SEC fans: Worst to Best. What's your experience?


Aug 22, 2012
Friday afternoon lack of focus: Who has the best and worse SEC football fans?
Started trying to quantify it and came up with my worst to best list below.

Other than Vandy, all were State home games.

Worst encounters
Ole Miss, Auburn, UT, UGA

Ok to no data
LSU, Ark, UK, USCe, FL, A&M, Vandy, Missou


Ole Miss. 10+ games. lost count. stopped going they were so bad. lost count of being called NL MF. Last straw was whiskey bottle grazing Mom's shoulder and crashing at my feet
Auburn. 20+ games. 4 incidents. Worst was 3 mid to late 20s guys who took offense to 69yo Mom's "Hope y'all have a good time". They thought she was alone, she was not.
UT. 7 games. 2 incidents.
UGA. 3 games. 1 incident. Closest to someone getting clubbed with multiple cowbells I've seen. Luckily we just escorted the gentlemen to their vehicle with no further issues.
Vandy. 3 games. no real problems, one racist idiot at the Smoot homework game first words to me "you don't have single white guy on your kick team". me "the kicker. rest must not be good enough"
UK. 5-10 games. no problems
USCe. 5-10 games. no problems
FL. 5 games no problems
A&M. 4 games. no problems
Arkansas 10+ games. no problems.
LSU. 20+ games. no problems.
Bama. 10+ games. no incidents. Nicest fans I've encountered
Missou. no games

There's a strange divide with Auburn.
Other than the idiots at the games, the Auburn fans I've encountered and work with are the best.
With them you are either ok, or awful.

Unfortunately I've seen a fair amount of awful from our fans too.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
In what sport? Or overall?

I'd argue that Kentucky football fans are tolerable, but their basketball fans think they themselves walk on water.
Arkansas football fans are long suffering and are alright for the most part, but their baseball fans are god awful.
Tennessee's fanbase is insufferable on many levels, but in the past 3 years, the baseball fanbase has become possibly the most easy to hate fanbase out of any school in any sport in the entirety of the sports world.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2008
Vandy fans suck. Have had bad experiences with them in their highschool football stadium, European gymnasium, and the SEC basketball tournament.


Active member
Jan 25, 2015
OM fans are definitely the worst. There's no way to convince them that their program isn't some nationally recognized powerhouse. Rather, there's no way they'll admit it, but deep, deep down they know and can't stand it. That's why they stay so angry and pissy all the time. A close second in Kentucky fans. They act like they want to have some rivalry with us. The rest of the SEC is RELATIVELY humble to an extent.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2021
LSU fans were the worst I encountered this baseball season. Also, Tennessee fans who had tabbed themselves heir to the Natty. I told one of them that they should avoid an ‘Arkan-fold’ at the end of the season. They did, and they folded to Notre Dame and their old men.

Overall, agree that there is no worse fan than Auburn fans, not because they are rude, but they are more special than everyone else is special.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2016
Football - Worst Ole Miss and Arkansas.
Basketball - Kentucky by far but it was sweet that I was able to witness the 96 SEC Tournament in person. Still pissed Bullard threw the final four game.
Baseball- LSU, Ole Miss.. I haven’t seen UPig beat us in person.


New member
Aug 23, 2012
I’ve encountered my share of both nice folks and idiots with every fan base.

Other than the obvious choice of OM, Tennessee is who I’ve had the most consistently negative experience with their fans. 2019 in Knoxville was totally miserable.

LSU and Bama fans have tended to be obnoxious when they come here but I was treated well the last time I went to a game in both Baton Rouge (2014) and Tuscaloosa (2018)

No issues at Auburn last year or at Georgia in 2017. The Florida fans I’ve encountered during the times they’ve come to Starkville were pretty nice too. I honestly don’t remember enough about interactions with other SEC fan bases to comment.

Non-SEC plug: Kansas State fans are super nice, had very pleasant experiences with them in both 2018 and 2019. Our two schools are fairly similar, too.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
By school: Alabama, LSU, Ole Miss. No particular order.

