Serious question for Truth and any other players.......

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Feb 23, 2008
Can you honestly say you'd rather keep Raffo as your coach than some of the other named candidates? If so, please elaborate on why and no, we couldn't care less about keeping the camps in order. We're not stupid, we've seen our hitting stats the past several years. Enlighten us on what makes Raffo's stock so high if you don't mind. Is it the 1st strike down the middle take? Has he promised to bring in the fences so we won't keep finishing dead last in homers year after year? Do you have lawns to mow in June that you don't want interference with? Seriously, back up your claims that Raffo's the best man for the job. Don't worry, he'll never know what your saying unless this is a nickname you carry around everywhere you go.
Feb 23, 2008
Can you honestly say you'd rather keep Raffo as your coach than some of the other named candidates? If so, please elaborate on why and no, we couldn't care less about keeping the camps in order. We're not stupid, we've seen our hitting stats the past several years. Enlighten us on what makes Raffo's stock so high if you don't mind. Is it the 1st strike down the middle take? Has he promised to bring in the fences so we won't keep finishing dead last in homers year after year? Do you have lawns to mow in June that you don't want interference with? Seriously, back up your claims that Raffo's the best man for the job. Don't worry, he'll never know what your saying unless this is a nickname you carry around everywhere you go.
Feb 23, 2008
Can you honestly say you'd rather keep Raffo as your coach than some of the other named candidates? If so, please elaborate on why and no, we couldn't care less about keeping the camps in order. We're not stupid, we've seen our hitting stats the past several years. Enlighten us on what makes Raffo's stock so high if you don't mind. Is it the 1st strike down the middle take? Has he promised to bring in the fences so we won't keep finishing dead last in homers year after year? Do you have lawns to mow in June that you don't want interference with? Seriously, back up your claims that Raffo's the best man for the job. Don't worry, he'll never know what your saying unless this is a nickname you carry around everywhere you go.


Active member
Mar 3, 2008
Well, Coach Raffo seems to be a really nice guy, I just don't think he is the right person to move Mississippi State baseball in the right direction at the time. He seems to know all the fundamentals( anyone who knows much about college baseball does), but I'm not sure he has what it takes to run an SEC program. I'm sure he would fit in well at a Troy State or North Texas, but until he wins games at the head coach position, (no offense but) he doesn't deserve the head coach position at MSU.

Edited to add I'm not a player, just talked to Raffo a few times


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Well, one thing to remember, he did recruit a lot of these guys. He gave them their shot to play at MSU.

Also, we don't know what promises were made regarding playing time and things like that. If we hire someone else that all pretty much goes out the window- and some of those promises may already have with the impending cuts.

A new coach might devy up their scholarship money differently than they were promised or was expected.

I'm speaking for the players here- but I imagine part of their wanting Raffo is familiarity and part of it is out of respect for Polk. Losing playing time could cost one of these guys a shot at the next level- at least in their mind. So, as far as not wanting whoever, I think a lot of it is just because of the uncertainty surrounding the situation right now. I imagine that if we go ahead and hire Cohen or whoever, that it might end up being the best thing for them as well- they may not see that right now. Change is not always bad, and more often than not it is good. In fact, a lot of times when you resist change is when problems arise.

The other thing they might want to consider about Raffo is they really don't know how he will be as a HC either. He could become a totally different person once he is not a subordinate anymore. I really feel like if they do not accept the new baseball coach if it's not Raffo and they all transfer, don't let the door hit you on the way out. For many of you, that will be the only thing that you hit all year.

While I do think they should be open to change, I can certainly understand why they might want Raffo.


Active member
Mar 3, 2008
Yeah definitely. That is why I believe that most of the players want Raffo, because that Polk is the one that gave them the scholarships, once again, not Raffo's fault.. It really is sad though, that Raffo's name is getting caught up in the middle of all this ********, because I really believe he could be a good baseball coach somewhere else(just not the SEC)

edited to add he may be hired tomorrow and would do fine in the SEC but historically the SEC is a tough conference and requires a certain amount of experience to succeed, and if he were our coach I would back him 100%. I just think he needs to prove himself before coaching a team the caliber such as MSU.


Active member
Mar 3, 2008
And after reading the article in Veazey's blog, I am probably the biggest Cohen fan in the flock


New member
Jul 20, 2012
biodawg said:
And after reading the article in Veazey's blog, I am probably the biggest Cohen fan in the flock

</p>How could anyone not? Seeing where he started at Kentucky to winning a title in 3 years is pretty amazing. It also tells you he could turn us around even quicker.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
left the program when Raffo came it seems like. Remember Ricky Joe Redd, Tracey Echols, hell recently Andy Rice. They all came in with big power numbers and left struggling to just hit. If I remember right Tracey Echols had like 9 HRs in the first two weeks of the season then, like many others his power left the building forever. If there are players on here I would like to know how that happens, and why we want the man in charge of hitting to be our Head Coach. I can't remember all the names but this has been a constant over the years, at least from the bleachers it looks that way. I took my son to Park Evans, a pre-Raffo player to get him hitting when he was eight here in Tuscaloosa. In one lesson he had him hitting hard line drives, and each lesson he got better. I remember those days of hard line drives at State, and some of them looked seven stories high. Not anymore. Please enlighten me.


