Rick : Decisions are best for the team ( duh)


New member
Oct 27, 2007
(WARNING: Personal vent.)

look like a 2nd tier coach. He may not be worried, but if these guys aren't good enough or can't fit in, then why do we recruit them for heaven's sakes? I am not talking about W. Sharpe, R. Jackson, G. Ervin or those that are talented knuckleheads; but R. Benock, P. Turner, B. Rimmer, the Delks, V. Goodridge, J. Houston, etc. Why bother to recruit them? Some were regarded high enough to look at, but SEC caliber players they aren't. The Delks were the closest. No coach, you may not be concerned with how it looks, but to some it looks like you do a poor job of evaluating talent and character. And to some it looks like you have a hard time blending talent and communicating with players to get them to buy into your system. These things are frustrating. Add in all the other stuff that has been discussed ad nausium and it is easy to see why many think of you as a "good coach", while many others don't. It is a shame that some players feel they have to leave to become better basketball players.