By fan type: all non-alum fans from every school seem to be the most boisterous/obnoxious; maybe they don't think about how bad they make the school look? I have very few negative interaction/experiences with actual graduates of the schools.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Vandy fans suck. Have had bad experiences with them in their highschool football stadium, European gymnasium, and the SEC basketball tournament.

Yes, Vandy fans are terrible. Even when they're getting the **** kicked out of them, they're horrible and obnoxious. It's that "Vanderbilt entitlement" thing. I'm not sure if you've ever had the privilege to interview Vandy grads for potential job openings, but it's like a disease with them.

Even with that, they're infinitely more tolerable than Ole Miss fans. Ole Miss fans are worst in the SEC by a freaking mile, and nobody is even close. 17 all of those asshats. I am of the opinion that you can't be a Christian and and Ole Miss fan at the same time. There's too much internal conflict for that because you have to compromise your value system to root for a bunch that's so morally bankrupt. I used to be more accepting and tolerable of them, but I've been exposed to far too much of it from the inside having family that roots for them. They have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I saw something on Jean's (RIP) about a guy who claims to be a praise and worship leader and is disgusted about Rosebowl coming and speaking at his church about his recovery. That's my point about them.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Arkansas is the worst in all sports.

The Fayetteville Hogs are fine. In fact, they're respectable and a lot of fun.

The Little Rock Hogs are insufferable ********.

There is a definite difference between the two.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
OM fans are definitely the worst. There's no way to convince them that their program isn't some nationally recognized powerhouse. Rather, there's no way they'll admit it, but deep, deep down they know and can't stand it. That's why they stay so angry and pissy all the time. A close second in Kentucky fans. They act like they want to have some rivalry with us. The rest of the SEC is RELATIVELY humble to an extent.

I would call them Alabama attitude with Tulane trophy case, but their trophy case isn't as full as Tulane's, unless you count the imaginary trophies that they claim are in it.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2015
Bama Necks are the worst. Worst. Not even close. Ole Miss is a also-ran. Lived in MS for couple decades.

LSU fans can be turrible, depending on how good their team is. I found them to be relatively realistic when it comes to their teams weaknesses.

Everything else is debatable. Fight me. I just read the stupid “gun knife” thread so I’m well versed on all your defense methods and will cut you with 25 years of experience living amongst these absolutely awful sub-humans


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
It’s been a long time but Ole Miss fans were the worst. BaMa second and Arkansas third. I sat behind the Arkansas team one game and was informed by one fatter than me idiot to look at all their superior OL because they were all big white boys and that is why they were winning.

Only went to one game against a few teams like Georgia and Tennessee but it was enough to see just how superior they thought they were.

LSU fans talked awesome **** but were fun as hell. Never had a problem with an Auburn fans once I reminded them that they were a cow college like State.

The UM fans that showed their *** always did so in Starkville. I only went to Oxford once in my MSU gear and had zero issues sitting around mostly Mississippi fans. Maybe because I a was pretty big fella and I was accompanied by an even bigger boy in his USM garb.

Most Bama fans were cool it’s just the few bad eggs were some of the worst I ever encountered

BTW I am back home after another week long stay in the hospital for blood infection that started in the same foot I have been dealing with. I’m on IV antibiotics and this time have a visit set with an infectious disease specialist to stop this **** Can’t keep this old Dawg down in spite of dealing with this all year cuz footyball is just around the corner.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
There are idiots at all schools I've ever visited, especially your rivals school, whoever that happens to be. Some fans talk more **** than others but it also depends on how you react. I'm about to enter my 6th decade of going to State games and can't say I've ever had what I would call an "incident". I usually end up feeding opposing fans or eating with them. I talk **** and point fingers back and forth but fights, whiskey bottles thrown at me, car vandalized, somebody degrading my family, etc it hasn't happened. I'm not talking about anybody in particular I promise but there's a saying that says something like, "if you run into an ******* in the morning, well you just ran into an *******. But if you run into ******** all day, well, maybe you're the *******?"


