Looks like she's already taken the long-term debt to new heights.
View attachment 194579
From Barrys FB page:
Let's talk about accountability. In the nine years the incumbent trustees have been on the Penn State Board of Trustees, Penn State's long-term debt has gone from $934 million to $3.3 BILLION. They approved wild spending on things like $200,000/dorm room renovations and a gutting of a university building because basic maintenance hadn't been done (read my blog post on this on my website:
https://bit.ly/3vP04rm). They want three more years to fix what they've broken. I want three years to do it for them. Voting ends this Thursday but get your ballot in now. I would be honored to have your vote. Need a ballot?
This debt is crippling. I don't know where I read it but Purdue under their president have kept tuition low, debt low, and value high. I don't expect the alumni trustees to stop the carpetbagging trustees but I do expect them to understand what they are voting 'yes' for. And I expect them to vote no for this crap.