The rats are trying to keep the lights out of the dark room... don't let them. Nominate Barry and flip them the birdThere's no way they will let Barry run again....
That was the point of the exercise.
But I am going to nominate him anyway, just to prove the point.
Just nominated Barry and only Barry.Dear Penn State Alumni and Friends,
Alumni Trustee nominations begin Tuesday, January 21st.
Nominations for the 2025 Alumni Trustee election begin Tuesday, January 21st. Candidates need 50 nominations to advance to the selection committee. Penn State alumni will receive an email beginning January 21st, with the due date of February 4th. You can also access your nomination ballot at .
I would be honored to have your nomination. Together we have done so much in the last three years, and I look forward to serving another three year term bringing transparency and accountability to Penn State. On the nomination form, please use:
Barry J Fenchak, 1984 Engineering
If you don't receive a nomination ballot by Wednesday, January 22nd please email me directly at [email protected] and I will help you get one. You can also contact the PennStateVotes office at 855-820-7021.
View attachment 748400
I just did the same.Ju
Just nominated Barry and only Barry.
I nominated you Barry...and myself for fun!Dear Penn State Alumni and Friends,
Alumni Trustee nominations begin Tuesday, January 21st.
Nominations for the 2025 Alumni Trustee election begin Tuesday, January 21st. Candidates need 50 nominations to advance to the selection committee. Penn State alumni will receive an email beginning January 21st, with the due date of February 4th. You can also access your nomination ballot at .
I would be honored to have your nomination. Together we have done so much in the last three years, and I look forward to serving another three year term bringing transparency and accountability to Penn State. On the nomination form, please use:
Barry J Fenchak, 1984 Engineering
If you don't receive a nomination ballot by Wednesday, January 22nd please email me directly at [email protected] and I will help you get one. You can also contact the PennStateVotes office at 855-820-7021.
View attachment 748400
I nominated you Barry...and myself for fun!
Don’t know why they continue the charade, just so they can pick who they want anyway.Got mine. Moved to trash.