioning coach that made openly offensive comments to black players for years until someone had the courage to stand up to him and the program. All the while, it seems as though Ferentz knew this behavior was occurring and never addressed it. He did, however, put together an investigative committee to look into how it all happened only to disband the committee when a former player suggested Ferentz himself should be removed from the program. Then, the real kicker in it all…..the University of Iowa gave him a lucrative contract extension. So, am I surprised Iowa fans yell derogatory things at opposing athletes…not at all. They are a low class bunch who were quick to voice their opinions about PSU when the Sandusky scandal hit and continue to refer to Penn State as Ped State. I’ll never root for anything Iowa.


Active member
Oct 19, 2021
They should contact all ticket holders along the visitors tunnel sections and tell them if the people aren't turned in, the entire sections will be moved to the upper decks. Or have their tickets revoked.
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Oct 23, 2021
This isn’t shocking at all. Iowa fans have a reputation. I think it was Barkley who said he was the target of some pretty bad stuff at the 2017 game, but he didn’t elaborate on what was said to him. Then the fiasco this year where they booed PSU injured players with their assistance coach mocking a player that was hurt and the nonsense Ferentz said afterwards. Keep in mind this is a football program/university that employed a strength and conditioning coach that made openly offensive comments to black players for years until someone had the courage to stand up to him and the program. All the while, it seems as though Ferentz knew this behavior was occurring and never addressed it. He did, however, put together an investigative committee to look into how it all happened only to disband the committee when a former player suggested Ferentz himself should be removed from the program. Then, the real kicker in it all…..the University of Iowa gave him a lucrative contract extension. So, am I surprised Iowa fans yell derogatory things at opposing athletes…not at all. They are a low class bunch who were quick to voice their opinions about PSU when the Sandusky scandal hit and continue to refer to Penn State as Ped State. I’ll never root for anything Iowa.
Not even Captain Kirk when he's fighting the Romulans?


Oct 12, 2021
This isn’t shocking at all. Iowa fans have a reputation. I think it was Barkley who said he was the target of some pretty bad stuff at the 2017 game, but he didn’t elaborate on what was said to him. Then the fiasco this year where they booed PSU injured players with their assistance coach mocking a player that was hurt and the nonsense Ferentz said afterwards. Keep in mind this is a football program/university that employed a strength and conditioning coach that made openly offensive comments to black players for years until someone had the courage to stand up to him and the program. All the while, it seems as though Ferentz knew this behavior was occurring and never addressed it. He did, however, put together an investigative committee to look into how it all happened only to disband the committee when a former player suggested Ferentz himself should be removed from the program. Then, the real kicker in it all…..the University of Iowa gave him a lucrative contract extension. So, am I surprised Iowa fans yell derogatory things at opposing athletes…not at all. They are a low class bunch who were quick to voice their opinions about PSU when the Sandusky scandal hit and continue to refer to Penn State as Ped State. I’ll never root for anything Iowa.

For sure my opinion of Iowa fans has taken a hit recently. The situation that happened at Carver is sad and should never occur anywhere. But I can understand when a fanbase says you shouldn't judge all of us by the alleged or real actions of a few. But 1) what we saw at the football game with an entire stadium and coaches participating in booing injured players - that's not the actions of a few. And 2) the continued references to the Sandusky situation - that's not a few. They have a different opinion when it comes to judging many by the alleged or real actions of a few in this case. So, yeah, Iowa is one of - maybe my most favorite- teams to root against now.


Oct 12, 2021
For sure my opinion of Iowa fans has taken a hit recently. The situation that happened at Carver is sad and should never occur anywhere. But I can understand when a fanbase says you shouldn't judge all of us by the alleged or real actions of a few. But 1) what we saw at the football game with an entire stadium and coaches participating in booing injured players - that's not the actions of a few. And 2) the continued references to the Sandusky situation - that's not a few. They have a different opinion when it comes to judging many by the alleged or real actions of a few in this case. So, yeah, Iowa is one of - maybe my most favorite- teams to root against now.
Agree! I got excellent tickets to the Iowa-PSU FB game from a local businessman who has donated to Iowa over the past 25+ years. I was sitting close to the 50 yard line among the Iowa “hoy” with their fancy clothes and refined talk. Gotta tell you that even those rich folks got into the booing and smack about our injured players. Guy beside me spilled or poured beer on me and my son/in-law. I don’t extend 2nd chances so we got into it pretty good before two friendly ushers stepped in! Since I was wet and my business buddy backed my story, the offending Hawkeye was moved. The guy who gave me the tickets wrote a letter to the University and withdrew his annual donation (free lease of a car). I’ve been to many games at Iowa, but, that was the last. Worse than the horseshoe.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2021
Glad they are being proactive and hope the catch the jackass.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2021
Bottom line. The Brands brothers are nuts and embarrass themselves every year and their fans follow their lead. No way in hell if my son is an elite wrestler would they be wrestling for these nuts. Ask Thomas Gilman and others about the Brands brothers after your signed.
Oct 15, 2021
For sure my opinion of Iowa fans has taken a hit recently. The situation that happened at Carver is sad and should never occur anywhere. But I can understand when a fanbase says you shouldn't judge all of us by the alleged or real actions of a few. But 1) what we saw at the football game with an entire stadium and coaches participating in booing injured players - that's not the actions of a few. And 2) the continued references to the Sandusky situation - that's not a few. They have a different opinion when it comes to judging many by the alleged or real actions of a few in this case. So, yeah, Iowa is one of - maybe my most favorite- teams to root against now.
Hazey Dave, you a big Springsteen fan?