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Jun 25, 2006
Might want to do some research before posting. Echols played WITH Raffo. And he hit some bombs.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
gotten injured or something right? His numbers sure went down from the start of the season. Maybe you can research it for me since you must do so much yourself to be snippy with me about it. Either way our power numbers have been down for years. That I can see from the stands.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Because Tracy Echols is in the top 25 all-time in home runs in the SEC. He wasn't a big guy, but he could hit the hell out of the ball. And again, he played WITH Raffo in the late 80s, not FOR him.

Your point about power being way down in the past decade for MSU is true. But Echols isn't an example of it.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
he had an injury in his frosh year and never got his power back. I do remember some bombs he hit, and I thought he had like eight or nine homers in the first couple of weeks then got hurt. He was definitely a big stick at the plate.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
Tracy hit 47 home runs in his career at MSU. Maybe Steve Hegan? He came to MSU in the early 90s with a lot of hype that he never really lived up to. Or maybe Rob Hauswald, who had a great freshman season then fractured his skull in a 3-wheeler accident and was never the same again (don't think you could blame coaching for that one though). </p>


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
For the record, Echols played 1986-1987 and 1989-1990. Raffo played 1987-1990. Young, Hurst and Masters were on some of those teams as well. There's really no excuse for Polk only getting that team to 1 CWS, because it was loaded with talent.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
I guess my memory is just playing tricks on me. He did hit a lot of HRs early his frosh year right. Maybe I was thinking he hit almost double digits in the first few weeks and wishful thinking took over expecting 25 a year after such a good start. Anyway he was a great hitter and I'm glad he has the big numbers.


New member
Jun 4, 2007
...While I respect Tommy Raffo's contribution to MSU baseball lore, he is not the right man for this job.

The fact Ron Polk recommended him is taint enough.

MSU baseball has to break from the mold & go for the guy who is driven to go all the way.

I see Raffo as a guy who will rest on the laurels of getting to the CWS and not winning it.

You know, much like his predecessor, Ron Polk.
May 15, 2008
As earlier predicted, either A)you are a current or recently cut (highly likely) player.....


B)You are that douche bag that buys all the players lunches at cappe's or the veranda and kisses their asses...

I'm buying B...</p>
May 15, 2008
If you are actually a player, which I highly doubt, I wouldn't waste my money on such a worthless piece of **** who doesn't want to get challenged and better himself. Again if you are actually a player, (No i won't even give you the credit by calling you a player more like "on the team,") take some damn pride in what you do. Give a **** about the damn university that you play for. It's absolutely pathetic watching you guys "on the team" play a game.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Juco pitching and scouting reports kill players numbers. From my experience ,which is dwarfed by some of the genius types on this board, most hitters can or cant. Very rarely do you see someone who is not a very good hitter turn into a league leader. Whether we want to believe it or not recruiting is the name of the game and as of late we are losing the recruiting game! No matter who we hire he needs to be a great recruiter.
May 15, 2008
Ole Miss Series - Lost 1-2 (Games)
South AL Series - Draw 1-1 Yay!
SBW GA Series - Lost 1-2
Vanderbilt Series - Loss 0-fer
Arkansas (last game) - Win 2-1 - One of two SEC series wins. That game was pathetic though.</p>


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
thetruth08 said:
how many games did you see us play this year?

To be perfectly honest, until MSU baseball starts putting a product on the field that's worth my time to drive 2 hours to Starkville to watch it, I'm not going to go to any games. So to answer your question, I didn't see any games this year. In fact, I was in Columbus on business the night of the first Arkansas game and still didn't drive to Starkville to see the game. If you really are a player, then you're either very poorly coached or probably should be playing in the Sun Belt Conference somewhere, although there are several players that comment would not apply to.</p>


New member
Mar 3, 2008
The Governor's Cup of course- I was debating that. My plan was to have a good meal at Cracker Barrel (Everyone keep their comments to themselves it's right by the damn stadium and their corn muffins are pretty good) and if it got out of hand, which was a distinct possibility, I was going to go ahead and leave as early as the third inning. Thanks for pulling that game out of your *** and thank you Mike Bianco for not using Scott Bittle. I'm still puzzled about that move- I guess that was Bianco's going away present to Polk.

And I saw the Polk finale, which in all honesty was the worst played baseball game by two teams that I have ever witnessed. It was unbelievable. It looked like Semi-pro. Thank God I got some cheese sticks at the Grill, or that would have been a total loss. Essentially, I drove two hours to watch a guy get a Buick.
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