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2008
Having been to all 14 stadiums, I'll say that the Little Rock fans are the worst by far. (The ones in Fayetteville were fine I thought.)

I wouldn't call the A&M cult my favorites, but I was impressed by their dedication and spirit.

Mayor of Little London

Active member
Dec 26, 2016
BTW I am back home after another week long stay in the hospital for blood infection that started in the same foot I have been dealing with. I’m on IV antibiotics and this time have a visit set with an infectious disease specialist to stop this **** Can’t keep this old Dawg down in spite of dealing with this all year cuz footyball is just around the corner.

Good deal brother. Thanks for the update. Will continue to keep you in my prayers.


New member
Sep 25, 2013
Tennessee and Arkansas are the worst road football experiences with fans I have ever encountered within the conference. Memphis fans are the worst outside the conference.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
A lot of people hate LSU fans and I think the ones from MS are terrible. See DS’s brothers. But the actual Baton Rouge fans are great but you have to set your expectations. #1 Expect to lose. They will rag you but just take it in stride and don’t get emotional. #2 Don’t debate anything. Would you debate a possum? These people are direct descendants of possums with a slightly better grasp of the English language. They are not going to discuss the intricacies of the global economy. Keep it simple. Footbaw is good. Farmer Fran is funny. #3 Don’t ask what’s in the food. Just eat it. It’s gonna be good. 4. If you find yourself in a dark alley between these possum people and their armadillo feast just say Go Tigahs. And you will get out unscathed. #5 Go to the Chimes.


New member
Apr 1, 2013
BYU fans are pompous jackasses. I went when we played them in the hump a few years back. Sat behind their bench. Their players and fans talked more **** than any team I've ever heard. When we whipped their asses all their fans were talking about was how much better of a school BYU is than MSU.

Kentucky Basketball fans are the most arrogant people you will ever be around. Go to the SEC BBall tournament and you will agree. When Jamont hit that buzzer beater and we beat them in OT I got cussed out from my seats all the way back to the hotel. I was 15.

Arkansas fans in Fayetteville are great. Was there in 2015 and had a great time. If I wear State stuff anywhere else in Arkansas I will get **** talked.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
Tennessee and Arkansas are the worst road football experiences with fans I have ever encountered within the conference. Memphis fans are the worst outside the conference.
I ponder if you’ve ever been to a game in Red Stick or Oxford. My experience with the two you’ve mentioned aren’t bad at all. I actually enjoyed our games in Knoxville despite them all being losses.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad experience at an away game. The most obnoxious fans I’ve ever encountered were Michigan fans at the gator bowl. But they settled down pretty quick.

My favorite away game if I’m going to watch State is probably Auburn. If I’m not watching state and don’t care who wins, LSU or Florida is a very fun atmosphere.


New member
Sep 25, 2013
I ponder if you’ve ever been to a game in Red Stick or Oxford. My experience with the two you’ve mentioned aren’t bad at all. I actually enjoyed our games in Knoxville despite them all being losses.

I went to lsu in 2008 and have been to Ole Miss every away game of my life until after 2012. Lsu was fine because they pitied us under the Croom era so maybe I just need to go back to get a shittier experience. Ole miss actually hasn’t been as bad an experience outside of actually losing the game than most of the places I’ve been. They are arrogant but they don’t 17 with me when I go. Tennessee and Arkansas fans have tried to 17 with me for no reason at all (Memphis fans also). I will never go back to Memphis as they tried to grab my wife on in the parking lot after our game this year. They are the trashiest fans I’ve ever seen.


New member
Sep 25, 2013
I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad experience at an away game. The most obnoxious fans I’ve ever encountered were Michigan fans at the gator bowl. But they settled down pretty quick.

My favorite away game if I’m going to watch State is probably Auburn. If I’m not watching state and don’t care who wins, LSU or Florida is a very fun atmosphere.

Auburn is my favorite road experience. They give me a “welcome to Auburn” at every game and have been gracious during victory and defeat. I never worry about how I’m going to be treated when I go there.

Mobile Bay

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2020
Y'all do not live where I do. There is no more infuriating experience than being talked down to by a High School dropout in a Walmart Roll Tide shirt because of the university you graduated from.