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2021
Very well spoken indeed, but then he had to rip his shoe off and twist it towards the camera like he was wringing out a sponge. Unfortunate. A real opportunity missed.
I'm confused. Did I watch something different than you? I'm referencing his two minute statement about zero tolerance for hate.


Nov 7, 2021
Well said, Coach Brands

He can say the right thing all day, but his actions speak louder IMO. The fans follow he and Terry's lead, and they do not act appropriately matside (unfortunately, they aren't the only coaches that are out of line). Fortunately, the Iowa wrestlers do not generally seem to emulate their leaders.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2021
He can say the right thing all day, but his actions speak louder IMO. The fans follow he and Terry's lead, and they do not act appropriately matside (unfortunately, they aren't the only coaches that are out of line). Fortunately, the Iowa wrestlers do not generally seem to emulate their leaders.
I agree that actions speak louder than words, but words are not irrelevant - they do need to be backed up with action. Regardless of whatever was done or said in the past, Tom said the right thing, and I believe he deserves credit for it because it is a difficult subject to address appropriately without inflaming it. In my opinion, he did that, and hopefully he set the right tone for fans that racist taunts and personal insults are unacceptable. I'm no fan of the Brands brothers, but I'll give credit when credit is due.


Nov 7, 2021
I agree that actions speak louder than words, but words are not irrelevant - they do need to be backed up with action. Regardless of whatever was done or said in the past, Tom said the right thing, and I believe he deserves credit for it because it is a difficult subject to address appropriately without inflaming it. In my opinion, he did that, and hopefully he set the right tone for fans that racist taunts and personal insults are unacceptable. I'm no fan of the Brands brothers, but I'll give credit when credit is due.
Sure, I wouldn't say words are completely meaningless...... especially with 20 second clips and social media. But it isn't rocket science that he should speak against it....most Iowa fans are good people and would turn on him if he condoned it.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2021
This isn’t shocking at all. Iowa fans have a reputation. I think it was Barkley who said he was the target of some pretty bad stuff at the 2017 game, but he didn’t elaborate on what was said to him. Then the fiasco this year where they booed PSU injured players with their assistance coach mocking a player that was hurt and the nonsense Ferentz said afterwards. Keep in mind this is a football program/university that employed a strength and conditioning coach that made openly offensive comments to black players for years until someone had the courage to stand up to him and the program. All the while, it seems as though Ferentz knew this behavior was occurring and never addressed it. He did, however, put together an investigative committee to look into how it all happened only to disband the committee when a former player suggested Ferentz himself should be removed from the program. Then, the real kicker in it all…..the University of Iowa gave him a lucrative contract extension. So, am I surprised Iowa fans yell derogatory things at opposing athletes…not at all. They are a low class bunch who were quick to voice their opinions about PSU when the Sandusky scandal hit and continue to refer to Penn State as Ped State. I’ll never root for anything Iowa.
Watching Marinelli’s weirdo wife clap and stomp around at matches basically parroting a Brands is really disturbing/sickening. It’s an awful look for her and I feel embarrassed for her. The toxicity of the coaching staff def sets the tone
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Oct 6, 2021

Not to trivialize or be flippant about a serious topic, the BWA would serve itself well to proof press releases like this one a little better prior to publication. Apparently no one in the organization recognized the misuse of the word "tenants" in the phrase "...undermined our tenants..." where the correct-, and certainly intended-, phraseology would've been "...undermined our tenets ...", a "tenant" being an occupant or landholder who typically pays rent to a landlord for the use of property while a "tenet" is a principle or doctrine. Again, not a huge thing. The intended message comes across. But if an organization wants to put its best foot forward in its public communications it ought to ensure those communications are fully vetted, in this case for correct grammar, prior to being released.
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
The posters on HR are the worst this sport has to offers as far as fans go.
You know (I use this term a lot because I wanna know if you’re following what I’m trying to say) but I do believe it’s possible to have great wrestling conversations with fans of opposing teams but if you tune into HR it’s hard to believe that could happen. I live in NEOH and there’s not a lot of PSU fans around here who speak the same language so forums are my go-to but there’s a guy on HR with a geographical user name that I wanted to believe that we could connect on a college wrestling level. I’d love to invite him over to watch a meet and have a couple cold ones. But he’s so anti PSU that I’ve chalked him off as a reasonable fan.
Let me try and rephrase. When I read the various college wrestling forums my impression is that the people who are posting on ON3 and BWI are essentially productive people who have responsible jobs and careers who are avid fans with respectful and thoughtful insights. I’m blown away by some of the knowledge these guys have. Sure there are also Homers. HR on the other hand to me seems to be overrun by jealous, bitter mean-spirited disrespectful types who can’t believe they have been passed, their glory is best viewed in the mirror and in order to win they rely on 23-25 year old guys. I can’t believe I’m typing this because I’m now sounding just like these guys. Am I exaggerating? This is a rhetorical question, you don’t have to answer this. I don’t want to sign into a secret pay to enter website for inside information. We talk about generating new fans. Lighten up maybe..? Sorry for the rant.