If other rules were changed, we would likely see a 50% reduction (or more) of bouts going to OT.
1. Stealing Burrows suggestion for changing TD/Escapes. TD=2. Guy has chance to earn 1pt for escape until bout is stopped (out of bounds, stalemate, potentially dangerous, etc). On restart, top man can elect to restart in neutral with no point awarded for escape, or stay in top position.
2. Make stalling similar to false start/improper starting position. First occurrence is a warning like now. Every subsequent violation is 1 pt. Does not lead to disqualification and make calling of it much more aggressive.
If it did go to OT, keep SV at 2 minutes. Make Rideout 1 minute each (both periods must be wrestled) and no choice of neutral (strictly top or bottom). Riding time is kept for OT and if at any point net riding time equals 1+ minute, it is a point.
Make all 3 and I bet less than 0.5% (1 in 200) of matches ever go to second round of OT.