Mobile Bay

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2020
Auburn folks are nice, until it's obvious you will win. I was there in 2018, and it started getting sketchy.


Active member
Sep 2, 2012
BYU fans are pompous jackasses. I went when we played them in the hump a few years back. Sat behind their bench. Their players and fans talked more **** than any team I've ever heard. When we whipped their asses all their fans were talking about was how much better of a school BYU is than MSU.

Kentucky Basketball fans are the most arrogant people you will ever be around. Go to the SEC BBall tournament and you will agree. When Jamont hit that buzzer beater and we beat them in OT I got cussed out from my seats all the way back to the hotel. I was 15.

Arkansas fans in Fayetteville are great. Was there in 2015 and had a great time. If I wear State stuff anywhere else in Arkansas I will get **** talked.

Wife and I went to MSU/BYU game at Provo during the Merlinz era. They were nice and very hospitable. Beautiful campus and surroundings.


Aug 22, 2012
Agreed all schools have idiots. The most I've seen are State fans. That's just the statistics of going to games since 71.

I've never said anything to opposing fans. That's how I was raised.
I've said things to 2 State fans. One who ran my wife off smoking after it was banned. One who called Don Smith the N word.

My mom was quietly exiting the stadium when the whiskey bottle was thrown.
The only thing she said to the Auburn fans was to politely say ""Hope y'all have a good time".

Guess she should've been nicer.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
Y'all do not live where I do. There is no more infuriating experience than being talked down to by a High School dropout in a Walmart Roll Tide shirt because of the university you graduated from.
Yeah I’m with you.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
My LSU, OM, and UT experiences have been the complete opposite of yours. I just laugh at Memphis fans but none have grabbed my wife in a parking lot.
Sep 8, 2004
A lot of people hate LSU fans and I think the ones from MS are terrible. See DS’s brothers. But the actual Baton Rouge fans are great but you have to set your expectations. #1 Expect to lose. They will rag you but just take it in stride and don’t get emotional. #2 Don’t debate anything. Would you debate a possum? These people are direct descendants of possums with a slightly better grasp of the English language. They are not going to discuss the intricacies of the global economy. Keep it simple. Footbaw is good. Farmer Fran is funny. #3 Don’t ask what’s in the food. Just eat it. It’s gonna be good. 4. If you find yourself in a dark alley between these possum people and their armadillo feast just say Go Tigahs. And you will get out unscathed. #5 Go to the Chimes.

I see me and Oregon Tiger have been called out. Don’t be hatin’ McDawg22. It’s been a long time since I posted on here because frankly life’s priorities take over. 20-plus years of dominance was painful for all State fans against LSU. I see you are still struggling to get over that. You know Cream Talk was a huge ratings booster for this message board though. DawgStudent begs me to do it. He just can’t afford me.

And if you think we are bad, just wait until the boys from Austin come in. They will make you want to vomit. I see it every year and they haven’t won **** in over a decade.

Hope you and the family are well.

PS DS’s parents aren’t possums!
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Choctaw Dawg

May 21, 2017
Auburn folks are nice, until it's obvious you will win. I was there in 2018, and it started getting sketchy.
Yep, I was there this past year. They were super nice to me and my bunch but when the game went south for them they got real pissy with us. That game is the beginning of the end for the Bryan Harsin era because there were some PISSED off Auburn fans after that one.


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
Man some of y’all clearly weren’t in Bryant Denny in 2014 and it shows. Worst 17ing experience of my life got hit with pompoms, got called rednecks by folks with more fingers than teeth, and had students overflowing into our section cussing folks out. I’ll never go back there.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Starting to notice a trend:

1) Tennessee and Arkansas are being mentioned repeatedly;
2) Alabama has been mentioned quite a bit;
3) Kentucky has also been repeatedly mentioned in basketball.

Additional data point - if you remember way back in the day, West Virginia fans were some type of awful too, largely regarded as the worse fanbase in America, among our fans.

Perhaps it's something to do with mountain folk?
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