Captain Hook makes some very good suggestions. His best suggestion is to eliminate the Business and Industry (B&I) and the Ag board members. However, he does not give a reason to eliminate these positions. He implies they do not have the best interest of the university and I agree. At one time the B&I and Ag members had a large role to play in what was taught at PSU. That no longer is the case. I do not know the percentage of students in Ag majors but I assume it is small, less than 15 %. As we do not have board members for Liberal Arts we do not need board members for Ag. As for B&I members, when the switch was made from having professional organizations nominate folks to fill these positions to having the board itself nominate replacements this was the beginning of the “inner circle” that came to dominate the board. We must get rid of the B&I members or go back to having professional organizations nominate folks to break up the “inner circle”.