This is tough. I love football, but I have a difficult time thinking of letting my sons play.
I played for Tupelo in the mid 80’s. High School players were beasts then and even more so now. I discouraged my son from playing and he didn’t. With that said, playing high school football is one of my favorite times of my life. Just glad to get out healthy. I can’t imagine what this family is going through.This is tough. I love football, but I have a difficult time thinking of letting my sons play.
Another article said a blow to the head. Didn't say if helmet to helmet or knee to the head or something else.Anybody have any details on this situation? I have some thoughts, but I’d rather have accurate information.
Man are you doing ok?News flash, Human Beings die. There are kids in children's hospitals all over the world. You can't stop it, so enjoy what time you got.
I played in junior high and high school as well. I loved it. My little boy is 5. I won’t tell him that he can’t play, but if he decides he wants to do something other than football when the time comes, I certainly won’t be mad about it.I wouldn't trade my 6 years of middle school and high school playing time for anything, some of the greatest times of my life. Taught me so many things, team work, how to push myself, how to push others, how to take criticism and praise, so many things. That said, would I do it all over again? I'm not sure, I kind of doubt it. I'm only 62 but have arthritis already, knuckles knees and hips are not in good shape. When we weren't in season it was off season training i.e. track and power lifting. Summers were running and weight lifting, it all adds up. And none of that compares to what happened to this kid
Yes. Just people reflecting on how they would do things differently now because of some tragedy irks me. We have become such a "safe" society that people are scared of their own shadows. Hundreds of thousands of kids played football this weekend and didn't die. Just a reality check.Man are you doing ok?
I agree. It’s a freak accident. I wonder if his helmet was properly padded & fitted. Usually a catastrophic football injury will be a spinal injury. As for risk in other sports, I saw a guy fracture his skull in a soccer game once.But at the end of the day, this is probably just a freak occurrence. While you do get injured more in football overall, a death like this could happen in soccer or taking a thrown baseball to the head or something.
Our local softball tournament back in July had a girl go into cardiac arrest at home plate after scoring from first. No pulse for 3+ minutes, but luckily a local police officer had just pulled up in his cruiser and had a defibrillator in his car and got her going again and she should make a full recovery. It happens a lot.I watched one of these small academy games Friday. Quick Look at Morgan Academy shows 20 players on the team. That usually means less experienced coaching, which means less fundamentals. Also means bigger age gaps, and more players going both ways. More fatigue and more recklessness. However, I’m not saying this actually compares to the size and speed of major 7A ball or whatever, just an observation. I saw it on display.
But at the end of the day, this is probably just a freak occurrence. While you do get injured more in football overall, a death like this could happen in soccer or taking a thrown baseball to the head or something.