and I would rather our walk-ons practice playing, especially with the impending roster cuts across the country. I'm just saying that any help that we could get would be helpful, and there are a lot of menial tasks that Polk can do that would help out. I hate to say it, but the guy does know a lot about baseball. He may not be able to manage worth a flip, but he can help a guy with some fundamental things- except for bunting of course.
And yes, all of this will go away eventually. The radio people that are interviewing Polk are only doing that because all of this happend about a month ago, and it's the summer. If we lose a game to Ole Miss, I doubt that the media will go to Polk to ask him what he would've done. It just won't happen.
At any rate, I really don't think Polk will do just a whole lot with the team anyway. Mostly what he will probably be doing is sitting in his luxury box talking to his friends. And if he becomes a distraction, I'll let Cohen handle it.</p>